
Photos: courtesy Max Keller Wherever the highest standards of theatre lighting are required, ARRI Daylight and Tungsten lampheads are used world-wide. For the highest quality Daylight Fresnels the Compact Theatre range offers sizes from 2.5 to 6kW. These are supplemented by the Tungsten Fresnels of the Studio Theatre range from 1 to 5kW. More specialised requirements can generally be met by lampheads from other ARRI Lighting ranges such as the discharge ARRISUN PARs and the ARRI X flat-field flo

All rights reserved. Without any warranty. Not binding 02/02008. ARRI is a registered trademark of Arnold & Richter Cine Technik GmbH & Co. Betriebs KG. Arnold & Richter Cine Technik GmbH & Co. Betriebs KG • Turkenstrasse 89 • D-80799 Munich • phone +49(0)89 3809 0 • fax +49 (0)89 3809 1245 • Germany Arnold & Richter Cine Technik GmbH & Co. Betriebs KG. Pulvermuhle, D-83071 Stephanskirchen Tel: +49(0)8036-3009-0, Fax: +49(0)8036-2471 ARRI Lighting Solutions GmbH Ernst-Augustin Str. 12, D-12489 B

Simply slide ARRI’s innovative stirrup bracket to quickly and easily adjust the fixture’s centre of gravity. * Due to the smaller size of the fixture, the sliding stirrup is not used on the T1. Tilt Lock ARRI’s new design creates a positive lock so there’s no slippage when using heavy accessories. A stainless steel friction disc functions like a disc brake allowing the lamphead to be completely locked off with a minimum of force. * Due to the smaller size of the fixture, the friction disc tilt l

1000W T1 Location Fresnel 1000W Studio Fresnel ST1 AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2008 2000W T2 Location Fresnel 2000W Studio Fresnel ST2 9 ARRI | TRUE BLUE 8 Part No. Description L3.41250.B T2 2000W Location Fresnel Lamphead, manual, blue/silver L3.41255.B T2 2000W Location Fresnel Lamphead, manual, black L3.41250.I T2 2000W Location Fresnel Lamphead, pole operated, blue/silver L3.41250.D T2 2000W Location Fresnel Lamphead, manual, blue/silver with Schuko plug L3.41255.D T2 2000W Location Fresnel Lamphead

Part No. Description L3.40750.B ST2 2000W Studio Fresnel Lamphead, manual, blue/silver L3.40755.B ST2 2000W Studio Fresnel Lamphead, manual, black L3.40750.I ST2 2000W Studio Fresnel Lamphead, pole operated, blue/silver L3.40755.I ST2 2000W Studio Fresnel Lamphead, pole operated, black L3.40750.D ST2 2000W Studio Fresnel Lamphead, manual, blue/silver with Schuko plug L3.40755.D ST2 2000W Studio Fresnel Lamphead, manual, black with Schuko plug L3.40750.K ST2 2000W Studio Fresnel Lamphead, pole op

Arnold&RichterCineTechnikGmbH&Co.BetriebsKG•Turkenstrasse89•D80799Munich•phone+49(0)8938090•fax+49(0)8938091245•Pulvermuhle,D-83071StephanskirchenTel:+49(0)8036-3009-0,Fax:+49(0)8036-2471ARRILightingSolutionsGmbHErnst-AugustinStr.12,D-12489BerlinTel:+49(0)30-678233-0,Fax:+49(0)30-678233-99GreatBritainARRIGBLimited(Sales&Service) 2Highbridge,OxfordRoad,Uxbridge,Middlesex,UB81LX,GreatBritainTel:+44(0)1895457000,Fax:+44(0)1895457001ItalyARRIItaliaS.r.l.(Sales&Service,Milan) VialeEdison318,20099Sest

With reduced weight, compact size and maximum light output TRUE BLUES set a new standard for professional lighting equipment. New pressure die cast and extruded aluminum components have reduced the overall weight of the TRUE BLUE fixtures without any sacrifice in quality or durability. Many components now offer greater strength and resistance to corrosion. ARRI’s cross cooling system* reduces lamp housing temperature by 25% and lens temperature by 17%. With special air channels built into the al

Bei hangendem Betrieb des Scheinwerfers muss sichergestellt werden, dass das Zubehor korrekt eingesetzt ist. (Torsicherung verriegelt , optionale zweite Torsicherung eingerastet) .. Stative mussen standsicher aufgestellt und fur die Traglast ausreichend ausgelegt sein (Gewicht von Zuleitungen und Zubehor beachten!). Beachten Sie hierzu auch die Hinweise .. Only use ARRI spare parts and accessories. Protection of Lamphead and Accessories: .. When mounting the fixture in a hanging position, additi

L5.40731.0 Allgemeine Hinweise: .. Die ARRI-Scheinwerfer der T- und ST-Reihe sind fur den professionellen Einsatz im Studio und bei Au.enaufnahmen bestimmt und durfen ausschlie.lich von befahigten Personen betrieben werden. .. Lesen Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung sehr sorgfaltig vor der ersten Inbetriebnahme. Der folgende Text enthalt wichtige Hinweise fur die Handhabung von ARRI Beleuchtungsgeraten. .. Beachten Sie in Ihrem eigenen Interesse die Sicherheits- und Warnhinweise. .. Beachten Sie auc