Anleitung Ironman Fitness, modell Transition Recumbent Bike IM-R7
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Using your left hand, pull your right palm toward you gently. Hold for 20 seconds; repeat three to five times with each arm. Lie on your back. Bend your right knee and lift it halfway to your chest. Grasp your knee with your left hand and pull it toward your left shoulder, keeping both buttocks against the floor. Hold for 20 seconds; repeat three to five times with each leg. Place your right hand behind your head, palm facing your head. With your left hand, grasp your right elbow and pull downward until you feel a stretch in the back of your right arm. Hold for 20 seconds; repeat three to five times with each arm. Sitting with your back straight, bring the soles of your feet together. Let your knees lower toward the floor. Hold for 30-60 seconds or until muscles feel looser. Workout Information Standing Quadriceps StretchAchilles StretchCalf StretchFace a solid structure such as a wall with your left foot ahead of your right, toes straight ahead. Bend your left knee, press your hips forward, and lean into the wall. Keep both heels down, your right leg straight, and you left knee over your ankle. Hold for 20 seconds; repeat three to five times with each leg. Steady yourself with one hand. With the other, grab outside leg at ankle, keeping body straight from knee to hip. Gently pull foot up and towards the buttocks until you feel a stretch along the front of the thigh. Thigh should be pulled straight back and not drift to outside. Hold 20-30 seconds. For variation, grab opposite ankle (i.e., grab right ankle with left hand). Do two to three repetitions per leg. Face the wall with your left foot ahead of your right, toes straight ahead. Bend both knees, press your hips forward, and lean into the wall. Keep both heels down and both knees in line with your feet. Hold for 20 seconds; repeat three to five times with each leg. Workout Information Parts Information L-1L-2N12N12 Exploded View - 11 - Ref #DescriptionQtyRef #DescriptionQtyA1 MAIN FRAMe, FRoNT1A21-3 BUSHING, MeTAl2A1-1 NUT, M84A21-4 BTN HD AlleN BolT, M8X50X201A1-2 SCReW, M8X52 1A22 PlUG, ReCTANGUlAR BlACK1A2 MAIN FRAMe, ReAR1A23 CoVeR, PoWeR ReCePTACle 1A2-1 BTN HD AlleN BolT, M8X10 4A23-1 PHIllIPS SCReW, M4X121A2-2 TRACK, AlUMINUM1A24 CoVeR, BACK SUPPoRT leFT1A2-3 SToPPeR, CeNTeR1A25 CoVeR, BACK SUPPoRT RIGHT1A2-4 SCReW, M4X10 4A25-1 PHIllIPS SCReW, M4X20 4A2-5 SCReW, M4X12 4A26 CRANK leFT 1A2-6 SToPPeR, leFT BlACK1A27 SPRING 1A2-7 