Anleitung Gigabyte, modell GV-RX80T256V
Hersteller: Gigabyte Dateigröße: 1.7 mb Dateiname:

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
As the user moves closer to a 3D object the image quality should increase , requiring a h igher quality te xture of the sam e image. The base mipmap is the highest quality texture, and all subsequent mipmaps are smaller sized textures of the same image. Moving the slider to the right selects a higher quality base mipmap, de livering the hig hes t q uality ap plication ex perienc e. Moving th e s lid er to the left s ele cts a lower quality mipmap, delivering the highest ap plication perform ance. • Wait for Vertical Sync This will lower the frame rate of full screen ga mes but reduc e the image tearing that ca n occur with the higher frame ra te. Selecting Application Preference allows the application to decide whether or not it should display its fr ames at the r efresh rate of the mo nitor. Selecting Always Off allo ws the a pplication to r un at its highes t possible fram e rate, regardless of the monitor’s refresh r ate wh ich is typically less than the fr ame ra te at which the a pplic ation will r un. • TRUFORM makes the curved surfaces of 3D obje cts look s moother an d more lifelike. • Compatibility Settings button Th is button allow s you to acc ess ad van ced se ttings th at can solve c ompa tibility iss ues for a few spe cific Direct 3D applicatio ns. • Support DTX texture formats allo ws applic ations to use this kind of textur e format. Th ere are a fe w applicatio ns that ca n o nly su ppo rt a limite d n umb er of tex tu re for mats. By selectin g Disabled, th e drive r will not su pport D TX tex ture for m a ts , th u s r e du c ing th e nu m be r of tex tur e fo r m ats supported. • Alternate pixel center This may eliminate pr oble ms w ith som e Direct3D g ames which display vertical and horizontal lines around textures, or text that appears incorrect. However, this setting should only be used if you are experiencing the sympto ms mentioned, as it may cause pr oblems with othe r games. • Defaults button allows you to reset the D irect3 D Comp atibility Setting s to default valu es. GV-RX80T256V Graphics Accelerator -22 OpenGL Settings: • Use custom settings checkbox Whe n Use custom settings is c hecked , you c an click "Custom" button to a ccess Cu stom Settings. Usin g Custom Settings is recom mended fo r advanc ed users only. • SMOOTHVISION 2.1 • Anti-Aliasing checkbox imp roves im age qua lity b y re m o ving ja g g ed e d g es fr o m 3 D im ag e s , resulting in smoother, more naturallooking objects. Selecting Application Preference willresultin high q ua lity im ag es , with ne gligible re du ction in th e application's performance. • Anti-Aliasing slider c a n b e a p p lie d u s in g different s ample pattern s and s ample points such as 2 X, 4 X, o r 6X. Mo ving th is s lide r to the r ig ht increases sampling to provide the most realistic 3D image. • Anisotropic Filtering checkbox use s a tex ture filter ing te c h niq ue th a t b le n ds mu ltiple tex tur e s a m p le s t o g e t h e r . Se le c tin g Ap pl ic at io n Preference will result in high q uality textures, with a n e g ligible r e d u c tio n in t h e a p p lic a tio n 's performance. • Anisotropic Filtering slider By moving this slider to th e rig h t, a s th e nu m b e r o f sa m p le s tak e n in crea ses , the q uality of the fin al ima ge incr ease s s ign ific antly. 16X pr ovid es extreme ly detailed,crisp-looking images as a result of the largest number of texture samples possible. • Texture Preference slider Sele cting this de cides whethe r your applic ation s hould use hig h quality or high p erform ance te xtu re s. Moving the slider to the rig ht de livers th e hig hes t q ua lity e xpe rienc e. Movin g the slid er to th e left e mphasiz es a hig h perfor mance s olution while still pro viding g ood visu als. English -23 -Softwa re Installation English English • Mipmap Detail Level slider This will allow you to choose the texture quality of the mipmaps the application will use. Mipmaps are a collec tion of different sized textures of the same ima ge. As the user moves closer to a 3D object the image quality should increase , requiring a h igher quality te xture of the sam e image. The base mipmap is the highest quality texture, and all subsequent mipmaps are smaller sized textures of the same image. Moving the slider to the right selects a higher quality base mipmap, de livering the hig hes t q uality ap plication ex perienc e. Moving th e s lid er to the left s ele cts a lower quality mipmap, delivering the highest ap plication perform ance. • Wait for Vertical Sync This will lower the frame rate of full screen ga mes but reduc e the image tearing that ca n occur with the higher frame ra te. Selecting Application Preference allows the application to decide whether or not it should display its fr ames at the r efresh rate of the mo nitor. Selecting Always Off allo ws the a pplication to r un at its highes t possible fram e rate, regardless of the monitor’s refresh r ate wh ich is typically less than the f...