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BATT RELEASE (PUSH), naaeiuoa aaoa.aeiue aeie a iai.aaeaiee no.aeee. BATT RELEASE (PUSH) You can look at the demonstration of the .u ii.aoa iaae.aaou ca aaiiino.aoeae functions available with this camcorder (p. 35). ooieoee, eia.ueon. a aaiiie aeaaieaia.a (no.. 35). Inserting a cassette .noaaea eannaou Inserting a cassette .noaaea eannaou Make sure that the power source is installed. When you want to record in the Hi8 system, use Hi8 video cassette H. (1) While pressing the small blue button on the EJECT switch, slide it in the direction of the arrow. The cassette compartment automatically lifts up and opens. (2) Insert a cassette with the window facing out. (3) Close the cassette compartment by pressing the “PUSH” mark on the cassette compartment. The cassette compartment automatically goes down. Getting .iaaioiaea EJECT1 2 3 PUSH .aaaeoanu, .oi enoi.iee ieoaie. onoaiiaeai. .nee .u oioeoa auiieieou caienu a nenoaia Hi8, oi eniieucoeoa Hi8-aeaaieannaoo H. (1) .a.eia. iaeaiueo. nei.. eiiieo ia auee..aoaea EJECT, naaeiuoa aai a iai.aaeaiee no.aeee. .onae eannaou aaoiiaoe.anee iiaieiaaon. aaa.o e ioe.uaaaon.. (2) .noaauoa eannaoo ieioeii, ia.auaiiui ia.o.o. (3) .ae.ieoa ionae eannaou, ia.eia. ciae “PUSH” ia ionaea eannaou. .onae eannaou aaoiiaoe.anee iioneaaon. aiec. To eject the cassette While pressing the small blue button on the EJECT switch, slide it in the direction of the arrow. To prevent accidental erasure Slide the tab on the cassette to expose the red mark. If you insert the cassette with the red mark exposed and close the cassette compartment, the beeps sound for a while. If you try to record with the red mark exposed, the and 6indicators flash, and you cannot record. To re-record on this tape, slide the tab back out covering the red mark. .e. auoaeeeaaie. eannaou .a.eia. iaeaiueo. nei.. eiiieo ia auee..aoaea EJECT, naaeiuoa aai a iai.aaeaiee no.aeee. .e. i.aaioa.auaie. neo.aeiiai noe.aie. .a.aaaeiuoa eaianoie ia eannaoa oae, .oiau iieacaeanu e.ania. iaoea. .nee .u anoaaeoa eannaoo n aunoaaeaiiie e.aniie iaoeie e cae.iaoa ionae eannaou, oi a oa.aiea iaeioi.iai a.aiaie aoaao cao.aou coiia.iue caoeiaie neaiae. .nee .u iiiuoaaoanu i.iecaanoe caienu i.e aunoaaeaiiie e.aniie iaoea, eiaeeaoi.u e 6aoaoo ieaaou e .u ia nii.aoa auiieieou caienu. .e. iiaoi.iie caiene ia oaeo. eannaoo ia.aaaeiuoa eaianoie iacaa, .oiau cae.uou e.anio. iaoeo. Basic operations Camera recording .niiaiua iia.aoee .aienu n iiiiuu. aeaaieaia.u Basic operations Camera recording .niiaiua iia.aoee .aienu n iiiiuu. aeaaieaia.u Make sure that the power source is installed and a cassette is inserted and that the START/STOP MODE switch inside the LCD panel is set to . Before you record one-time events, you may want to make a trial recording to make sure that the camcorder is working correctly. When you use the camcorder for the first time, power on it and reset the date and time to your time before you start recording (p. 64). The date is automatically recorded for 10 seconds after you start recording (AUTO DATE feature). (1) While pressing the small green button on the POWER switch, set it to CAMERA. (2) Turn STANDBY up to STANDBY. (3) Press START/STOP. The camcorder starts recording. The “REC” indicator appears and the red lights up in the viewfinder. The camera recording/battery lamp located on the front of the camcorder also lights up. You can also select Recording mode, SP (standard mode) or LP (long play) mode. Set REC MODE in the menu system according to the length of your planned recording before you start. .aaaeoanu, .oi enoi.iee ieoaie. onoaiiaeai, eannaoa anoaaeaia e, .oi ia.aee..aoaeu START/STOP MODE ia iaiaee ... onoaiiaeai ia . .a.aa oai eae .u ia.iaoa caienu iaii.aciauo niauoee, .u ii.aoa caoioaou naaeaou i.iaio. caienu ae. iiaoaa..aaie., .oi aeaaieaia.a .aaioaao i.aaeeuii. .nee .u eniieucoaoa aeaaieaia.o a ia.au. .ac, oi aee..eoa ieoaiea e onoaiiaeoa aaoo .. a.ai. ia .aoa ianoiia a.ai. ia.aa ia.aeiІ caiene (no.. 64). .inea ia.aea caiene aaoa aoaaЧ aaoiiaoe.anee caienuaaoun. a oa.aiea 10 naeoia (ooieoe. AUTO DATE ). (1) .a.eia. iaeaieo. caeaio. eiiieo ia auee..aoaea POWER, naaeiuoa aai a iiei.aiea CAMERA. (2) .iaa.ieoa STANDBY a iiei.aiea STANDBY. (3) .a.ieoa START/STOP. .eaaieaia.a ia.eiaao caienu ,e e.ania. eaiii.ea aunaa.eaaaon. a aeaieneaoaea. .i.aeon.eiaeeaoi. “REC”. .aiii.ea caiene eaia.ie/aaoa.ae, .aniiei.aiia. nia.aae aeaaieaia.u, oae.a aoaoao ai.aou. .u oae.a ii.aoa aua.aou .a.ei caiene, SP(noaiaa.oiue .a.ei) ee .. LP (aieaiea.a.uaa aini.iecaaaaiea). .a.aџ ia.aeii caiene onoaiiaeoa REC MODE ќ nenoaia iai. a niioaaonoaee . i.iaie.eoaeuiinou. .aoae ieaie.oaii. caiene. 2 3 1 CAMERA POWER OFF PLAYER START/STOP LOCK STANDBY START/STOP LOCK STANDBY H STBY 0:00:00 40 min. 40 min. AUTO DATE REC 0:00:01 SP Camera recording .aienu n iiiiuu. aeaaieaia.u Camera recording .aienu n iiiiuu. aeaaieaia.u To stop recording momentarily [a] Press START/STOP again. The “STBY” indicator appears in the viewfinder (Standby mode). To finish ...