Anleitung Bosch, modell VG295234AU/01
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
The rounded corners of the pot supports on the side must face out to the side. (see picture). Cleaning the electrode Soiled electrodes may cause malfunctions when igniting or flame monitor disturbance. If necessary clean with the included brush. Be careful when cleaning electrodes, they are fragile, do not twist or damage. Do not switch on the cooktop while cleaning. Burnt-in residues To remove stubborn, burnt-in residues you can order the grill cleaning gel (order number 463582) from your specialist retailer or from our after-sales service. You can use it to clean the pan supports, the burner parts and the stainless steel cooktop base. If necessary apply the gel and leave overnight. Please observe the manufacturer’s instructions. Part/surface Recommended cleaning method Stainless steel surfaces Clean with a soft cloth and some soapy water; polish dry with a soft cloth. Do not use too much water to avoid water entering the appliance. Pan support Carefully take off pan supports for cleaning. Soak in soapy water. Clean with a brush and some detergent. Be careful when cleaning around the rubber rests to ensure they do not come loose. Rinse with clear water. Carefully dry pan support before assembly. Do not clean in a dishwasher! Burner lid, burner ring, burner head (brass) Take burner parts off for cleaning. Clean in soapy water with a cloth and detergent. Use brass polish to retain the original shiny surface of the burner ring and the burner lid. Port openings of the burner ring must be kept free. Be careful not to loose the small parts. Do not clean in a dishwasher! Wok burner head (enamel on cast iron) Clean with detergent and brush. Dry thoroughly before assembly. Do not clean in a dishwasher! Control panel Clean with a soft, moist cloth and some soapy water; do not use too much water. Dry with a soft cloth. Control knobs Clean with a soft, moist cloth and some soapy water; do not use too much water. Caution! Damage to the appliance: Do not pull off the control knobs to clean them. Part/surface Recommended cleaning method Di scol our e d bur n er pa r t s A f t e r p r ol on g e d op e r at i o n , t h e b u r n e r s (b u r n e r l i d , bu rn er r ing an d b ur ner hea d) w ill be com e dar ker thro ugh na tura l o xid a tio n. Yo u c a n r e mo ve t his di sco lo r atio n as follow s: 1 Mi x eq ual par ts of w h ite vi neg ar w ith a m a x. 8 % acid (hou seh o ld vine gar ) and wa rm w a te r. 2 S o ak t he disc olored b urn er par ts for no long er tha n 1 0 mi nute s in th e so l utio n . Rem o ve stu bb o rn st ai n s w i t h a c l ot h or sp on g e . 3 Rinse th e b urn er par ts tho ro u gh ly in clea r wa te r a nd dr y co m p letel y before use . Caution! T he sur fac e w ill be dam a g ed if the so lu tio n is too co nc en trated or t he bur ne r p a r t s are lef t in vin eg a r fo r to o lo ng ! Trouble shooting M a lf unc tions of ten have sim p le ex plan atio n s . P le a se rea d th e fo llo w in g n o te s b efo re c a llin g t he af ter- s a les ser v ice. Do not use these cleaners . Sc ouri ng or c he m icall y ag g r e ssi v e c l e a n e r s . D o n't allo w ac idi c c l ean er s (e. g. vin ega r, c itr ic a c id, etc .) to g et o n th e f ram e or p ane l. . C le a ner s co nt a i n i ng ch lorin e or w ith a hi gh co ntent o f a l co h o l . Ove n c l e a n e r . H a r d an d sc r a t c h y spon g e s , b r u s h e s or sc ou r i n g pa ds . T h or ou g hl y wa sh ou t ne w sp on g e c l ot h s b e fo r e us ing the m . Fault Possible cause Solution Burner does not ignite when switched on, operation indicators are off. No electrical power. Turn control knob to 0. Check the fuse box if the fuse has tripped. Burner does not ignite when switched on, operation indicator of the switched on burner is flashing. Burner goes off during operation, operation indicators go off, only the operation indicator of the affected burner continues to flash for a few seconds. Malfunction of the burner or the gas supply. Malfunction of the burner or the gas supply. Turn control knob to 0. Check: . Are all burner parts correctly assembled? . Is the gas shut-off valve open? . Is the burner dry and clean? . Is there an air pocket in the gas supply line after first installation or changing the LP ( propane) gas tank? . LP ( propane) gas: is the gas tank empty? Turn all control knobs to 0. Wait, until the appliance has cooled! Check affected burner: . Are all burner parts correctly assembled? . Is the electrode soiled ( food remains) or wet? . Is the burner soiled by boiled over food? . Check for strong draughts ( for example open window behind the cooktop) ? . LP ( propane) gas: is the gas tank empty? Burners go off during operation, operation indicators go off. Power cut Turn all control knobs to 0. Check the power supply. There will be no automatic re- ignition after a power cut. Burners go off during operation, all operation indicators are flashing. Overheating protection Turn all control knobs to 0. Wait, ...