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This is the time from when the gate begins to close until it is completely closed. Higher settings of this value will make the gate close more slowly; i.e., the volume that passes through the gate will decrease more slowly. Reverb *a. The range of this parameter depends on the sampling frequency at which the SPX2000 is operating. SPX2000—Owner’s Manual 31 Effect list The following tables show the default parameter values for the effects belonging to the Reverb type (PRESET bank). ¦Basic parameters No. Effect name REV TIME HI.RATIO LO.RATIO INI.DLY DIFF. DENSITY 8 AMBIENCE 2.8 s 0.2 1.2 30.0 ms 5 100% 11 BRIGHT HALL 2.6 s 0.9 1.1 42.0 ms 4 98% 12 BREATHY REVERB 2.9 s 1.0 0.9 52.0 ms 10 100% 13 CONCERT HALL 3.4 s 0.2 1.2 112.0 ms 10 100% 15 REVERB STAGE 1.8 s 0.7 1.0 16.0 ms 8 90% 19 VOCAL PLATE 2.4 s 0.3 1.2 35.0 ms 10 100% 20 ECHO ROOM 1 2.2 s 0.2 1.0 25.0 ms 7 90% 21 ECHO ROOM 2 1.0 s 0.2 1.0 0.0 ms 7 90% 22 PRESENCE REVERB 1.4 s 1.0 0.9 35.0 ms 10 100% 23 ARENA 1.8 s 0.2 1.0 10.0 ms 8 87% 25 OLD PLATE 1.8 s 0.3 1.0 26.0 ms 7 94% 26 DARK PLATE 2.2 s 0.1 1.0 28.8 ms 5 94% 36 BAMBOO ROOM 1.0 s 0.1 1.3 0.1 ms 10 96% 38 STONE ROOM 0.5 s 0.5 1.3 0.0 ms 0 92% 44 DRUM MACH. AMB L 1.0 s 0.4 1.4 13.8 ms 5 88% ¦FINE parameters No. Effect name MIX BAL. OUT LVL E/R DLY E/R BAL. HPF LPF 8 AMBIENCE 100% 75% 25.0 ms 50% Thru 10.0 kHz 11 BRIGHT HALL 100% 70% 0.1 ms 44% Thru 10.0 kHz 12 BREATHY REVERB 100% 70% 0.1 ms 29% 50.0 Hz Thru 13 CONCERT HALL 100% 80% 4.0 ms 32% Thru Thru 15 REVERB STAGE 100% 70% 8.0 ms 20% 80.0 Hz 7.10 kHz 19 VOCAL PLATE 100% 90% 22.1 ms 46% 80.0 Hz 10.6 kHz 20 ECHO ROOM 1 100% 90% 20.2 ms 40% Thru 7.10 kHz 21 ECHO ROOM 2 100% 90% 20.2 ms 40% Thru 6.70 kHz 22 PRESENCE REVERB 100% 90% 12.0 ms 40% Thru 14.0 kHz 23 ARENA 100% 90% 0.0 ms 40% Thru 9.50 kHz 25 OLD PLATE 100% 80% 17.0 ms 44% Thru 7.10 kHz 26 DARK PLATE 100% 90% 6.4 ms 62% Thru 5.60 kHz 36 BAMBOO ROOM 100% 100% 4.6 ms 45% Thru 4.25 kHz 38 STONE ROOM 100% 85% 0.0 ms 0% Thru 3.75 kHz 44 DRUM MACH. AMB L 100% 100% 9.5 ms 40% Thru 8.00 kHz No. Effect name GATE LVL ATTACK HOLD*a DECAY*a 8 AMBIENCE OFF 10 ms 725 ms 83 ms 11 BRIGHT HALL OFF 0 ms 85.3 ms 3 ms 12 BREATHY REVERB OFF 5 ms 3.68 ms 3 ms 13 CONCERT HALL OFF 0 ms 82.6 ms 6 ms 15 REVERB STAGE OFF 0 ms 18.6 ms 3 ms 19 VOCAL PLATE OFF 0 ms 69.3 ms 3 ms 20 ECHO ROOM 1 OFF 48 ms 106 ms 3 ms 21 ECHO ROOM 2 OFF 48 ms 106 ms 3 ms 22 PRESENCE REVERB OFF 10 ms 1.93 ms 3 ms 23 ARENA OFF 10 ms 101 ms 3 ms 25 OLD PLATE OFF 1 ms 66.6 ms 3 ms 26 DARK PLATE OFF 0 ms 37.3 ms 8 ms 36 BAMBOO ROOM OFF 0 ms 69.3 ms 3 ms 38 STONE ROOM OFF 2 ms 53.3 ms 3 ms 44 DRUM MACH. AMB L OFF 18 ms 181 ms 3 ms *a. The default value of this parameter depends on the sampling frequency at which the SPX2000 is operating. The value shown in the table is for fs = 96 kHz. 32 SPX2000—Owner’s Manual Reverb & Gate (CLASSIC bank) Reverb & Gate (CLASSIC bank) . Each aspect of the sound is controlled by the following effect parameters. Reverberation: REV TIME, HI.RATIO, DELAY Gating: TRG. LVL, HOLD, RELEASE, MIDI TRG Filter/equalizer: HPF, LPF Output level: OUT LVL, MIX BAL. Parameter details ¦Basic parameters Parameter name REV TIME Range 0.3—99.0 s Explanation Reverb time. This is expressed as the time over which reverberation at 1 kHz will decay by 60 dB. HI.RATIO 0.1—1.0 Reverb time for the high-frequency range, expressed as a proportion of REV TIME. If this value is 0.1 the time will be 1/10th the REV TIME; if it is 1.0 the time will be the same as the REV TIME. You can adjust these values to simulate the absorptiveness of the walls and ceiling. HI.RATIO is the decay of the high-frequency range. DELAY 0.0—500.0 ms Delay of the reverberation relative to the original sound. HPF THRU, 32 Hz—1.0 kHz A filter that cuts the low-frequency portion of the effect. Frequency components lower than the frequency specified here will be cut. With a setting of THRU this filter will do nothing. This filter does not affect the original sound. LPF 1.0 —11 kHz, THRU A filter that cuts the high-frequency portion of the effect. Frequency components above the frequency specified here will be cut. With a setting of THRU this filter will do nothing. This filter does not affect the original sound. TRG. LVL 1—61 The level at which the gate is triggered. Increasing this value will raise the level of original sound required to open the gate. HOLD*a 44.1 kHz: 0.02 ms—2.13 s 48 kHz: 0.02 ms—1.96 s 88.2 kHz: 0.01 ms—1.06 s 96 kHz: 0.01—981 ms The minimum time that the gate remains open. Even when the original sound falls below the TRG. LVL, the gate will remain open for the time specified by this value. RELEASE*a 44.1 kHz: 6—32000 ms 48 kHz: 6—29400 ms 88.2 kHz: 3—16000 ms 96 kHz: 3—14700 ms The release time of the gate. This is the time from when the gate begins to close until it is completely closed. Higher settings of this value will make the gate close more slowly; i.e., the volume that passes through the gate will decrease more slowly. MIDI TRG ON, OFF Spe...