Anleitung Zusammenfassung
For pre-wired installations (as in new home construction), it may be mounted to a single gang box (Figure 2). 1. Strip 1/4" of insulation from one end of bell wire and connect to the two terminal screws on back of door control by color: white to 2 and white/red to 1. 2. Door Control Button: Fasten securely with 6ABx1-l/2" screws. Console Model: Pry off cover along one side witha screwdriver blade (see Figure 1). Fasten with 6ABx1-1/4" self-tapping screws (standard installation) or 6-32x1" machine screws (into gang box) as follows: • Install bottom screw, allowing 1//8" to protrude above wall surface. • Position bottom of door control on screw head and slide down to secure. Adjust screw for snug fit. • Drill and install top screw with care to avoid cracking plastic housing. 13onot overtighten. • Insert top tabs and snap on cover. 3. (For standard installation only) Run bell wire up wall and across ceiling to motor unit. Use insulated staples to secure wire in several places. Be careful not to pierce wire with a staple, creating a short or open circuit. 4. Connect the bell wire to the terminal screws on the motor unit panel: white to 2; white/red to 1. 5. Position the antenna wire as shown. 6. Use tacks or staples to permanently attach entrapment warning label to wall near door control, and manual release/safety reverse test label in a prominent location on inside of garage door. DO NOT connect power and operate opener at this time, The trolley will travel to the full open position but will not return to the close position until the sensor beam is connected and properly aligned. TopreventpossibleSERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom electrocution: • Besurepoweris not connectedBEFOREinstallingdoor control. • ConnectONLYto 24 VOLTlow voltagewires. TopreventpossibleSERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfroma closinggaragedoor: • Installdoorcontrolwithinsightof garagedoor,out of reachof childrenat aminimumheightof5feet,andaway fromall movingpartsofdoor. • NEVERpermitchildrento operateor playwithdoorc0ntrol pushbuttonsor remotecontroltransmitters. • ActivatedoorONLYwhenit canbeseenclearly,is properly adjusted,andthereareno obstructionstodoortravel. ALWAYSkeepgaragedoor insight untilcompletelyclosed. NEVERpermitanyoneto crosspathof closinggaragedoor. Outside Keylock Accessory Connections To opener terminal screws: white to 2; white/red to 1 _] I_!ll_illlllliltltl Illliillllil_> 6AB x 1-1/2" Screw Door Control Button H; IAI212Il1111/12,,t'el/VJ_ iSIcl Control Console (std installation) I 116!; I21IxII ,!': Ictrle!; II Control Console (pre-wired) HARDWARE SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE _ nsulated Staples Dry Wall Anchors Figure 1 Figure 2 REMOVE & REPLACE COVER PRE-WtRED INSTALLATION TO Replace, To Remove, Insert Top Twist Tabs First__._._. Here 24 Volt 2-Conductor Bell Wire in Gang Box Lighted Push Button :_F==_===_== Top _v Mounting -Hole . > Terminal / _ Sorews Screws Bell Bottom Terminal Wire Ben Wire _ Mounting Hole (BACK V_EW) DOOR CONTROL BUTTON (BACK VIEW) PREMIUM CONTROL CONSOLE Back Panel of Opener 18 INSTALLATION STEP 7 Install the Light and Lens • Install a 75 watt maximum light bulb in the socket. The light will turn ON and remain lit for approximately 4-1/2 minutes when power is connected. Then the light will turn ore • Apply slight pressure on the sides of the lens and slide the tabs into the slots in the end panel. (See Light Lens I illustration .) I*" Lens • For convenience, the lens may be installed " . Guide after Adjustment Step 4 on page 30. • To remove, reverse the procedure. Use care to _g._ Lens avoid snapping off lens tabs. • Use standard neck Garage Door Opener bulbs for replacement. ens Light Bulb Tab INSTALLATION STEP 8 Attach the Emergency Release Rope and Handle • Thread one end of the rope through the hole in the top of the red handle so "NOTICE" reads right side up as shown. Secure with an overhand knot at least 1" from the end of the rope to prevent slipping. • Thread the other end of the rope through the hole in the release arm of the outer trolley. • Adjust rope length so the handle is 6 feet above the floor. Secure with an overhand knot, NOTE: flit is necessary to cut the rope, heat seal the cut end with a match or lighter to prevent unraveling. • To preventpossibleSERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom a falling garagedoor: -If possible,useemergencyreleasehandleto disengagetrolley ONLYwhen garagedoor is CLOSED.Weakor brokenspringsor unbalanced door couldresult in anopendoor fallingrapidly and/or unexpectedly. - NEVERuseemergencyreleasehandleunlessgarage doorwayis clearof personsandobstructions. • NEVERusehandleto pulldooropenorclosed,Ifrope knot becomesuntied,you could fall. Trolley Trolley Overhand Eme_genc Knot Release Handle 19 INSTALLATION STEP 9 Electrical Requirements To avoid installation difficulties, do not run the opener at this time. To reduce the risk of electric shock, your garage door opener has a grounding type plug with a third grounding pin. This plug will only fit into a grounding type outlet. If the plug doesn't fit...
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