Anleitung Gigabyte, modell GV-N40128DE
Hersteller: Gigabyte Dateigröße: 626.42 kb Dateiname:

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 2 1.1. Features ................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2. Board Layout ........................................................................................................................... 2 2. Hardware Installation ............................................................................................. 3 3. Software Installation .............................................................................................. 4 3.1. Direc tX Installation .................................................................................................................. 4 3.2. Driver Installatio n (Wind ows® XP/ 2000/ME/98) ................................................................... 4 3.3. V-Tuner Installation ................................................................................................................. 5 4. Appendix ............................................................................................................... 6 4.1. BIOS Flas h Utility .................................................................................................................... 6 4.2. How to Refla sh the BIOS ....................................................................................................... 6 4.3. Reso lutions and Color Depth Table (In Wind ows® XP) ...................................................... 6 English 12MD-N40128-106 -1 EnglishEnglish 1. Introduction 1.1. Features • Pow ered b y NVIDIA® GeForce™ MX40 00 Graphics Proces sing Unit (GPU) • Supp orts the new AGP 8X and latest D irectX 8.1 • Integr ated with 1 28MB DDR me mory (For G V-N40128DE/ GV-N40128TE only) • Inte grated with 64M B DDR m emory ( For GV-N 4064T o nly) • Features TV-Out and D-Sub c onnectors • Suppor ts DVI-I con nector (For GV-N40128DE only) 1.2. Board Layout 1. GV-N40128DE DVI-I Conne ctor S-Video VGA M onitor Connector (15 pins) Digita l LC D M o ni An alog L C D M on i DV I-I to D-Su b C on ne ctor DV I Ou tp ut VG A Ou tp ut to r tor N TSC / PAL TV P ro je c to r An alog L C D M on itor A na lo g M o nito r AV Ou tp ut S -V id eo O utpu t o r DV I-I C on ne ctor S-Vide o VG A M on itor C o nne ctor (1 5 pins ) -2 RCA deo ns) RCA deo ns) 2) GV-N40128TE/GV-N4064T S-Vi VGA M onitor Connector (15 pi N TSC / PAL TV AV Ou tp ut N TSC / PAL TV AV Ou tp ut RC A S-Vide o P ro je c to r S -V id eo O utpu t VG A M on itor C o nne ctor (1 5 pins ) o r An alog L C D M on itor A na lo g M o nito r 2. Hardware Installation Installing your gra phics c ard. Now that you ha ve prepar ed your co mputer, you are re ady to ins tall your graphics card. 2. Re plac e the A G P s l o t . I f 1. L o ca te th e s c re w to fa ste n ne ces sary, r e- the card in place, move th e metal an d re pla ce the co ver fro m th is computer cover. slot; then align you r g r ap h ic s ca rd w ith th e AGP s lo t, a nd p res s it in firm ly until the c ard is fu lly seated. 3. Plug th e d is p lay c a b le in to yo u r c a r d ; th e n tu r n o n th e computer and mon itor. English -3 EnglishEnglish 3. Software Installation 3.1. DirectX Installation In stall Micros oft Dir ectX to enab le 3 D ha rdw are acce lera tion su ppor t fo r Window s® 9 8/ 98 SE / Wind ows® 2000/ W indows® ME or W indows® XP to ach ieve better 3D per formence. Note: Fo r software MPEG suppo rt in Windo ws® 98 / 98 SE/ W indo ws® 20 00/ W indo ws® ME or W indo ws® XP, yo u mu st in stall Dir ectX fir st. Click " Install Dire ctX" ite m. 3.2. Driver Installation (Windows® XP/2000/ME/98) In ser t th e d river C D d isk into your CD -ROM , a nd then yo u c an see the AU TORU N w ind ow. If it doe s not show u p, please r un "D :\setu p.exe" . (We assum e that your CD-RO M drive letter to be D: ). Click " Install Display Dr iver " item. -4 3.3. V-Tuner Installation V-Tu ner lets you adju st the w orking frequ ency of the gra phic eng ine and vide o me mory (Co re Clock and Memory C lock). Click "U tilitie s" ite m. Then click "V-Tu ner" item. Min. V-Tuner Close V-Tuner Display & Adju st Core Clock Display C ore Clock ay M em ory Clock Disp la y & A d ju s t M emory Clock Link to the Website of Displ Help Des cription Clo se V-Tuner to Gigabyte System Tray English -5 EnglishEnglish 4. Appendix 4.1. BIOS Flash Utility 1. Plea se dow nload the new est BIO S Zip file fr om GIG ABYTE website ( tw). The file contains a M S-DOS-based BIOS flash u tility. Or contac t your local deale r for the file. 4.2. How to Ref lash BIOS in MS-DOS Mode 1. Extr act th e downloaded Z ip file to yo ur hard disk( s) (ex: drive C) or floppy disk. This procedure ass umes drive C. 2. Resta rt the c omputer in MS-DO S mode b y choosing Rest art in M S-DOS m ode in th e Shut Down W indows dialog box.(This option is only availa ble with Win dows 98/98...