heruntergeladen wurde: 15   Dateigröße: 278 kb   Hersteller: SmartPool Inc  
Kategorie: Schwimmbecken

• As sun shines on the collector, Collector Cross Section the water is then heated as it moves through it. • Water is heated as it moves through the many tubes in the solar collectors. • The heated water is returned back to the pool, through • Tube and web design traps heat and catches your return lines. light as the sun moves across the sky. • Tough polypropylene material won’t rust, corrode heated pool with no • You enjoy your own or scale. Plus, the collector is reversible. fuel costs. PLEASE

heruntergeladen wurde: 6   Dateigröße: 381 kb   Hersteller: SmartPool Inc  
Kategorie: Schwimmbecken

Unit must be submerged in water to operate properly. When not in use, store indoors in a clean, dry place. Do not leave underwater, in direct sunlight, or exposed to extreme temperatures. Make sure Robo-Kleen is unplugged from its power supply before cleaning, replacing the filter or any other routine maintenance. To protect risk of electrical shock, do not put the transformer in water or other liquid. To avoid damage to the transformer and cord, never carry the transformer by the cord or yank t

heruntergeladen wurde: 6   Dateigröße: 751 kb   Hersteller: SmartPool Inc  
Kategorie: Schwimmbecken

Bei Nichteinhaltung der Sicherheitsvorschriften fur Dach- oder andereHohenarbeiten kann es zu Sturzen mit gefahrlichen gesundheitlichen Schaden kommen. b) Achten Sie bei der Installation von Solarkollektoren zu ebener Erde darauf, dass Kinder nicht uber das Kollektorgestell in den Pool gelangen konnen. Funktionsweise des Solar-Heizsystems • Mittels Ihrer Poolpumpe wirddas Wasser automatisch durch den Solarkollektor gepumpt. • Beim Durchlaufen des Solarkollektors wird das Wasser von der Sonne erw

heruntergeladen wurde: 10   Dateigröße: 1 mb   Hersteller: SmartPool Inc  
Kategorie: Schwimmbecken

• The water is then heated as it moves through the collectors. • The heated water is returned back to the pool, throughyour return lines. • You enjoy your ownheated pool with nofuel costs. Why SunHeaterTM Works Best Collector Cross Section -Shown Actual Size • Water is heated as it moves through the manytubes in the 4’ x 20’ solar collectors. • Tube and web design traps heat, catches light asthe sun moves across the sky. • Tough polypropylene material won’t rust, corrodeor scale. Plus, the colle

heruntergeladen wurde: 4   Dateigröße: 17 mb   Hersteller: SmartPool Inc  
Kategorie: Schwimmbecken

theDawnofaNewAgeinRoboticPoolCleaning! 2008CATALOGSMARTPOOLFeaturingNITRO™... theDawnofaNewAgeinRoboticPoolCleaning! 08NEWFOR08NEWFOR POOL CLEANERS ROBOTIC POOL CLEANER NITRO™RoboticPoolCleanerforIngroundPools#NC31 What Makes NITRO Better Than Any Other Robotic Cleaner? NITROhassomanytechnologicaladvancementsthatmorepatentshavebeenwrittenforitthanonALLroboticpoolcleanerscombinedoverthelast20years!Cleansanytypeofpool-vinylliner,concrete,fiberglass! NEWTECHNOLOGY TWICE THE FILTER AREA NITRO’s extr
