Anleitung Zusammenfassung
• Do not use to puree soft foods or attempt to make pastes from seeds, such as sesame or sunflower. • Do not attempt to grind grains such as corn, wheat, rice, rye, or barley. These items may all damage the grinder. 4 Care and Cleaning Remove all excess grounds from the bowl to prevent stale coffee grounds from affecting the flavor of freshly ground beans. 1. Unplug the grinder. 2. Remove lid, wash in warm sudsy water, rinse and dry thoroughly. CAUTION: BLADES ARE SHARP. HANDLE CAREFULLY. CAUTION: NEVER PLACE MOTOR BASE OF APPLIANCE IN WATER OR OTHER LIQUIDS. 3. Use a stiff brush to remove any remaining coffee grounds or other ground food. 4. Clean exterior of motor base with a soft damp cloth and dry. Place lid on base for storing. 5. Turn upside down and wrap cord around inside the base. A ny servicing requiring disassembly other than the above cleaning must be performed by an authorized service center. IMPORTANT NOTICE If any parts are missing or defective, DO NOT return this product. Please call our Customer Service Department for assistance. 800-233-9054 Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST Thank You ONE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY This Salton, Inc. product wa r ranty extends to the original consumer purchaser of the product. Warranty Duration: This product is wa r ranted to the original consumer purchaser for a period of one (1) year from the original purchase date. Warranty Cov e r age : This product is wa r ranted against defe c t i ve materials or wo rk m a n s h i p. This wa rranty is void if the product has been damaged by accident, in shipment, unreasonable use, misuse, neglect, improper serv i c e, commercial use, repairs by unauthori zed personnel or other causes not a rising out of defects in materials or wo rk m a n s h i p. This wa r ranty is effe c t i ve only if the product is purchased and operated in the USA, and does not extend to any units which have been used in violation of written instructions furnished by Salton, Inc., or to units which have been altered or modified or to damage to products or parts thereof which have had the serial number removed, altered, defaced or rendered illegibl e. Warranty Discl a i m e rs : This wa r ranty is in lieu of all wa r ranties expressed or implied and no repre s e n t a t i ve or person is authori zed to assume for Salton, Inc. a ny other liability in connection with the 5 sale of our products. There shall be no claims for defects or failure of perfo rmance or product fa i l u r e under any theory of tort, contract or commercial law including, but not limited to, negligence, gr o s s n e g l i g e n c e, strict liability, breach of wa r ranty and breach of contra c t . sale of our products. There shall be no claims for defects or failure of perfo rmance or product fa i l u r e under any theory of tort, contract or commercial law including, but not limited to, negligence, gr o s s n e g l i g e n c e, strict liability, breach of wa r ranty and breach of contra c t . S e rvice and Repair Should the appliance malfunction, you should first call toll-free 1-800-233-9054 between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Central Standard Time and ask for CUSTOMER SERVICE stating that you are a consumer with a probl e m . I n - Warranty Service (USA) for an appliance covered under the wa r ranty period, no charge is made for service or postage. I n - Warranty Service (Canada) for an appliance covered under the wa r ranty period, no charge is made for service or postage. Please return the product insured, packaged with sufficient protection, and postage and insurance prepaid to the address listed below. Customs duty/broke rage fe e, if any, must be paid by the consumer. O u t - o f - Warranty Serv i c e : A flat rate charge by model is made for out-of-wa r ranty serv i c e. I n c l u d e $15.00 (U. S.) for return shipping and handling. Salton, Inc. cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage during incoming shipment. For your protection, carefully package the product for shipment and insure it with the carri e r. Be sure to enclose the fo l l owing items with your appliance: a ny accessories related to your probl e m ; your full return address and daytime phone nu m b e r; a note describing the problem you ex p e ri e n c e d ; a copy of yo u r sales receipt or other proof of purchase to determine wa r ranty status. C. O. D. shipments cannot be a c c e p t e d . R e t u rn the appliance to: AT T N : Repair Department, Salton, Inc. 708 South Missouri St. Macon, MO 63552 Consumer Serv i c e : 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 3 3 - 9 0 5 4 Consumer Pa rt s : 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 4 7 - 3 7 4 5 H o u r s : 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p. m . C S T For more information on Salton, I n c . p ro d u c t s : visit our we b s i t e : URL or E-mail us at SALTON 550@aol.com This Melitta product is distri buted and serviced by Salton, I n c . Printed in China ©1999 Salton, Inc. |®Reg. T.M.of a company of the Melitta Group Pa rt No. 6 0 4 8 3 6 ...
Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:Kaffeemühlen - MEGIBKIT (40.9 kb)