Anleitung Zusammenfassung
(44 mm) Flexible PipeandAdapterInnerCollar Overlap Securing Screw -3 Places Equidistant (equally spaced) Just Below Gear Clamp) Figure 43 B. Install the Outer Flex Pipe - 1. Installthelargegearclamplooselyaroundtheouterflexibleventpipe,pushitbackoutoftheway. 2. ApplyabeadofMill-Pac Black (700°F) high temperature sealant - Catalog No. 10K81) totheouteradaptercollar;tothegroovesofthecollarwhichextendapproximately1inchfromtheendandtotheflatsurface, approximately1-3/8inchesfromtheend. 3. Pullandextendouterflexibleventpipe. 4. Slidetheouterflexpipeovertheadaptercollar. Ensuretheflexibleventpipecompletelyengagestheadaptercollartoadistanceof1-3/8inchesfromtheend,andthatitisfreefromdamageortears. 5. Slidethegearclampdownandtightenitfullytosecuretheflexibleventtotheadapteroutercollarapproximately3/4inchfromtheendoftheflex. 6. Installthree screws 120 degrees apart throughtheflexibleventpipeandintotheadaptercollarjustbelowthegearclamptoprovideadditionalsecuritytotheconnection. C. Route Flex Vent Ensurethattheflexventisproperlyroutedtoprovidetherequiredclearance. Do not allowtheflexibleventtobendinaradiustighterthan5" (127mm).RefertoFigure 44.Spaceouttheinternalflexventspacersevenly-approximatelyevery6inches-andavoidkinkingofinnerpipe. Supporthorizontalsectionsofflexwithmetalstrapsat2foot(0.61m)intervals. E. Attach Flex Vent to Termination Secure Flex componentscanbepurchasedseparatelyandattachedtobulklengthsofSecure Flex flexibletubingcuttosizeatthejobsite.SecuretheflexibleventtotheSecure Flex terminationsinthesamemanner(seeFigure 43) asitwasattachedtotheadapter. Note:SecureFlexventmustbeattachedtoSecure Flexterminationsonly.DONOTsubstituteSecure Ventterminationsorthe SecureVent adapterfor Secure Flex components. The collars of Secure Flex terminations and adapters have a different diameter than that used with the Secure Vent pipe. Additionally, Secure Flex components have an extended length center tube for use in attaching the flexible vent. Flexible Vent Section 5” (127 mm) Radius MinimumFigure 44 Step 4. FIELD WIRING CAUTION Label all wires prior to discon nection when servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause improper and dangerous appliance opera tion. CAUTION Ensure that wires are positioned away from hot surfaces and sharp edges. CAUTION Do not connect the optional wall switch for burner operation to a 120 Volt AC power supply. Refer to Section A for millivolt appliances and Section B for electronic appliances. The gas valve is set in place and pre-wired at the factory on both models. A. SIT and Honeywell Millivolt Wiring (See Figure 45) 1. Select anyofthefollowingoptionalcontrols: appliance-mounted (rocker switch) or wall- mounted switch, thermostat, or one of the optional remote control kits. If appliance- mounted ON/OFF control is selected mount it in the gas valve mounting bracket. 2. If wall-mounted ON/OFF control or thermostat is selected mount it in a convenient location on a wall near the fireplace. 3. Wire the control within the millivolt control circuit using the 15 feet of 2 conductor wire supplied with the unit . Caution: do not connect the optional wall switch to a 120V power supply. 4. Alternatively, the appliance may be operated without the use of the controls indicated in step 1, solely by manipulating the gas valve control knob. In order to use this method, twist the free ends of the two conductor wire (which would otherwise go to the standard ON/OFF switch or Optional Switch) together as shown in Figure 45. Note: Wire is located inside the control compartment Note: The supplied 15 feet of 2 conductor wire has one end of each conductor connected to the gas valve circuit and the other end of each conductor placed loose inside the control compartment. B. Electronic Wiring (See Figure 47) – Note: The electronic appliance must be connected to the main power supply. The junction box is located on the right side of the appliance. It contains a factory installed and wired outlet box (duplex receptacle). Also, an optional field-providedjunctionbox with receptacle may be installed at the front of the control compartment on either side of the cabinet. See Figure 46. It will be held in place by a conduit fitting and locknut (field-provided). 1. Routea3-wire120Vac60Hz1phpowersupply to the appliance junction box. 2. If the factory-provided outlet/junction box at the right rear of the fireplace is being used, remove the outlet box from the junction box by removing two screws. 3. Connect the power supply wires (including the ground supply wire) as shown in Figure 47. (If the field-provided J-box/outlet box is being used, all of the outlet box wiring must be field-provided). 4. Locate and install a low voltage (24V) wall- mounted switch or thermostat (both fieldprovided) in the desired location. 5. Connect the low voltage wire, located inside thecontrolcompartment,tothewall-mounted switch or thermostat. Note:Thesupplied15feetof2conductorwire has one end of each conductor connected to the gas valve circuit an...
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