Anleitung Roland, modell D-110
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
^ V- •.*'• “UV ^ . •‘~ *—•'»7'^^ •■■At*“' ■ * • The ^gfening lashw^arrowhead symboCwgNnan equialarW triangle. te Intended to «iaff’the uicr Icijjjja prajenca at uv .nsUaucTviargtiraintcaage* wilhin tia products encMure ■ thalmay be oI Artticicnt magnitude to cototttuta a risfcot eieetrief»iodt>?;peso«;'' .. - -i---¿tCi-*- -^5?.'. ••» -T^oaaamKwiporttM^^Kjutoartinjn^sijipnb^ £>”«>«*• *■ ¿¿fit 1» the presence of knponart cpenring jf*i '*■¡1 INSTRUCtpNS BERTAINlNG TO A RISK OF-FIRE, OECTBC .SHpCK OR 1RRJRY TO PERSONS. —*ir- : •: v “ w,-.... „¿i, . --i iwiBr\n>rkkit qapptV^Kiq-tfri mTirvK q5 ^¡¿¿2fiec»ssw^i<*eq rfprodud is uwd near trtttnwv / ■ .0»jiKj£d IZTto,«* 0u9 the cort txit hoW the plug whm«*.!*- * 13.* VAch Vtting up wthatyyothar. httuhertx, tie ,/■, : *-*iyo«weedMe «houM be lofcKwiirin>ccardanc» .»tt^yr ■ r iralrtietlonmmurt. ;’^ 14. Careahoufdbetafeeneo Bui objects do not lal and iquds are net spj^jrtojne erx3co^_;lhroijgfi ..;. openings. ■ - w'-«-' * .. *■ ^— -.... \ uta H*jinduct near water- Jar wampi^-' «ub. tissfttoit-ldlehen link. iniMl or-near »'»winning pool, of B» Ste.-. "•■ .4^4^Thp proboa'TihDi444» toed orty *»W> * c»rt er*v ^ -iand^^wcamwided by'the niarmaaure. ^ ^^^*HBTiSSj^S»*fl£neortJoooibin»iionwio>en;i,.^ ^ . - -, - ^ -ampffer Mfl_fieadphonas « speakers,- may be lEThebe«ef*"""** W.iMWoBia. s: £: •«„praiSlibeen«atpwedlon^or^V' ,*■ * ityejfw rajrodua ttvi*S Qeibabec} so that ibsloMkinor . ... r;- - D: The .'ptodud-'does not appear lo^parmte:"’1 .-V* -¿BoSSonUo«nStMailenwants-properwnUsUon.; • -■- r.^ • nonna*ir£f«xhbits a mafted chanpainpartw-^: • ■■!• • .■• .'^. -j>. .:• ' ■ - i v.- -Vt^- m«noa;'or i, ■ ; f ’ ■; ./ . i; jjrodufit» 1h«l produce he«;¡ f ' ,> ./. ’ ,rt ^ 2^&^i«^S^^w^^^.’^2aaKS^,^r»KKSaa3&,s: -• * .-*•-> ' ■' -^jpther aetwang Bhtaid ba w tolled to quaH»ed*eedin'BiejDperiina'inatruc- ;V~ * * ■* i I- ^SAVE^ESB,151STBMCM;ii)NiSv . "ST' .ADVARSEL Iffiiurfaaltat- QtspkwijB^^ U&Wtning mS’ktn fontaps aijg- aft og som beskmd t so^cara^^v^>^^|^ ■« ?».•' •-.••VAQSWG'li. • UthhirfaattBrl EjtplosicnSriskl' - ' • i 1 •Farendasl bytas av bei^jetvic^kniter. ^ ’ Se Rsfi^tianer t servioemanudenT'1 „ '• “ '**•>... ' • . 4^cV-. ApVARSELL Ihhiumbatted Fare for ekspfotiwi* Ma bare sJirftes ay krafifiwtiriwiar^-som beskrevet i jservksnsnalen. .VAROrrUS! Uthhn^isto.Rpi(iysv33ra.J: ' u j Pariston saa'v^itaa airwasban . ”l ' V. * ./'.-c.. . ^ aian atrniottknes. /,'■. '■] i‘;i- ■1*7* >r ‘.-v^warnimg- THIS APPARATUS «‘MUST.-BEjEARTH GROUNDED. ’The uvee conductor ol the'mwrts lead attached to this apparatus are identified with color as shown in the table be tow. together-, wittw'tha ■ matching tefnunal on: the* UK type power plug. When connecting the mains lead to a ptug. .be- sure to connect each conductor to the correct terminal, as indicated.' .' "Thi* inrtruction .app&es to die product lor Unhad Kingdom.*'. MAWSXEADS ‘ 'PLUG Conductor I D*v U«rt: pn the mmirhiog ttrniin^ Lrv* ;'- ■JfifOWO' fkHtoFTftiirL N*utr»l *’’' ¡Bk**'. JiKLoritur.H - Grounding |Gf**rr f Yrtow Green, GrMn-Yekow, tener E er «vmbbl •> • •• \v; Best^Miniguns dn H«-rt*U*n /imporuun Kxtmit w«d o»a 4ti«»/ui .■ . __ ROLAND-MULTI TIMBRAL SOUND MODULE D;ilO i CJtwiMiiminun} nut 0*it BffiimnwnpR d«f AmtsW. Vfg *1046./ 19B4 funli^nttlort Kt. " ' &K DniWW Bundctoo« -M>d* cUj )n,Klt»hrt>r«i9»n Hhhi Gonn ixx) dw B«fKM>VJne lu> Ubwpmtuos On Sww »ul EWihittuns d«c “ Roland Corporation Osaka / Japan Please read the separate volume “MIDr*. before reading this owner's manual. Copyright © 1988 by ROLAND CORPORATION All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION. MULTI TIM3RAL SOUND MODULE n-nn HV ■ ■ taHP OWNER’S MANUAL ■PANEL DESCRIPTION © Headphone Socket Connect stereo headphones to this socket. The best possible headphones to be used should have an impedance from 8 to 150 ohms. Even when headphones are connected to this socket, the Output Socket still sends signals. (2) Volume Knob This controls the volume of the sound sent from the Output Socket and Headphone Socket. (3) Display This shows the current condition of the D-110. (4) Exit Button Use this button to return to the Play mode from another mode. (5) Patch Button See page 40. Push this button to enter Patch selecting mode. (D Timbre Button See page 42. Push this button to enter Timbre selecting mode. (7) Edit Button See pages 40, 42 and 48 Push this button to enter editing mode for a Patch, Timbre or Tone, or Rhythm Setup mode. (D Part Button See pages 34 and 68 Push this button to enter value setting mode for the Output Level of each Part, etc, (jj) System Button See page 80. Push this b...