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heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 81 kb   Hersteller: B&B Electronics  
Kategorie: Netzteile

The Surge Protector uses 600W Transient Voltage Suppressors to protect pins 2 through 8 and pin 20. It has one DB-25 male and one DB-25 female connector with all 25 pins passing straight through. The TvSs are connected between the ground screw and pins 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 20. The 232DSP will suppress any voltage levels above 12 volts without affecting the normal RS-232 data. The 232DSP is placed inline, between the data cable and the RS-232 port, as close to the protected port as possible. The g

heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 264 kb   Hersteller: B&B Electronics  
Kategorie: Netzteile

All rights reserved. Model: 232HSP RS-232 High Energy Surge Protector CE Overview The Model 232HSP is designed to help protect against lightning strikes, power surges, and other types of voltage disturbances. Pins 2 through 8 and 20 are protected on a DB-25 style connector with a final clamping voltage of approximately 15 volts. The 232HSP offers three stages of protection starting with a gas discharge tube followed by a series resistor and finally a Transient Voltage Suppresser (TVS). In or

heruntergeladen wurde: 2   Dateigröße: 79 kb   Hersteller: B&B Electronics  
Kategorie: Netzteile

The IASP1P is compatible with 10/100 Base T networks. Network connection to the IASP1P is by RJ45 female connectors. Grounding is accomplished using screw terminals. Additional terminals are provided allowing multiple IASP1P’s to be connected together. Features • Protects all eight lines • Low capacitance loading (< 50pF) • Extra ground connections • DIN rail mountable • Panel mountable Applications • lndustrial automation • Ethernet l/O • PLC Ethernet connections • Factor floor Ether

heruntergeladen wurde: 8   Dateigröße: 74 kb   Hersteller: B&B Electronics  
Kategorie: Netzteile

All rights reserved. Model: 232SP9 RS-232 Surge Protector CE Introduction B&B Electronics' Model 232SP9 protects RS-232 ports from damage caused by large voltage peaks from lightning and other power problems. The Surge Protector uses 600W Transient Voltage Suppressors to protect all 9 pins. It has one DB-9 male and one DB-9 female connector with all 9 pins passing straight through. The TVSs are connected between the ground screw and pins 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9. The 232SP9 will suppress any vo
