Hersteller: Sears
Dateigröße: 2.94 mb

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
• Any repair to or adjustment of the garage door (including springs and hardware). • Any repair to or buckling of the garage floor. • Any repair to or adjustment of the opener. Without a properly installedsafetyreversalsystem, persons(particularlysmall children)couldbe SERIOUSLYINJUREDor KILLEDby a closing garage door. • Safetyreversalsystem MUSTbetested everymonth. • Ifonecontrol(forceortravellimits) isadjusted,the othercontrol mayalsoneedadjustment. • Nter ANYadjustmentsare made,the safetyreversal systemMUSTbetested.Door MUSTreverseon contactwith one-inchhighobject(or2x4laidflat)on the floor. I I One-inch board (or a 2x4 laid flat) ADJUSTMENT STEP 4 Test the Safety Reversing Sensor • Press the remote control push button to open the door. • Place the opener carton in the path of the door. • Press the remote control push buttonto close the door. The door will not move more than an inch, and the opener light will flash. The garage door opener will not close from a remote if the indicator light in either sensor is off (alerting you to the fact that the sensor is misaligned or obstructed). If the opener closes the door when the safety reversing sensor is obstructed (and the sensors are no more than 6" above the floor), call for a trained door systems technician. Without a properlyinstalledsafetyreversingsensor, persons(particularlysmallchildren) could be SERIOUSLYINJUREDor KILLEDbyaclosinggarage door. 3O OPERATION IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS To reduce the risk of severe injury or death: 1. READANDFOLLOWALL WARNINGSAND INSTRUCTIONS. 2.ALWAYSkeepremotecontrols outof reachof children. NEVERpermitchildrento operateor play with garage door controlpushbuttonsor remotecontrols. 3. ONLYactivategaragedoor when it canbeseenclearly,it is properlyadjusted,and thereare no obstructionsto door travel, 4. ALWAYSkeepgaragedoor in sight until completely closed.NOONESHOULDCROSSTHEPATHOFTHE MOVINGDOOR. 5. If possible,use emergencyreleasehandleto disengage trolley ONLYwhengaragedooris CLOSED.Weakor brokenspringsor unbalanceddoorcouldresult Lnan opendoor falling rapidlyand/orunexpectedly. 6. NEVERuseemergencyreleasehandleunlessgarage doorwayis clearof personsandobstructions, 7.NEVERusehandleto pullgaragedooropenorclosed.If ropeknot becomesuntied, you could fall. Using Your Garage Door Opener Your opener and hand-held remote control have been factory-set to a matching code to operate with the large push button. Your opener will operate with as many as four "SRT" (Smart Receiver/Transmitter) hand-held remote controls and one Multi-function Keyless Entry. However, you can use either of the two small buttons, if you prefer. And, the 3-function remote control can also activate additional garage door openers and/or light controls. If you purchase a new remote, or if you wish to deactivate any remote, follow the instructions in the Programming section. Activate your opener with any of the following: • The hand-held Remote Control: Holdthe large push button down until the door starts to move. • The wall-mounted Door Control: Hold the push button down until the door starts to move. • The Keyless Entry (See Accessories): If supplied with your garage door opener, it must be programmed before use. See Programming, When the opener is activated (with the safety reversing sensor correctly installed end aligned) 1. If open, the door will close. If closed, it will open. 2. If closing, the door will reverse. 8.Ifonecontrol(forceortravellimits) isadjusted,the othercontrol mayalsoneedadjustment. 9. Afteranyadjustmentsaremade,thesafetyreversal system MUSTbetested. 10. Safetyreversalsystem MUSTbetestedeverymonth. Garagedoor MUSTreverseon contactwith one-inch high object(or a 2x4 laidflat) onthe floor. 11. ALWAYSKEEPGARAGEDOORPROPERLYBALANCED (seepage3), An improperlybalanceddoor maynot reversewhen requiredand could result in severeinjury or death. 12. All repairsto cables,spring assembliesandother hardware,allof which areunderEXTREMEtension, MUSTbe madeby a traineddoor systemstechnician. 13.ALWAYSdisconnectelectricpowerto garagedoor openerbefore makingany repairsor removingcovers. 14SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS. 3. If opening, the door wig stop. 4. If the door has been stopped in a partially open position, it will close. 5. if obstructed while closing, the door will reverse. If the obstruction interrupts the sensor beam, the opener light will blink for five seconds. 6. If obstructed while opening, the door will stop. 7. If fully open, the door wig not close when the beam is broken. The sensor has no effect in the opening cycle. If the sensor is not installed, or is misaligned, the door won't close from a hand-held remote. However, you can close the door with the Door Control, the Outdoor Key Switch, or Keyless Entry, if you activate them until down travel is complete. If you release them too soon, the door will reverse. The opener light will turn on under the following conditions: when the opener is initially plugged in; when power is restored after interrup...
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