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Anleitung Sony, modell DCR-TRV210E

Hersteller: Sony
Dateigröße: 2.51 mb
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

•Keep the AC power adaptor away from the camcorder if the picture is disturbed. Using a car battery Use Sony DC Adaptor/Charger (not supplied). .oieo 1 .iaaioiaea enoi.ieea ieoaie. ........ ..iaia yeaeo.iieoaie. neaaoao caiai.ou oieuei a ianoa.neie eaaeeoeoe.iaaiiiai ianeo.eaaie.. ............... .iia.aoa ia ioee..aaon. io enoi.ieea ia.aiaiiiai oiea ai oao ii., iiea ii iianiaaeiai e yeaeo.e.aneie naoe, aa.a anee nai aiia.ao e auee..ai. ..eia.aie. • .eoaiea io naoaaiai aaaioa.a ia.aiaiiiai oiea ii.ao iiaaaaoun. aa.a a neo.aa, anee aaoa.aeiue aeie i.ee.aieai e .aoae aeaaieaia.a. • .iacai DC IN eiaao “i.ei.eoao enoi.ieea”. .oi cia.eo, .oi ieoaiea io aaoa.aeiiai aeiea ia ii.ao iiaaaaoun., anee i.iaia yeaeo.iieoaie. iianiaaeiai e aiacao DC IN, aa.a anee i.iaia yeaeo.iieoaie. e ia iianiaaeiai e naoaaie .icaoea. • .nee ecia.a.aiea enea.aii, ioiaaeiuoa naoaaie aaaioa. ia.aiaiiiai oiea iiaaeuoa io aeaaieaia.u. .niieuciaaiea aaoiiiaeeuiiai aeeoioe.oi.a .niieucoeoa aaaioa./ca..aiia ono.ienoai iinoi.iiiai oiea Sony (ia i.eeaaaaon.). Step 2 Inserting a .oieo 2 .noaiiaea cassette eannaou We recommend using Hi8 video cassettes H. If you use standard 8 htape, be sure to play back the tape on this camcorder. Your camcorder records in the Digital8 system. (1)Slide EJECT in the direction of the arrow while pressing the small blue button. The cassette compartment automatically lifts up and opens. (2)Insert a cassette with its window facing out and the tab on the cassette up. (3)Close the cassette compartment by pressing the “PUSH” mark on the cassette compartment. The cassette compartment automatically goes down. .aeiiaiaoaon. eniieuciaaou aeaaieannaou oeia Hi8 ni ciaeii H. .nee .u eniieucoaoa noaiaa.oio. eaioo 8 h, oi aini.iecaiaeou eaioo neaaoao ia aaiiie aeaaieaia.a. .aoa aeaaieaia.a auiiei.ao caienu a oeo.iaie nenoaia Digital8 . (1).a.aa iaeaiueo. nei.. eiiieo, ia.aaaeiuoa ia.aee..aoaeu EJECT a iai.aaeaiee no.aeee. .onae ae. eannaou aaoiiaoe.anee iiaieiaon. aaa.o .. ioe.iaon.. (2).noaauoa eannaoo, oae .oiau ieioeo auei ia.auaii ia.o.o, a eaianoie ia eannaoa aaa.o. (3).ae.ieoa ionae ae. eannaou, ia.aa iaoeo “PUSH” ia ionaea. .onae ae. eannaouaaoiiaoe.anee iionoeon. aiec. Getting started .iaaioiaea 1 2 3 EJECT To eject a cassette .e. ecaea.aie. eannaou Slide EJECT in the direction of the arrow while .a.aa iaeaiueo. nei.. eiiieo, ia.aaaeiuoa pressing the small blue button. ia.aee..aoaeu EJECT a iai.aaeaiee no.aeee. Step 2 Inserting a cassette .oieo 2 .noaiiaea eannaou Notes •The recording time when you use your Digital8 system camcorder on Hi8/standard 8 tape is 2/3 the recording time when using the conventional Hi8/standard 8 system camcorder. •If you use standard 8 tape, be sure to play back the tape on this camcorder. Mosaic pattern noise may appear when you play back standard 8 tape on other VCRs. •Do not press the cassette compartment down. Doing so may cause malfunction. To prevent accidental erasure Slide the write-protect tab on the ca...

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