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9977-iQUNO_USESFR_1030.qxd 30/6/08 16:52 Page 26
Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Guide
° Avoid contact with antibacterial or abrasive detergents/cleaners as
° Check for any damaged pump parts and replace if necessary.
they can damage the plastic. Combinations of detergents, cleaning
° Check that all the pump components have been assembled
products, sterilizing solution, softened water and temperature
Cracking or
correctly and that the white valve is positioned correctly.
fluctuations may, under certain circumstances, cause the plastic to
crack. If this occurs, do not use.The pump body and breast milk
° Ensure that the silicone diaphragm and Let-down Massage Cushion
of pump parts
are fitted securely to the pump body and that a perfect seal is created
containers are dishwasher safe but food colorings may discolor
Lack of, or no suction
around your breast.
them. Follow guidelines in ‘Cleaning and Sanitizing Your Pump’
on page 7.
° Make sure the Let-down Massage Cushion is pushed far enough
down the center of the funnel. Run your thumb on the flat
° Use the spare parts included with your Single Electronic Breast
surface between each petal to ensure there are no air pockets.
Lost or damaged parts
Pump or contact Philips AVENT for replacements. Call
1.800.54.AVENT or visit www.philips.com/AVENT
° Make certain that the control handle is firmly in place.
° Ensure the pump is correctly assembled and switched on
° Ensure the pump is correctly assembled and that suction
with the power indicator illuminated GREEN.
is being created.
No milk being
° Make sure the cord between the electrical wall outlet
Pump not responding
° Relax and try again, as expression may improve after practice.
or battery pack and the pump is correctly connected.
° Refer to the ‘Preparing to Pump’ section on page 8.
° If using the battery pack, use recommended batteries and
check they are inserted correctly.
° You may be squeezing too hard.You do not need to use
° Pump light flashing RED with delays (3 flashes, delay, 3 flashes etc.): If the
all the suction the pump can generate.Try compressing
pump works properly in Manual Control Mode but does not replicate in
the handle halfway.
Automatic Mode, the handle rhythm may have been too fast for optimal
Pain in the breast
Pump light
° Try squeezing the handle more gently and remember the 2-3 second
milk expression.The machine is set not to follow. Push the control button
area when expressing
pumping rhythm (refer to ‘Pumping with Your Electronic Breast Pump’
flashing RED
to return to Manual Control Mode and use a slower handle rhythm.
on page 13).
If this does not help and the power light still flashes RED, the pump has
° Consult your health professional/breastfeeding advisor.
detected a vacuum fault. Disconnect the power and check the control
handle and diaphragm for obstruction or damage.
° Pump light flashing RED continuously: Low battery warning. Replace
° Try leaning slightly forward so your milk flows easily down the pump funnel
the batteries.
and into the milk container (you can use cushions to support your back).
° Remove and re-fit the Let-down Massage Cushion to ensure it is
° The pump must be switched off via the control button in order to
firmly attached and pushed far enough down the center of the funnel
separate these parts. If the batteries go flat mid-pumping, you may
Milk is drawn up the
(This is easier if assembled while wet).
experience difficulty. Replace the batteries or connect the pump to an
Let-down Massage
electrical outlet.Turn the pump on by holding down the One-touch
° Some women may prefer to use the pump without the Let-down
Difficulties in separating
Memory Control until the light flashes ORANGE and you hear the
Massage Cushion.The Let-down Massage Cushion has petals that
the control handle from
pump turn on (this can take up to 5 seconds).When the light turns to
flex in and out to gently massage the area around the areola.This
the pump body
a solid GREEN, press and hold the One-touch Memory Control again,
is intended to help stimulate a fast, natural milk flow.When using
to turn the pump off.The light will go out and you can now disconnect
the breast pump without the Let-down Massage Cushion, the
the pump from the power supply and separate the parts (refer to
maximum vacuum level achievable will be higher.
‘Disassembling Your Electronic Pump’ on page 6).
Need Help? Call us at 1.800.54.AVENT or visit www.philips.com/AVENT