Dieses Gerät hat auch andere Anweisungen:
Anleitung Zusammenfassung
For the Installation of door station
and main monitor station
Supplied accessories for installation
Wiring schematic diagram
■ For the doorphone
Set up correctly according to the following wiring schematic diagram and "Wire type and length".
Installation Guide
● For information, such as order numbers, about optional devices that can be connected to, refer to the "Additional/replacement accessories" section in the Operating Instructions.
Wireless Video Intercom System
Screw × 4 (Used when
base × 1
× 1
instal ing the doorphone)
Model No. VL-SWD501
(VL-V554 : 4 mm x 12 mm)
Door station
Main monitor station
(VL-V554 only)
(VL-V554U only)
(VL-V554U : 4 mm x 25 mm)
Door station is described as "doorphone"
• VL-V554 is a surface mount type, VL-V554U is a flush
and Main monitor station is described as
mount type.
"main monitor" in this guide.
Electric lock
• In this manual, the suffix of each model number (e.g.,
Name plate × 2
(Electric vehicle
the "FX" in "VL-SWD501FX") is omitted.
(incl. 1 spare)
Hex wrench × 1
gate lock)*1
Note to the installer
■ Before attempting to connect or operate this product, please read the label on the rear of
For the main monitor
12 V AC/DC
Electric lock
the main monitor.
(Electric door
■ Please read this guide carefully, and install the product safely and correctly by following
the instructions. Carefully read the information found in the section titled "For your safety"
bracket × 1
in particular.
Cable binder × 1
■ Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
12 V AC/DC
■ The installation shall be carried out in accordance with all applicable installation rules.
■ Panasonic assumes no responsibility for injuries or property damage resulting from failures
■ Power supply unit and related items
arising out of improper installation or operation inconsistent with this guide. Additionally,
any resulting malfunction will not be covered under the warranty.
■ After installation, make sure to leave this guide with the customer.
Power supply
unit × 1
For your safety
220-240 V AC
Cable binder × 2
(Part No. VL-PS240)
Electric lock
(Electric vehicle
To prevent severe injury and loss of life/property, read this section carefully before using the
gate lock)*1
product to ensure proper and safe operation of your product.
● You will need the following additional items to install and configure the doorphone
and the main monitor.
12 V AC/DC
Electric lock
[Locally procured]
(Electric door
Preventing fire, electric shock and short circuits
- Screws (for mounting base: × 2, for mounting bracket: × 2):
4 mm
● Leave installation work to the dealer.
Prepare the screws (
the drawing on the right) according to
Installation work requires technique and experiences. Failure to observe this may
the material, structure, strength and other factors of the mounting
Connection device for option output (A contact)
12 V AC/DC
cause fire, electric shock, injury, or damage to the product. Consult the dealer.
area and the total weight of objects to be mounted.
● Electrical connection work should be performed by certified personnel only. Certification
- Power cables (AC/DC cables), wires (for doorphone and other connections):
is required for performing electrical connection work. Consult your dealer.
Prepare cables and wires of the appropriate specification. (
"Wire type and length")
● Use only the specified power supply unit.
● Do not attempt to disassemble or modify this product. Contact an authorised service
NP: Non-polarised
● The illustrations in the supplied manual(s) may vary slightly from the actual product.
centre for repairs.
24 V DC
● Never install wiring during a lightning storm.
● Do not connect non-specified devices.
*1 Make sure to only connect electric vehicle gate locks to the S3/S4 terminals of the
● Do not connect a power cable to a terminal that is not specified in this guide.
Precautions for installation
● When opening holes in wal s for instal ation or wiring, or when securing the power
*2 Make sure to only connect electric door locks to the S1/S2 terminals of the doorphones.
cable, make sure you do not damage existing wiring and ductwork.
● Do not make any wiring connections when the power supply is turned on.
To avoid malfunction or communication disturbances, do not install the doorphone or the main
● Do not use the supplied power supply unit for outdoor installations (it is for indoor use only).
monitor in the following locations:
● Do not install the main monitor and power supply unit in the following places:
- Places where vibration or any other kind of impact occurs.
- Places where the main monitor and power supply unit may be splashed with water or
- Places where echoing is frequent.
Wire type and length
- Places near a high concentration of dust, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, sulphur, or noxious
- Places where there is a high concentration of dust, or high humidity.
