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Introduction Saving Exiting EMU Reference Contents Preparation Basic Screen Playing Back Confirming File Information Saving as a Still Photo You can save an image from a currently displayed movie clip as a still photo. 1 1 In the main window, select the [View] menu . [Clip list]. . The [ Clip list] dialog box appears. 2 2 Select a movie clip in the [Clip list] dialog box. 3 3 Drag the frame position slider right or left and display the image you want to save. Frame position slider 4 4 Select the [File] menu . [Save as still images]. . The [ Save As] dialog box appears. . You cannot select [Save as still images] during movie playback. Stop movie playback first. 5 5 Select a save destination, enter a file name and click the [Save] button. Merging and Saving Movie Files When you shoot movies with the EOS-1D C, the movie file will be split by 4 GB and multiple movie files will be created automatically, even for the single shooting. You can merge these multiple files and save them as a single file with this function. Checking the Movie Files in a Movie Clip In EMU, the split movie files will be displayed as a single movie clip. You can check the structure of a movie clip and see the movie files that consist the movie clip in the procedures as below. 1 1 In the main window, select the [View] menu . [Clip list]. . The [ Clip list] dialog box appears. . To use this function, you must first select the folder in which the movie clips to check are saved. If a folder is not selected, follow steps 1 to 2 of “Movie Clip Playback” ( p.6) to select a folder. 2 2 In the [Clip list] dialog box, select the movie clip whose structure you want to check, right-click with the mouse, and select [Show structure of the clip] from the menu that appears. Movie file names are displayed in several lines for a movie clip made up of split movie files. Introduction Playing Back Confirming File Information Saving Exiting EMU Reference Contents Preparation Basic Screen . The [ Structure of Clip] dialog box appears. Merging Split Movie Files and Saving as a Single File You can merge multiple split movie files in a movie clip and save them as a single file. The original movie files are kept as they are in the folder they were originally saved. 1 1 Merging All the Split Movie Files in the Folder and Saving as a Single File In the main window, select the [Tools] menu • [Merge split files]. . The [ Merge Files] dialog box appears. 2 2 Click the [ ] button for [Folder for Files to be Merged] and then select the folder in which the movie files to be merged are Introduction Playing Back Confirming File Information Saving Exiting EMU Reference Contents Preparation Basic Screen Movie files shot on a camera are recorded on the memory card with the folder structure shown below. With this software, if the above folder structure is not maintained, it may not be possible to merge the split movie files properly. When performing "Merge all the split movie files in the folder and save as a single file" operation, make sure the above folder structure is maintained and the DCIM folder at the upper layer of the folder structure is selected. Even when the folder structure is maintained, be aware that it may not be possible to merge movie files properly if the name of the selected folder, originally [DCIM], has been changed to another name. .... DCIM100CANON101CANON102CANONMVI_xxxx.MOVMVI_xxxx.MOVMVI_xxxx.MOVMVI_xxxx.MOVMVI_xxxx.MOVMVI_xxxx.MOVMVI_xxxx.MOVMVI_xxxx.MOVMVI_xxxx.MOVMVI_xxxx.MOVMVI_xxxx.MOVMVI_xxxx.MOV . All the movie files saved in the selected folder will be merged. 3 3 Click the [ ] button for [Folder for Exported Files] and then select the folder for saving the merged movie file. 4 4 Click the [Start] button. . Merging and saving starts. . A message appears when merging and saving are complete. . If you checkmark [Automatically Generate Subfolders], a subfolder is created in the folder for the merged movie file selected in step 3, then the merged movie file is saved there. A file can be saved without changing its file name even if another file with the same file name is already in the folder. . If you checkmark [Rename Files], you can change the file name of the merged movie file when saving it. . To create file names with consecutive numbering, enter the initial value in the [Initial Value for Consecutive Numbers] box. You can enter an initial value that is up to 5 digits. Checkmark [Remember Consecutive Numbering] to allow consecutive numbering to continue even after closing the [Merge Files] dialog box and opening it again to merge and save movie files. . If you checkmark [Include Unsplit Clips], movie files not split but saved in the folder selected in step 2 are copied to the folder for saving the merged file together. Merging Split Movie Files for a Single Movie Clip and Saving as a Single File 1 1 In the main window, select the [View] menu . [Clip list]. . The [ Clip list] dialog box appears. . Note that this function is available after you...