Dieses Gerät hat auch andere Anweisungen:
Anleitung Zusammenfassung
- After each use, disassemble all parts and clean them
thoroughly in warm soapy water and rinse them in
clean water. You can also clean all components on
the top rack of dishwasher.
For your child’s safety and health
- The screw top and straw are suitable
for sterilisation in a steam steriliser and microwave steriliser.
- If necessary, clean the straw with the special cleaning
- Always use this product with adult supervision.
brush that is sold separately.
- Continuous and prolonged sucking of fluids will
- Do not store the insulated straw cup in drying/
cause tooth decay.
sterilising cabinets with heating elements.
- Always check food temperature before feeding.
- Keep all components not in use out of the reach
of children.
- Prevent your child from running or walking while
- Keep the insulated straw cup away from heat
- Do not boil the bottle of the insulated cup, nor
sources and direct sunlight.
sterilise it with a steam or microwave steriliser.
- For hygiene maintenance, disassemble the insulated
- Before first use, disassemble all parts and clean them
straw cup and store it in a dry and covered container.
- Before each use, check the insulated straw cup. If you
- The screw top and bottle of the insulated straw cup
detect any damage or cracks, stop using the insulated
are compatible with Philips AVENT bottles and Magic
straw cup immediately.
cups. For details, see the interchangeability chart.
- The replacement straws and the brush set
- Close the screw top tightly by turning it clockwise.
are sold separately.
Otherwise it may come off during use.
- To drink from the insulated straw cup, twist and turn
the lid anticlockwise lightly (without squeezing).
- To remove the screw top, squeeze the screw top on
the two indications and turn
it anticlockwise.
- The insulated straw cup is intended for use with
healthy drinks. Water and milk are the best drinks for
За безопасността и здравето на вашето дете
children of any age.
- Thick, fizzy or pulpy drinks may block the
valve and cause it to break or leak.
- Този продукт трябва да се използва само под
- The insulated straw cup is not microwave-safe.
надзора на възрастен.
- Do not put the insulated straw cup in the freezer
- Непрекъснатото и продължително сучене на
течности ще доведе до разваляне на зъбите.
Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV
- If you put hot liquids in the insulated straw
- Винаги проверявайте температурата на храната
Tussendiepen 4, 9206 AD Drachten, the Netherlands
cap, make sure it is not too hot for your child.
преди хранене.
- Do not overtighten the lid on the insulated straw cup.
- Пазете всички компоненти, които не се
Trademarks owned by the Philips Group.
- Do not use the insulated straw cup to mix and shake
използват, извън достъпа на деца.
©2016 Koninklijke Philips N.V. All rights reserved
infant formula as this can clog the vent hole and
- Не позволявайте на детето да тича или да се
cause the cup to leak. Make sure that the straw parts
разхожда по време на пиене.
are properly assembled.
- Не изварявайте бутилката на термоизолираната
- For hygiene reasons, replace straws after 3 months of
чаша и не я стерилизирайте в паров или
use. Use only Philips AVENT straws.
микровълнов стерилизатор.
- Преди първата употреба разглобете всички части
Cleaning and sterilisation
и ги почистете основно.
- Преди всяка употреба проверявайте чашата със
сламка. Ако откриете повреди или пукнатини,
- Never use abrasive, anti-bacterial cleaning agents or
незабавно спрете да я използвате.
chemical solvents.
- Do not place components directly on surfaces that
are cleaned with anti-bacterial cleaners.
- Затваряйте плътно капака на винт, като го
- Food colourings can discolour components.
завъртите по часовниковата стрелка. В противен
случай той може да се отвори по време на
- За пиене от термоизолираната чаша със сламка,
завъртете леко капака обратно на часовниковата
стрелка (без да стискате).