Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Plug the motor power cord into the opener. lEFT haND sIDE TORquEMasTER® sPRING TuBE aND BEaRING PROFIlEs alIGNED RIGhT haND END OF TORquEMasTER® sPRING TuBE RIGhT haND sIDE TORquEMasTER® sPRING TuBE aND BEaRING PROFIlEs alIGNED PluG-IN MOTOR POWER CORD MOTOR 17 Tools Needed: None Tools Needed: idrive® Installation NOTE: see idrive® main installation and owners manual for idrive® parts. IMPORTANT: RIGhT aND lEFT haND Is alWays DETERMINED FROM INsIDE ThE GaRaGE lOOkING OuT. lay the TorqueMaster® spring tube on the floor (inside garage) in front of the door with the labeled end to the left. look into the opener’s left side to ensure the left hand bearing and the internal (black) sleeve are aligned with the TorqueMaster® spring tube profile. IMPORTANT: hOlD OPENER By ThE MaIN BODy. DO NOT hOlD By ThE MOTOR. NOTE: Opener will not slide over the TorqueMaster® spring tube label. attempting to slide opener over the left end of the TorqueMaster® spring tube can damage the internal electronics. Once aligned, slide the opener onto the right hand end of the TorqueMaster® spring tube. as the right end of the TorqueMaster® spring tube enters the internal (black) sleeve, rotate the opener back and forth slightly to help aid alignment. Continue sliding the opener onto the TorqueMaster® spring tube. align the right hand bearing with the TorqueMaster® spring tube and slide the opener completely onto the TorqueMaster® spring tube until the TorqueMaster® spring tube exits the opener right hand bearing. NOTE: Do not force the opener onto the TorqueMaster® spring tube if misalignment occurs. Continue sliding the opener to the center of the TorqueMaster® spring tube. Plug the motor power cord into the opener. lEFT haND sIDE TORquEMasTER® sPRING TuBE aND BEaRING PROFIlEs alIGNED RIGhT haND END OF TORquEMasTER® sPRING TuBE RIGhT haND sIDE TORquEMasTER® sPRING TuBE aND BEaRING PROFIlEs alIGNED PluG-IN MOTOR POWER CORD MOTOR 17 Tools Needed: None Please Do Not Return This Product To The Store. Contact your local Wayne-Dalton dealer. To find your Wayne-Dalton dealer; refer to your local yellow pages / business listings or go to Find a dealer area online at 18 18 TORquEMasTER® COuNTERBalaNCE sPRING TuBE GROOVE Cable Drum Installation CaBlE Tools Needed: shake the TorqueMaster® spring tube gently to extend the winding shafts out about 5" on each side. For single None spring applications, there will be no left hand spring in the TorqueMaster® spring tube. lift the TorqueMaster® spring tube and rest it on the top of the flagangles. Orient TorqueMaster® spring tube so that back of opener is flat against header/mounting surface. NOTE: Cable drums are marked right and left hand. Cable drums and TorqueMaster® spring tube are cam shaped to fit together only one way. To install the cable drum, slide the correct cable drum over the winding shaft until the cable drum seats against the TorqueMaster® spring tube. The winding shaft must extend past the cable drum far enough to expose the splines and the groove. align the winding shaft groove with the round notch in the flagangle. for Double Spring Applications: Repeat for opposite side. for Single Spring Applications: Insert the loose winding shaft into the left hand cable drum prior to sliding the cable drum over the TorqueMaster® spring tube. NOTE: On single spring applications, take care in handling the loose winding shaft (left side) so that it does not slide back into the TorqueMaster® spring tube. WINDING sPlINEs shaFT RIGhT haND CaBlE DRuM FlaGaNGlE CaBlE DRuM TORquEMasTER® sPRING TuBE FlaGaNGlE TORquEMasTER® sPRING TuBE CaBlE DRuM left hand Side GROOVE Single Spring Application ROuND NOTCh lEFT haND CaBlE DRuM WINDING shaFT GROOVE ROuND NOTCh ROuND NOTCh WINDING shaFT TORquEMasTER® sPRING TuBE lOOsE WINDING shaFT Please Do Not Return This Product To The Store. Contact your local Wayne-Dalton dealer. 21 To find your Wayne-Dalton dealer; refer to your local yellow pages / business listings or go to Find a dealer area online at INSTAllATION 19 Drive gear Installation FlaGaNGlE CaBlE DRuM WINDING shaFT sPlINEs luBRICaTING OIl 36 TOOTh WORM GEaR Tools Needed: None Beginning with the right hand side, lubricate entire circumference of the 36 tooth worm gear with the lubricating oil provided. slide the 36 tooth worm gear onto the winding shaft splines until it touches the flagangle. NOTE: On single spring applications, no 36 tooth worm gear is required on the left side. NOTE: If additional lubricating oil is needed, use “Dura lube® Engine Oil Treatment”. CaBlE DRuM 36 TOOTh WORM GEaR WINDING shaFT 20 End brackets (2) 5/16” x 1-5/8” laG sCREWs END BRaCkET #10 PhIllIPs hEaD sCREW WaRNING TaG Tools Needed: None IMPORTANT: WaRNING TaGs MusT BE sECuREly aTTaChED TO BOTh END BRaCkETs. slide the right hand end bracket over the drive gear and fasten to the flagangle using a #10 self-tapping screw. Drill 3/16” pilot holes into jamb for the lag screws. secure end brac...
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