
Inspect the teethers carefully before each use, especially when the child has teeth. Pull the teether in all directions to check for durability.Throw away the teether at the first signs of damage or weakness. Never dip the teether in sweet substances or medication, your child may get tooth decay. In the event that the teether becomes lodged in the mouth, DO NOT PANIC.The teether cannot be swallowed and is designed to cope with such an event. Remove from the mouth with care, as gently as possible

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Additional Cleaning Tip: The Sonicare handle is dishwasher safe. Remove the brush head and charger before placing the handle only in the top rack of dishwasher. NOTE: Brush heads and charger base should never be placed in the dishwasher. Storage If the product is not to be used for an extended period of time it should be unplugged from the electrical outlet, cleaned, stored in a cool a dr y area away from direct sunlight.The cord wrap can be used to store power cord in an organized manner. Repla