
3 Insira o plugue pequeno na parte inferior do estojo para carregamento (1) e insira o plugue de tomada na tomada (2). A luz indicadora de carregamento acendera na cor verde para indicar , que o aparelho esta carregando. Nota: Quando a bateria esta totalmente carregada, a luz apaga. uso do depilador de areas intimas O depilador destina-se principalmente a remover os pelos pela raiz nas areas intimas.Voce tambem pode usa-lo para depilar a linha do biquini, as axilas e areas dificeis de alcancar,

DEUTSCH 55ProblemMögliche UrsacheLösungWährend des Epilierens Der Der Epilierer ist mit einem integrierten wird das Gerät heiß Überhitzungsschutz

by clothes), the appliance switches off automatically and the speed lights flash red for 5 seconds. 1 Turn the epilating discs with your thumb until you can remove whatever blocks the epilating discs. Cleaning and maintenance Never use scouring pads, abrasive cleaning agents or aggressive liquids such as petrol or acetone to clean the appliance. Always keep the adapter dry. Never rinse it under the tap or immerse it in water. If necessary, clean the adapter with the cleaning brush or a dry cloth

ENGLISH 11 - If you have a naturally brownish black or darker skin. As a safety precaution, the built-in skin colour sensor prevents emission of flashes if

ENGLISH 11 - If you have a naturally brownish black or darker skin. As a safety precaution, the built-in skin colour sensor prevents emission of flashes if

한국어사용 전 준비청소 및 유지관리-피부가 깨끗하고 물기나 유분이 없어야 합니다. 제품을 세척할 때 수세미, 연마성 세제나 휘제품 소개크림을 바르지 말고 체모를 제거하십시오. -목욕이나 샤워 직후에 하면 제모가 한결 쉬워발유, 아세톤과 같은 강력 세제를 사용하지 필립스 제품을