Anleitung IBM, modell 3590
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Operator Guide GA32-0330-13 Note! Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page 115. Fourteenth Edition (October 2001) This edition of the IBM TotalStorage™ Enterprise Tape System 3590 Operator Guide , GA32-0330-13, obsoletes and replaces GA32-0330-12. Changes or additions are indicated by an asterisk or pound sign in the left margin. The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you. Order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. If you have comments or suggestions to improve this book see “Do You Have Comments or Suggestions?” on page xiii. When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a non-exclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1995, 2001. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Figures.............. v Safety.............. vii Material Handling Safety ....... vii Laser Safety and Compliance ...... vii Preface .............ix Related Publications ......... ix IBM 3590 Publications........ ix IBM 3490 Publications........ ix IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Automated Tape Library (3494) Publications .... ix RS/6000® Publications ........ x AS/400® Publications ........ x S/390® Publications......... x IBM Fibre Channel Fabric Publications . . x IBM ESCON® Publications ...... x IBM FICON™ Publications ...... xi Related Software Publications ..... xi HPPublications.......... xii SUNPublications ......... xii OtherPublication ......... xii OnlineAccess ...........xii IBM Storage Media support...... xii IBM 3590 Tape Subsystem Support . . . xii Non-IBM Support......... xiii Do You Have Comments or Suggestions? . . xiii SummaryofChanges ........ xv FourteenthEdition.......... xv ThirteenthEdition.......... xv TwelfthEdition........... xv EleventhEdition ..........xv TenthEdition ...........xvi NinthEdition ...........xvi EighthEdition ...........xvi SeventhEdition ..........xvi SixthEdition ...........xvi FifthEdition ...........xvii Chapter 1. Introduction ........ 1 Chapter 2. A14, C10, and C14 Control Unit OperatorPanel ...........3 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2001 Chapter 3. Drive Operator Panel and Controls.............5 OperatorPanelDisplay ........ 5 Fiducials.............13 DrivePower............ 13 IndicatorsandIcons ......... 13 Processor Check Indicator ...... 14 FileProtectedIcons ........ 14 Tape Position Indicator ....... 14 DumpIcon ...........15 CleanIcon ...........15 Intervention Messages ........ 16 Message Priority and Display Rules . . . 19 FID and ATTN Supplemental Messages . . 23 OperatorPanelMenus ........ 28 OperatorFlowChart ........ 30 OperatorMenus .........31 Chapter 4. Automatic Cartridge Facility (ACF)andMagazine......... 49 ACFDescription ..........49 ACFFunctions ..........50 ACFMagazine ...........52 Cartridge Magazine Positions ..... 52 MagazineWeight .........53 Inserting and Removing Cartridges from theMagazine ..........53 Inserting and Removing the Magazine in the3590 ............54 ModesofOperation ......... 55 ACFNotes ...........56 ManualMode ...........57 AccumulateMode ..........58 AutomaticMode ..........60 SystemMode ...........61 Random and Random 2-LUN Modes.... 63 Cell Status Indicator LEDs ....... 64 Cell Status: Flashing Yellow–Attention indicatorLED ..........65 Cell Status: Steady Yellow–Alert Conditions ...........66 Cell Status: Steady Green–In-Use Indicator LED.............. 66 Chapter 5. Cleaning Procedures .... 67 iii CleaningtheTapePath ........ 68 ModelB11/E11 ..........68 ModelB1A/E1A .........68 Cleaning Notification ........ 69 Cleaning the Tape Cartridge ...... 70 CleaningtheMagazine ........ 71 Chapter 6. Identifying Subsystem Problems ............73 Unable to Insert a Tape Cartridge ..... 73 FID or ATTN on the Message Display . . . 73 TapeDriveisNotReady........ 73 Leader Block Detaches from the Tape . . . 74 SCSIBusProblems.......... 75 Fibre Channel Problems ........ 75 Unloading a Tape Cartridge after a Power Failure.............. 75 Tape Winds Completely Out of the Cartridge 75 TapeDoesNotUnload ........ 75 Message Display is Blank ....... 76 Tape/Drive Read or Write Problems .... 76 ACF Recovery Procedure........ 77 Attention Indicator LED Flashes .... 77 Attention Indicator LEDs On Continuously (NotFlashing) ..........77 C...