● Do not perform any actions (such as fabricating, twisting, stretching, bundling, forcibly
Wire type*1
Wiring run
bending, damaging, altering, exposing to heat sources, or placing heavy objects on the
■ For the doorphone
Length (Max.)
power cable) that may damage the power cable. Using the product with a damaged
● If a strong light is shining on the doorphone, the visitor’s face may not be distinguishable. Do
φ 0.65 mm
22 AWG
100 m
power cable may cause electric shock, short circuits, or fire. Contact an authorised
not place the doorphone in the following locations:
Main monitor –
service centre for repairs.
- Where most of the background is the sky.
φ 1.0 mm
18 AWG
130 m
● When existing chime wires are used, it is possible that they contain AC voltage.
- Where the background is a white wall, and direct sunlight will reflect off it.
φ 0.5 mm
50 m
Contact an authorised service centre.
- Where direct sunlight will shine on the doorphone.
Main monitor –
φ 0.65 mm
22 AWG
10 m
Preventing accidents and injuries
● Do not place the doorphone in locations where echoing occurs, as this wil cause the
doorphone to beep frequently.
Power supply unit
φ 1.0 mm
18 AWG
20 m
● Do not instal or use the product in health care facilities if any regulations posted in
● Dust protection/water protection is IP54.
Power supply unit –
the area instruct you not to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities may be using
Only when instal ation work specified in this guide is properly performed and appropriate water
φ 1.2 mm - φ 2.0 mm
AC power source
(17 AWG - 12 AWG)
No requirement
equipment that could be sensitive to external RF (radio frequency) energy.
protection treatment is performed.
Doorphone –
According to specifi-
● Do not instal or use this product near automatical y control ed devices such as
● Make sure the rear of the doorphone is not subject to water.
φ 0.5 mm - φ 1.2 mm
cation of connected
Electric lock*2
(24 AWG - 17 AWG)
automatic doors and fire alarms. Radio waves emitted from this product may cause
● Depending on the installation location, condensation may form on the doorphone’s lens cover.
such devices to malfunction, resulting in an accident.
Main monitor –
According to specifi-
This may cause images to become obscured. Condensation will dissipate as the temperature
Connection device for option
φ 0.5 mm - φ 1.2 mm
(24 AWG - 17 AWG)
cation of connected
output (A contact)*2
■ For the main monitor
● Instal the main monitor away from electronic appliances such as TVs, radios, personal
*1 Type: Single-pair cable with outer sheath (jacket)
Preventing electric shock
computers, air conditioners, boiler control panels with intercom, home security equipment,
Conductor: Copper solid
● If the wiring is underground, do not make any connections underground.
wireless devices, or digital cordless phones.
● A certified power supply wiring has to be used with this equipment. The relevant national
● If the wiring is underground, use a protection tube.
● Do not install the main monitor in places where it will be affected by extremely high-frequency
installation and/or equipment regulations shall be considered. A certified power supply wiring
● If the wiring is outdoors, use a protection tube or a surge protector.
radio waves (near broadcasting antennas etc.). This may cause the display to flicker or an
not lighter than ordinary polyvinyl chloride flexible wiring according to IEC 60227 shall be used.
interrupting noise to occur.
*2 When using an electric lock or a connection device for option output (A contact), select a device
Preventing injury
● Leave at least 20 cm of space above, below, and to the left and right sides of the main
that meets the following guidelines:
● Instal the product securely adhering to the instructions in this guide to prevent it from
monitor. Do not install on a wall that is deeply recessed.
● Electric lock connection terminal (S1/S2, S3/S4):
fal ing of the wal . Avoid instal ing onto low-strength wal s, such as gypsum board, ALC
● Do not install the main monitor inside a wall.
- N/O dry closure contact
(autoclaved lightweight concrete), concrete block, or veneer (less than 18 mm thick) wal s.
● Be sure to install the main monitor more than 5 m away from the doorphone.
- 12 V AC/DC, less than 1 A
● The product operates in the frequency range of 1.88 GHz to 1.90 GHz, and the RF
● Connection device for option output (A contact) terminal (OUT1/OUT2):
transmission power is 250 mW (max.). Refer to the "For best performance" section in the
- 24 V AC/DC, less than 0.3 A (minimum contact: 5 V DC 1 mA)
Operating Instructions.
1-62, 4-chome, Minoshima, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-8531, Japan
● In areas surrounded by a high electrical field, disturbances may occur in the main monitor’s
image or sound.
© Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd. 2015
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...Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:
Überwachungstechnik - VLSWD501UFX (1.4 mb)