Anleitung Nikon, modell SB-900
k Table of contents ... (kA-6) You can search by item, such as operation method, flash mode or function. k Simple search by objective (kA-4) You can search according to your objective without knowing the specific name or term of the item you are looking for. k Speedlight functions (kB-4) You can search for a particular SB-900 function. This is handy when you know the name of a function and want more information. k Index (kF-22) You can search using the alphabetical index. k Troubleshooting (kF-2) You can determine the cause if there is a problem with your Speedlight. A–2 Camera and lens combinations This manual has been compiled with the assumption that the SB-900 will be used in combination with a camera compatible with CLS (Nikon Creative Lighting System) and a CPU lens. t Tips on identifying CPU Nikkor lenses CPU lenses have CPU contacts. Terms used in this user’s manual Default settings: the function and mode settings at the time of purchase are The SB-900 cannot be used with IX-Nikkor lenses.• CPU contacts referred to as the “default settings.” CLS (Nikon Creative Lighting System): the Nikon Creative Lighting System is often referred to as “CLS.” ISO sensitivity: “ISO sensitivity” is a generic term that covers both the imaging sensitivity of digital SLR cameras and the film sensitivity of 35mm film based cameras. Describes a point to which you should pay particular attention in order to avoid Speedlight malfunction or mistakes during shooting. Includes information or tips to make Speedlight use easier. Marks used in this manual vt APreparation A–3 Simple search by objective You can search for specific explanations according to your objective. About Speedlight parts and indications APreparation I want to know about Key words page The name of each part Speedlight parts C-2 The meaning of each icon (displayed) LCD panel C-10 The meaning of the warning symbols Warning indications F-3 About settings and operation I want to know about Key words page The functions and usage of control buttons Control buttons C-8 The types of batteries that can be used Suitable batteries C-4 The minimum recycling time and the number of fl ashes per recycling time per type of battery The minimum recycling time and the number of fl ashes per recycling time F-20 When to replace the batteries Replacing/recharging batteries C-27 How to change settings using “Custom settings” Custom settings C-20 How to perform test fi rings Test fi ring D-59 How to tilt or rotate the fl ash head Adjusting the fl ash head D-26 How to reset various settings Two-button reset C-9 How to illuminate the LCD panel Using the SB-900 in dim light C-24 How to enhance the readability of the LCD panel Enhancing the LCD panel’s readability C-25 How to change the standby lead time Standby function C-23 How to monitor the remote fl ash units by sound Sound monitor C-24 How to lock the control buttons to avoid mistakes Key lock C-9 About flash photography I want to know about Key words page About the fl ash modes Flash modes and functions D-1 How to take pictures in the simplest way Basic operation C-4 How to take portrait photos emphasizing the main subject Illumination pattern: Center- weighted D-24 How to take formal group shots Illumination pattern: Even D-24 How to take more natural-looking shots of fl owers and dolls Wireless multiple fl ash shooting D-39 How to take pictures with soft shadows cast on a wall Bounce fl ash operation D-26 How to take pictures of both the subject and background at night Slow-sync fl ash D-55 A–4 I want to know about Key words page How to take pictures using multiple fl ash units Wireless multiple fl ash shooting D-39 How to confi rm lighting conditions Modeling illumination D-61 How to take brighter (or darker) pictures of both the subject and background Exposure compensation D-38 How to take brighter (or darker) pictures of the subject Flash output level compensation D-37 How to take pictures without the subject’s eyes appearing red Red-eye reduction D-56 How to shoot a moving subject with stroboscopic multiple-exposure effects Repeating fl ash D-17 How to take pictures under fl uorescent light and incandescent light and balance the lights’ color effects Flash photography with color fi lters D-33 How to take pictures adding specifi c color to the scene Flash photography with color fi lters D-33 How to perform autofocus fl ash photography in dim lighting AF-assist Illuminator D-58 How to shoot a fast moving subject using wireless multiple fl ash shooting SU-4 type wireless multiple fl ash operation D-50 About accessories I want to know about Key words page About cameras compatible with the SB-900 Compatible cameras B-2 How to use the SB-900 with cameras not compatible with Nikon Creative Lighting System Using the SB-900 with nonCLS- compatible SLR cameras E-2 How to use the SB-900 with Nikon COOLPIX cameras For usage with i-TTL-compatible COOLPIX cameras E-3 About optional accessories that are available Optional accessories F-11...