SToPPeR, RIGHT BlACK1A28 BRACKeT, IDleR PUlleY1A3 WIRe HARNeSS, eKG ReAR1A28-1 BRACKeT, IDleR PUlleY1A4 WIRe HARNeSS, eKG MIDDle1A28-2 HeX HD BolT, M8X251A5 NUT, 3/8X26X7mm 2A28-3 FlAT WASHeR, M10X24X0.3 2A6 FlYWHeel, MAG BRAKe1A28-4 FlAT WASHeR, M8X22X1.51A6-1 C-ClIP, C10 2A28-5 C-ClIP, C121A6-2 BeARING, 6300ZZ 1A28-6 BeARING, 6001ZZ1A6-3 NUT, 3/8X5 1A29 HoUSING, MAIN leFT FRoNT1A6-4 AXle, MAG BRAKe1A30 PHIllIPS SCReW, M4X2512A6-5 PUlleY, MAG BRAKe1A31 PHIllIPS SCReW, M5X2011A6-6BeARING, oNe WAY IC1735-FT1A32 HoUSING, MAIN RIGHT FRoNT1A6-7 BeARING, 6000ZZ 1A33 WIRe HARNeSS, MAIN CoNSole TUBe1A6-8 BeARING, 6300ZZ 2A34 WIRe HARNeSS, eKG CoNSole TUBe1A7 BeARING, 6203ZZ2A35 HoUSING, MAIN RIGHT ReAR1A8 MAGNeTIC HoUSING1A36 GeAR BoX, W/ HARNeSS1A8-1 FlAT WASHeR, M6X16X1.2 1A36-1 PHIllIPS SCReW, M6X104A8-2 NUT, M6 5A37 HoUSING, MAIN leFT ReAR1A8-3 FlAT WASHeR, M6X19X1.5 1B STABIlIZeR, FRoNT1A8-4 NUT, M61B1 leVeleR BolT, M8X29X42.5 5A8-5 HeX HD BolT, M6X60 1B1-1 NUT, ADJUSTMeNT5A8-6 CABle, TeNSIoN1B2 eND CAP2A8-7 SPRING 1B3WHeelS, TRANSPoRT W/ HoUSING2A9 SeAT CARRIAGe1B4PHIllIPS SCReW, #8X32X5/84A9-1 CoVeR, SeAT CARRIAGe1C STABIlIZeR, ReAR1A9-2 WHeel, SeAT CARRIAGe4C1 eND CAP2A9-3 BUSHING, MeTAl2D CoNSole TUBe1A9-4 PlUG, INNeR BlACK1e HANDleBAR, FRoNT1A9-5 BTN HD AlleN BolT, M8X22 4e1 HANDle, FoAM2A9-6 SHAFT, PoP PIN1e2 PlUG, INNeR2A9-7 SPRING, PoP PIN1F CoNSole, CHANG YoW1A9-8 NUT, M161F1 PHIllIPS SCReW, M5X10 4A9-9 KNoB, RoUND BlACK1G SeAT, BlACK1A10 SUPPoRT, BACK PAD1H BACK PAD, MeSH 1A10-1 PlUG, INNeR BlACK1I CoVeR, CoNSole TUBe1A10-2 FlAT WASHeR, M8X25X2 2J-(l) HANDleBAR, leFT ReAR1A10-3 AXle, BACK SUPPoRT1J-(R) HANDleBAR, RIGHT ReAR1A11 HANDle, SeAT ADJUSTMeNT1J1 WIRe HARNeSS, eKG/ToGGle ReAR l/R1A11-1 KNoB, FlAT BlACK1J1-1 MeMBRANe, ToGGle RIGHT1A11-2 TUBe, CoNNeCTING1J1-2 PHIllIPS SCReW, M3X35 2A11-3 AXle, BRAKe1J1-3 PlATe, eKG2A11-4 MoUNT, BRAKe PAD1J1-4 HANDle, eKG1A11-5 SeT SCReW, M6X10 2J1-5 CoVeR, ToGGle leFT/RIGHT ReAR1A11-6 BUSHING, BRAKe ASSY1J1-6 CoVeR, ToGGle RIGHT ToP1A11-7 BRAKe PAD1J1-7 CoVeR, ToGGle RIGHT BoTToM1A11-8BUSHING, BRAKe ASSeMBlY leFT1J1-8 NUT, M3 4A12 SPeeD SeNSoR, W/ WIRe1J1-9 PlUG, INNeR CIRCUlAR BlACK2A13 GAS SHoCK, SeAT CARRIAGe1J1-10 PHIllIPS SCReW, M4X10 2A13-1 SoCKeT HD AlleN BolT, M8X95 1J2-1 MeMBRANe, ToGGle leFT1A13-2 HANDle, GAS SHoCK1J2-2 CoVeR, ToGGle leFT ToP1A13-3 BUSHING, PlASTIC2J2-3 CoVeR, ToGGle leFT BoTToM1A13-4 CAP NUT, M82K WATeR BoTTle, IVIVA BlACK1A13-5 CAP NUT, M81l(R) PeDAl, RIGHT 1A13-6KNoB, FlAT BlACK1l(l) PeDAl, leFT 1A13-7NUT,1l1 STRAP, PeDAl le...