Anleitung EMI, modell High Wall Air Handler WCP
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
A [06/08] • Cabinet (available in designer white with grey discharge vanes) fabricated of cold roll steel with structural stiff- The WCP is a contemporary design, chilled water air handler that combines attractive appearance in any decor, with the highly efficient conditioning of small to mid size commercial or residential spaces. Equipped with unit mounted infrared compatible controls, optional hand held remote also available. Units provide up to a nominal 30,000 Btuh of cooling. Electric heat options are available for up to 5KW of supplemental heat. It can be paired with a matching capacity chilled water supply. This all American made unit offers ease of installation, operation and service. eners • Air inlet panel made from high impact polystyrene with perforated steel grille • Discharge grille constructed of high temperature Noryl • Condensate drain pan made from galvanized steel (G90U) with anti-corrosion coating oPtIonaL EquIPmEnt • Hand held infra-red remote controller (a separate hand held remote controller used to command the on-board controls). SpecificationS and performance 2 PiPe CHilled Water Fan Coil notE: Unit mounted controls are fully functional without the remote controller. Nominal Capacities: 9000, 12000, 15000, 18000, 24000, 30000 Btuh • Field installed condensate pump • 24V remote thermostat with controls & relays • Chilled water control valve (N/C 24V ac, 20VA max. or 8 VA max. on units with condensate pumps) • Electric heat with automatic reset high temperature ProduCt dEsCrIPtIon cutout and redundant high temperature fuse link. InstaLLEr suPPLIEd ItEms • Power wiring & low voltage wiring • Mounting screws and fasteners • Chilled water & condensate piping WCP CaPaCItIEs model nominal Capacaties total Capacity sensible Capacity Fluid temp. Fluid Flow Pd Ft. H20 09/12 9,000 7,375 6,732 45 1 0.8 10,801 8,272 45 2 3.8 13,270 9,279 45 3 8.0 12,000 8,387 7,189 40 1 0.8 12,481 8,950 40 2 3.9 15,643 10,304 40 3 8.1 15 /18 15,000 15,624 13,477 45 2 4.4 19,761 15,367 45 3 9.1 18,000 17,724 14,379 40 2 4.5 23,073 16,763 40 3 9.3 24/30 24,000 20,563 17,564 45 3 2.3 29,031 21,178 45 6 8.3 32,320 22,539 45 9 17.7 30,000 23,600 18,887 40 3 2.4 34,400 23,423 40 6 8.4 38,790 25,351 40 9 17.9 Factory Installed Controls/Components: aIr HandLEr standard FEaturEs • Relays and connections for chilled water supply • Unit mounted digital controls as standard: – Large .” LCD display – Anti-short cycle protection – Fan purge (fan remains on for 60 seconds after heat/cool call dropped for improved efficiency) • Auto/high/low fan operation • Low Volt transformer notE: Auto fan operation automatically selects fan speed according to heating or cooling demand. Constant fan operation is manually selected high or low speed. Web: Enviromaster International LLC WCP Dimensions and Specifications notE: Due to EMI’s ongoing development programs, design and specifications may change without notice. dIsCHarGE aIr sPEEd and FLoW (230V High speed Fan) model CFm Coil FPm throw/Ft. 9/12 310 Dry 960 16 15/18 600 Dry 1412 26 24/30 750 Dry 1400 25 36 750 Dry 1400 25 WCP PHYsICaL dImEnsIons model Width “a” Height “B” depth “C” Width “d” Width “E” Width “F” Width “G” Width “H” Width “I” shipping Wt. 09/12 36.” 14.” 10.” 32” 9” 24.” 8” 18” 16” 85 15/18 47.” 14.” 10.” 32” 10” 34.” 8” 18” 27” 115 24/30 57.” 14.” 10.” 42” 10” 44.” 8” 27” 28” 115 36 57.” 17” 11.” 42” 10” 44.” 10.” 25” 28.” 115 WCP ELECtrICaL sPECIFICatIons model # Volts/HZ/ Phase Fan total amps min. Volt min. ampacity (1) max Fuse (1)FLa HP 09A, 12A 115/60/1 0.64 0.03 0.64 104 0.8 15 09D, 12D 208/230/60/1 0.34 0.02 0.34 197 0.43 15 15A, 18A 115/60/1 1.2 0.083 1.2 104 1.5 15 15D, 18D 208/230/60/1 0.56 0.07 0.56 197 0.7 15 24A, 30A 115/60/1 1.2 0.083 1.2 104 1.5 15 24D, 30D 208/230/60/1 0.56 0.07 0.56 197 0.7 15 (1) If electric heaters are installed, use Min Amp and Max Fuse from Heater Options Chart. WCP ELECtrIC HEat oPtIons model Voltage KW Heater amps total amps min. Cir. amps max Fuse 9/12 230 3 13.1 13.5 16.8 20 15/18 230 3 13.1 13.6 17 20 24/30 230 5 21.7 22.3 27.9 30 36 230 5 21.7 22.3 27.9 30 WCP oBsErVEd sound VaLuEs (230V High speed Fan) model dba 9/12 48 15/18 51 24/30 54 36 54 ConnECtIons WCP Chilled Line size drain size 1/2” I.D. 1/2” I.D. 5/8” I.D. 1/2” I.D. 5/8” I.D. 1/2” I.D. 3/4” I.D. 1/2” I.D. Enviromaster International LLC 5780 Success Drive, Rome, NY 13440 made in rome, new York, usa WCP Chilled Water air Handler ...