Anleitung Zusammenfassung
The seat latch is located at the rear end and underneath the seat. NOTE: On some models, it is necessary to remove the rear seat first. smo2008-001-015_a TYPICAL — GTX, RXT AND WAKE MODELS 1. Seat latch To remove seat, pull the latch lever upward and hold. Lift and pull the seat rearward. To latchseat, alignlatch holewithpin then, firmly push down on the rear portion of the seat. 1 1.Latchhole 2.Pin EngineCompartment Removingtheseatgivesaccesstotheengine,electricalandfuelsystems. _______________55 TYPICAL — GTI AND RXP MODELS 1. Seat latch CONTROLS/INSTRUMENTS/EQUIPMENTS WARNING Certain components in the engine compartment may be very hot. Direct contact may result in skin burn. When starting or operating the engine, do not touch any electrical part. Never leave any object, rag, tool, etc., in the engine compartment or in the bilge. Front (bow) Eyelet Rear Storage Basket GTX,Wake,RXTModelsExcept XPackage A convenient watertight, removable basket to carry personal articles. smo2008-001-019_a GTIMODELS 1.Eyelet - TYPICAL 1. Rear storage basket Front and Rear (bow/stern) Eyelets Eyelets can be used for mooring, towing and as a tie-down point during trailering. smo2008-001-020_a ALLOTHERMODELS 1.Eyelet Rear(stern)Eyelet smo2008-001-016_a GTI,RXP,RXTANDWAKEMODELS 1.Eyelet 56 ______________ CONTROLS/INSTRUMENTS/EQUIPMENTS Boarding Step AllModelsExceptGTI130and RXPModels A convenient step to help reboarding the watercraft. NOTICE Never use mooring cleats to pull or lift the watercraft. smo2008-001-017_a GTISEANDGTXMODELS 1.Eyelet -6 TYPICAL 1.Boardingstep Pulldownthestepwithyourhandandholduntilafootorakneeisputonthestep. smo2008-001-018_a ALLMODELSEXCEPTGTI 1.Eyelets MooringCleats Thesecleatscanbetemporarilyusedfordocking,whilerefuelingforexample. -' TYPICAL—ALLMODELSEXCEPTXPACKAGE 1.Mooringcleats -3 BilgeDrainPlugs Shouldwaterbefoundinthebilge, unscrewdrainplugsandtiltthewatercraftslightlytotherearsothatthewatercancompletelyflowoutofthebilge. _______________ 57 CONTROLS/INSTRUMENTS/EQUIPMENTS NOTICE Remove watercraft from water prior to unscrewing drain plugs. -*& TYPICAL 1.Drainplugs 2.Tighten 3.Unscrew NOTICE Make sure drain plugs are properly secured prior to launching the watercraft in water. Ski/Wakeboard Post WAKEModels Pull up the post to hook up a ski or wakeboard rope. Push down when finished. Pull the knob to lift post. Ensure it is properly locked. smo2009-001-001_a 1.Knob smo2009-001-002 SKI/WAKEBOARDPOSTLIFTED Retractthepostbypushingeachsideofthelockingcliptowardfrontofwatercraft. smo2009-001-003_a PUSH TOWARD FRONT 1. Locking clip WARNING Make sure ski/wakeboard post is fully extended and locked before use. Completely retract and lock when not used. Use caution with skier/wakeboarder in tow as tow rope may backlash to watercraft when released. Never perform a sharpturnwhen towinga skier, wakeboarder or any toy. Always have one person other than the operator as an observer. NOTE: The handles are supplied for the observer to have a grip when watching. 58 ______________ CONTROLS/INSTRUMENTS/EQUIPMENTS NOTICE Never use the ski/ wakeboard post to tow other crafts. Respect the maximum load limit rating of the ski/wakeboard post. Overloading can affect maneuverability, stability and performance. Wakeboard Rack WAKEModels Convenient removable rack to carry a wakeboard. To install: NOTE: Wakeboard rack can be in stalled on both sides of watercraft. -& 4.Tightenthestrapsbyfirmlypullingupwards. 1. Position rack on bumper trim with its centerline in between the buckle receivers located in the footwell area. 2. Position the 2 outer J-hooks of the rack so as to grab the fiberglass lip of the hull underneath the bumper trim. 77 -&% 3. Attach the male buckles onto the buckle receivers located in the footwell. -& 5.Double-checkthatrackisproperlyinstalledbygivingitatug. WARNING If rack is not properly secured on the watercraft, it could become loose and detach unexpectedly, creating a risk of injury to people nearby. To avoid: – Ensure straps are in good condition. – Secure rack properly on watercraft. – Periodically check that straps are tight. _______________ 59 CONTROLS/INSTRUMENTS/EQUIPMENTS 6. When installing a wakeboard on the rack, position wakeboard fin(s) outward then secure bungee cords to tightly hold wakeboard. WARNING To avoid possible injuries and cuts from wakeboard's fin(s), always place FIN(S) OUTWARDS. -&. 1. Fin outward -&4 WARNING If wakeboard is not properly securedonrack, it couldbecome loose and detach unexpectedly, creating a risk of injury to people nearby. To avoid: – Inspect bungee cords condition and replace if damaged. – Secure wakeboard properly on rack. – Periodically check that board is properly attached. -&6 NOTE:Whenwakeboardisremovedfromitsrack,securebungeecordssothattheywillnotmovefreelywhenridingwatercraft. 7. After installation, pull and push wakeboard to ensure it is tightly secured to rack. 60 ______________ CONTROLS/INSTRUMENTS/EQUIPMENTS -&3 NOTICE The rackisdesigned to hold...
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