Anleitung Samsung, modell VP-X110
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
1. Close all windows currently opened and insert the provided software CD into the CD-ROM drive. 2. Place the CAM on the cradle and connect the USB cable to the USB port of the cradle. USB Mode screen appears. 3. Move the [ / ] switch to select or and press the [OK] button. 4. Installation process automatically begins. 2 USB Mode PC-Cam PictBridge USB 2.0 MassStorage USB 1.1 MassStorage Note . During the Windows 98 SE driver installation, it may require to insert Windows 98 operation system CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive to proceed. Aby bylo moIne pouIivat zafiizeni CAM jako vymunitelnou jednotku se systemem Windows98SE mUIe b.t nutne nainstalovat ovladaa pro system Windows98SE. 1. Zavfiete v‰echna aktualnu otevfiena okna a vloIte dodan. disk CD se softwarem do jednotky CD-ROM. 2. Umistute videokameru do kolebky a pfiipojte kabel USB k portu USB na kolebce. Zobrazi se obrazovka reIimu USB. 3. Pohybem ovladaae [ / ] vyberte poloIku < USB 2.0 Mass Storage> nebo < USB 1.1 Mass Storage> a stisknute tlaaitko [OK]. 4. Automaticky bude zahajena instalace. Poznamka . Buhem instalace ovladaae v operaanim systemu Windows 98 SE bude pravdupodobnu tfieba vloIit do pfiislu‰ne jednotky v poaitaai disk CD-ROM s operaanim systemem Windows 98. 120120 ENGLISH Miscellaneous Dal‰i informace: Pfiipojeni CZECH Connecting zafiizeni CAM k jin.m zafiizenim Disconnecting USB Connection After completing the data transfer, you must disconnect the cable the following way. 1. Select the removable disk icon and select ‘Safely Remove Hardware’. 2. Select ‘Stop’ and disconnect the USB cable when the screen disappears. Notes . If you disconnect the USB cable from the PC or the CAM during the data transfer, the data transfer will stop and the data may be damaged. . If you connect the USB cable to a PC using a USB HUB or with other device at the same time, it might cause conflict and may not work properly. If this occurs, remove all other devices and try the connection again. . The CAM may operates abnormally in the recommended system environment depending on the assembling of PC. For example, the video file is played abnormally. . Once you select the USB 2.0 MassStorage, USB 1.1 MassStorage, PC-Cam or PictBridge, you cannot select the modes. Disconnect the USB cable or turn on the CAM again to select the modes. . If you disconnect the USB cable, the message ‘Now refresh file list’ appears for 1 second. . All operation mentioned on the page 104 may not guaranteed in the system environment. Odpojeni pfiipojeni USB Po dokonaeni pfienosu dat je nutne odpojit kabel podle tohoto postupu. 1. Vyberte ikonu vymunitelne jednotky a klepnute na ni prav.m tlaaitkem my‰i. Vyberte moInost Safely Remove Hardware < Bezpeanu odebrat hardware> . 2. Vyberte moInost Stop; po zmizeni kontextoveho okna odpojte kabel USB. Poznamky . Odpojite-li kabel USB od poaitaae nebo zafiizeni CAM buhem pfienosu dat, pfienos se zastavi a data se mohou po‰kodit. . Pfiipojujete-li kabel USB k poaitaai pomoci rozboaovaae USB nebo za souaasneho pfiipojeni dal‰iho zafiizeni, mUIe dojit ke konfliktu zafiizeni a kamera nemusi fungovat spravnu. V tomto pfiipadu odpojte v‰echna ostatni zafiizeni a zkuste navazat pfiipojeni znovu. . Zafiizeni CAM nemusi fungovat normalnu v doporuaenem systemu v zavislosti na sestaveni poaitaae. Napfiiklad video soubor nebude pfiehran normalnu. . Po vybrani moInosti USB 2.0 MassStorage, USB 1.1 MassStorage, PC-Cam < Webkamera> nebo PictBridge nemUIete vybrat reIimy. Pro vybrani reIimu odpojte kabel USB nebo vypnute zafiizeni CAM. . Po odpojeni kabelu USB se zobrazi na jednu sekundu zprava “Now refresh file list” < Nyni obnovte seznam souborU> . . V‰echny funkce uvedene na stranu 104 nejsou zaruaeny v systemovem prostfiedi. 121121 ENGLISH CZECH Miscellaneous Dal‰i informace: Tisk fotografii Tisk pomoci funkce PictBridge Printing with PictBridge With the PictBridge Support, Diky podpofie rozhrani PictBridge lze ovladat printer directly through the CAM tiskarnu a tisknout tak uloIene snimky pfiimo ze stored pictures. zafiizeni CAM. For direct printing of your stored pictures Pro pfiim. tisk fotografii pomoci funkce PictBridge function, you must connect the a PictBridge je nutne pfiipojit zafiizeni CAM k tiskarnu PictBridge printer using a USB cable. PictBridge pomoci kabelu USB. 1. Connect the CAM to the PictBridge printer USB Mode PC-Cam PictBridge USB 2.0 MassStorage USB 1.1 MassStorage Print Next Photo Previous Photo Date Off Copies 5 PictBridge 100-0056 1. Pomoci kabelu USB pfiipojte zafiizeni CAM k with the USB cable. tiskarnu podporujici technologii PictBridge. 2. Pohybem ovladaae [ Ovladaa reIimU] dolU 2. Move [ Mode Selector] down to turn on the CAM. zapnute zafiizeni CAM. USB menu screen appears automatically. Automaticky se zobrazi obrazovka s nabidkou 3. Move the [ / ] switch to select USB. and press the [OK] button. 3. Pohybem ovladaae [ / ] vyberte poloIku < PictBridge>...
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