Anleitung Zusammenfassung
.. W WWh hhe een nn b bba aat ttt tte eer rry yy p ppa aac cck kk i iis ss n nno oot tt i iin nn u uus sse ee, ,, k kke eee eep pp i iit tt a aaw wwa aay yy f ffr rro oom mm o oot tth hhe eer rr m mme eet tta aal ll o oob bbj jje eec cct tts ss s ssu uuc cch hh a aas ss p ppa aap ppe eer rr c ccl lli iip pps ss, ,, c cco ooi iin nns ss, ,, k kke eey yys ss, ,, n nna aai iil lls ss, ,, s ssc ccr rre eew wws ss o oor rr o oot tth hhe eer rr s ssm mma aal lll ll m mme eet tta aal ll o oob bbj jje eec cct tts ss t tth hha aat tt c cca aan nn m mma aak kke ee a aa c cco oon nnn nne eec cct tti iio oon nn f ffr rro oom mm o oon nne ee t tte eer rrm mmi iin nna aal ll t tto oo a aan nno oot tth hhe eer rr. .. Shorting the battery terminals together may cause 12 11 CCHHAARRGGIINNGG BBAATTTTEERRYY PPAACCKKRREEMMOOVVIINNGG // AATTTTAACCHHIINNGG BBAATTTTEERRYY PPAACCKK RREEMMOOVVIINNGG // AATTTTAACCHHIINNGG BBAATTTTEERRYY PPAACCKK R RRE EEM MMO OOV VVE EE B BBA AAT TTT TTE EER RRY YY P PPA AAC CCK KK: :: C CCH HHA AAR RRG GGE EE B BBA AAT TTT TTE EER RRY YY P PPA AAC CCK KK: :: 1. Press both release buttons on either side of the Cordless Circular Saw to release the battery pack. 2. Pull battery pack free of RELEASE Cordless Circular Saw. BUTTON A AAT TTT TTA AAC CCH HH B BBA AAT TTT TTE EER RRY YY P PPA AAC CCK KK: :: 1. Align the raised portion of the battery pack with the groove in the battery compartment of the Cordless Circular Saw. 2. Press the battery pack into place. Make sure the latches are securely fastened. Do not use the Cordless Circular Saw if the battery pack is not seated properly. 1. Plug the charger into the nearest 120 volt electrical outlet. 2. Make sure the trigger on the Cordless Drill is in the ““ OOFFFF”” position and remove the battery pack from the Cordless Drill. 3. Insert the battery pack into the charger. Be sure that the battery pack is fully seated in the charger. Do not force. 4. The red indicator light should come ““ OONN”” indicating that the battery pack is in a “Fast Charge” mode. If the green indicator light comes ““ OONN”” , then the battery is already fully charged. 5. After approximately one hour of charging, the red indicator light should go ““ OOFFFF”” and the green light should come ““ OONN”” indicating that the battery is fully charged and the charger is now in a “Trickle Charge” mode. 6. The battery can be left in a “Trickle Charge” mode until ready to use. IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN FFOORR RREECCHHAARRGGIINNGG HHOOTT BBAATTTTEERRIIEESS When using your Cordless Drill continuously, the batteries in your battery pack will become hot. You should let a hot battery pack cool down for approximately 30 minutes before attempting to recharge. When the battery pack becomes discharged and is hot, the red light on the charger will pack cools down, the red light will glow continuously mode, 1-hour charge time. TThhiiss wwiillll ooccccuurr wwhheenn ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss uussee ooff yyoouurr CCoorrddlleessss DDrriillll ccaauusseess tthhee bbaatttteerryy ppaacckk ttoo bbeeccoommee hhoott.. It does not occur under normal circumstances. LED BATTERY PACK LIGHT BATTERY CHARGER C CC H HH A AA R RR G GG E EE R RR B BB e ee f ff o oo r rr e ee u uu s ss i ii n nn g gg b bb a aa t tt t tt e ee r rr y yy c cc h hh a aa r rr g gg e ee r rr , ,, p pp l ll e ee a aa s ss e ee r rr e ee a aa d dd c cc a aa r rr e ee f ff u uu l ll l ll y yy a aa l ll l ll i ii n nn s ss t tt r rr u uu c cc t tt i ii o oo n nn s ss a aa n nn d dd c cc a aa u uu t tt i ii o oo n nn a aa r rr y yy m mm a aa r rr k kk i ii n nn g gg s ss o oo n nn b bb a aa t tt t tt e ee r rr y yy c cc h hh a aa r rr g gg e ee r rr , ,, b bb a aa t tt t tt e ee r rr y yy p pp a aa c cc k kk a aa n nn d dd p pp r rr o oo d dd u uu c cc t tt u uu s ss i ii n nn g gg b bb a aa t tt t tt e ee r rr y yy . .. U UUs sse ee o oon nnl lly yy t tth hhe ee c cch hha aar rrg gge eer rr w wwh hhi iic cch hh a aac ccc cco oom mmp ppa aan nni iie eed dd y yyo oou uur rr p ppr rro ood ddu uuc cct tt o oor rr d ddi iir rre eec cct tt r rre eep ppl lla aac cce eem mme een nnt tt a aas ss l lli iis sst tte eed dd i iin nn t tth hhi iis ss m mma aan nnu uua aal ll. .. Do not substitute any other charger. Use only Alltrade approved chargers with your product. D DDo oo n nno oot tt d ddi iis ssa aas sss sse eem mmb bbl lle ee c cch hha aar rrg gge eer rr. .. D DDo oo n nno oot tt u uus sse ee c cch hha aar rrg gge eer rr i iif ff i iit tt h hha aas ss b bbe eee een nn d dda aam mma aag gge eed dd, ,, l lle eef fft tt o oou uut ttd ddo ooo oor rrs ss i iin nn t tth hhe ee r rra aai iin nn, ,, s ssn nno oow ww, ,, w wwe eet tt o oor rr d dda aam mmp pp e een nnv vvi iir rro oon nnm mme een nnt tts ss, ,, o oor rr i iim mmm mme eer rrs sse eed dd i iin nn l lli iiq qqu uui iid dd. .. T TTh hhe ee b bba aat ttt tte eer rry yy p ppa aac cck kk a aan nnd dd c cch hha aar rrg gge eer rr h hhe eea aat tt d ddu uur rri iin nng gg c cch hha aar rrg ggi iin...
Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:Bohrmaschinen und Schrauber - RH1-090048 (4.82 mb)