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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Class A ITE
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the
The following warranties apply to the Dell Inspiron 3000
Voluntary Control Council for Interference for informa-
Port Replicator.
tion technology equipment. If this equipment is used in a
domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise.
When such trouble occurs, the user may be required to
Limited One-Year Warranty (U.S. and
take corrective actions.
Canada Only)
Dell Computer Corporation (“Dell”) manufactures its
Class B ITE
hardware products from parts and components that are
This is a Class B product based on the standard of the
new or equivalent to new in accordance with industry-
Voluntary Control Council for Interference for informa-
standard practices. Dell warrants that the hardware
tion technology equipment. If this equipment is used near
products it manufactures will be free from defects in
a radio or television receiver in a domestic environment,
materials and workmanship. The warranty term is one
it may cause radio interference. Install and use the equip-
year beginning on the date of invoice, as further
ment according to the instruction manual.
described in the following text.
Damage due to shipping the products to you is covered
under this warranty. Otherwise, this warranty does not
Korean Regulatory Notice
cover damage due to external causes, including accident,
abuse, misuse, problems with electrical power, servicing
not authorized by Dell, usage not in accordance with
To determine which classification (Class A or B) applies
product instructions, failure to perform required preven-
to your portable computers (or other Dell digital appara-
tive maintenance, and problems caused by use of parts
tus), examine all registration labels located on the bottom
and components not supplied by Dell.
or the back panel of your computer (or other digital appa-
ratus), on card-mounting brackets, and on the cards
This warranty does not cover any items that are in one or
themselves. If any one of the labels carries a Class A rat-
more of the following categories: software; external
ing, your entire computer is considered to be a Class A
devices (except as specifically noted); accessories or
digital device. If all labels carry the Class B rating, your
parts added to a Dell system after the system is shipped
computer is considered to be a Class B digital device.
from Dell; accessories or parts added to a Dell system
through Dell’s system integration department; accesso-
NOTE: Class A devices are for business purposes. Class
ries or parts that are not installed in the Dell factory; or
B devices are for nonbusiness purposes.
DellWare® products. Monitors, keyboards, and mice that
are Dell-branded or that are included on Dell’s standard
Class A Device
price list are covered under this warranty; all other moni-
tors, keyboards, and mice (including those sold through
Please note that this device has been approved for busi-
the DellWare program) are not covered.
ness purposes with regard to electromagnetic
interference. If you find that this device is not suitable for
Dell will repair or replace products covered under this
your use, you may exchange it for a device that has been
limited warranty that are returned to Dell’s facility. To
approved for use in residential as well as business
request warranty service, you must call Dell’s Customer
Technical Support within the warranty period. Refer to
the chapter titled “Getting Help” in your Reference and
Class B Device
Troubleshooting Guide or the section titled “Contacting
Dell” in your online System User’s Guide to find the
Please note that this device has been approved for non-
appropriate telephone number for obtaining customer
business purposes and may be used in any environment,
assistance. If warranty service is required, Dell will issue
including residential areas.
a Return Material Authorization Number. You must ship
the products back to Dell in their original or equivalent
Dell Inspiron Port Replicator I User’s Guide