Hersteller: Roland
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
16 *When MV -30 receives this message, ii produces Note off message for received notes remains on. • OMNi OFF Status Second BnH 7CH Third 00H n~ MIDI channel number : OH - FH (0- 15) G = ch.l ¡5 = ch.16 * Recognized only as All isotes off. ©OMNi ON Status Second BnH TDM Third 00H n = MIDI channel number : OH - FH (0 ~ 15) 0 = ch.l 15 = ch.!6 * Recognized only as AI! N'oies off, • MONO Status Second BnH 7EH Third mmH n - MIDI channel number : OH - FH (0-15) G = ch.l 15 = ch.16 mm = dumber of MIDI channel : ignored * Recognized onfy as Ail Notes off. • POLY atatus BnH Second 7FH Third 0011 n *= MIDI channel number : OH - FH (0 ~ 15) 0 ~ ch.l 15-ch,16 * Recognized only as All Notes off. 2.3 Recognized messages for sync. * When "Sync Clock" is set to MIDI. ■ System Common Message * Song position pointer 5tatus F2H Second mmH ll.mtn ” Value • Song select Third I1H OOH,OOH - 7FH.7FH Status F3H Second SSH ss != Value ■ System Reeltime Message • Timing clock Status F8H • Start : ООН - I3H 0-19 • Continue Status FBH • Stop Status FCH 2.4 Message received for detecting trouble in MID! connection ■ System Realtime Message • Active sensing Status FEH 3. RECOGNIZED DATA (Internal voice section) ■ Channel Voice Message • Note off Status 8nH 9nH Second kkH kkH n = MIDI channel number kk ~ Note number w = Velocity • Note on Status 9nH Second kkH n = MIDI channel number kk = Note number vv = Velocity • Ployphonic key pressure Third wH 00H 0H-FH (0-15) 0 = ch.! 15 = ch. 16 OOH-7FH (0-127) ignored Third vvH ÜH -■ FH (0-15) 0 “ ch.l 15 = ch.16 00H-7FH (0-127) 01H - 7FH (I - 127) Status AnH Second kkH n-MiDI channei number kk - Note number vv = Value • Control change OModulation depth Status Second BnH 01H n = MID! channel number vv = Modulation depth Third vvH 0H-FH (0-15) 0 = ch.l 15 = ch.16 0011 - 7FH (0 - 127) 00H-7FH (0-127) Third vvH : OH - FH (0-15) 0 = ch.l I5=cl\.16 : 00H - 7FH (0-127) OVolume Status BnH Second 07 H Third vvH n = MIDI channef number : OH - FH (0 - 15) w = Volume : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) 0 = ch.l 15 = ch.16 ЭРап Status BnH Second 0AH Third vvH n ~ MIDI channei number : OH - FH (0 - 15) vv = Pan : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) О = ch.l 15 = ch.16 Status FAH 6 О Hold 1 • POLY Status BnH Second 40 H n = MIDI channel number vv ■= ООН - 3FH (0-63) vv « 40H ■ 7FH (64 ~ 127) О Reset all controllers Third vvH OH - FH (0 - 15} Hoid off Hoid on 0 = ch.! 15 - ch.16 Status BnH Second 7FH Third ООН n = MID! channel number : OH -- FH (0 -• i5) 0 = ch.! 1; * Recognized only as All Notes off. Status BnH Second 7ЭН n = MIDI channel number • Program change Status CnH Second PPH n = MIDI channel number pp = Program number • Channel pressure Status DnH Second wH Third ООН : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l ¡5 = ch.16 : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 = ch.I6 : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) n = MIDI channel number : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 = ch.16 vv = Value : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) • Pitch bend change Status Second Third EnH mmli ¡SH n = MiDl channei number : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 = ch.16 mm.ll ~ Value : 00H.0ÛH - 7FH.7FH 0 - 16383 £-8192-^6191) В Channel Mode Message • All Notes off Status Second Third BnH 7BH ООН n = MIDi channel number : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l IS = ch.16 ♦ When MV-3Û receives this message, it produces Note off message for received notes remains on. • OMNI OFF Status Second Third BnH 7CH 00H n = MID! channel number : OH - FH (О - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 = ch.I6 * Recognized only as All Notes off. • OMNI ON Status Second Third BnH 7DH ООН n = Vt!D! channel number : OH - FH (0-15) 0 = ch.l 15 = ch.16 * Recognized only as All Notes off. • MONO Status Second Third BnH 7EH mmH n - MID! channel number : OH - FH (0-15) 0 - ch.l. 15« ch.16 mm = Number of MID! channel : ignored * Recognized only as AH Notes off. = ch.ie 6-38 MV-30 Music Production System STUDIO M Date : Oct. 3 1990 MIDI Incrementation chart Version : 1.00 Sequencer Section Function Transmitted Recognized Remarks Basic Default All Channel All Channel * 2 Channel Changed X 1 - 16 Default Mode 3 X Mode Messages Altered X X Note 0- 127 0- 127 Number 0- 127 Velocity Note ON Note OFF X О (D ? < II О О X V = 1 - 127 After Key’s О * 1 Touch Ch's о * 1 Pitch Bender о * 1 0- 121 о * 1 Control Change Prog о * 1 Change True # 0- 127 System Exclusive О * 1 System Common Song Pos о О (CLOCK = MIDI) Song Sei Tune о о О (CLOCK = MIDI) О System Clock * 1 О (CLOCK = MIDI) Real Time Commands * 1 О (CLOCK = MIDI) Local ON/OFF о О Aux All Notes OFF X О (123-127) Messages Active Sense * 1 О Reset X X Notes * 1 Can be set to О or X manually. * 2 Have no Basic Channel. Mode 1 : OMNI ON, POLY Mode 2 : OMN! ON, MONO Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 4 : OMNI OFF, MONO О : Yes X : No 6-39 MV-30 Music Production System STUDiO M Date : Oct. 3...