Anleitung Zusammenfassung
• #2 Phillips screwdriver
• 7/16-inch wrench or socket
About the Plenum
• Plenum (if required)
The plenum is an air duct that attaches to the switch rails, enabling the
See “About the Plenum” on page 2 to determine if you need to in-
switch to draw in cooler air from outside the rack instead of drawing in
stall a plenum before rack mounting your device.
heated air from inside the rack.
• SAN Switch Rack Mount Kit hardware
The plenum ships with the following switch models only:
See Table 1, which identifies the rails and rail-mounting hardware.
• SAN Switch 2/8V
Depending upon your configuration, one of the following devices may
• SAN Switch 2/8
be required:
• SAN Switch 2/16V
• SAN Switch or MP Router
• 4/8 SAN Switch
• FCoE Converged Network Switch
• 4/16 SAN Switch
• Encryption SAN Switch
• 4/32B SAN Switch
Table 1 SAN Switch Rack Mount Kit hardware
• 8/8 SAN Switch
• 8/24 SAN Switch
See “Installing the plenum (if required)” on page 6 for instructions on
installing a plenum.
Two rear mounting brackets
Installation and safety guidelines
Verify that the rack and the area surrounding the rack meet the following
A right inner rail and a right
outer rail
• Plan a rack space that is 1.5 units high (6.7 cm or 2.6 inches), 48.3
cm (19 inches) wide, and at least 68.6 cm (23 inches) deep. For the
MP Router, 4/64 SAN Switch, 8/80 SAN Switch, and Encryption
A left inner rail and a left outer
SAN Switch, plan a rack space that is at least 2 units high.
• Ground all equipment in the rack through a reliable branch circuit
connection, and maintain ground at all times. Do not rely on a sec-
14 #8-32 x 3/16-inch Phillips
ondary connection to a branch circuit, such as a power strip.
panhead screws with thread
• Ensure that airflow and temperature requirements are met on an on-
lock for use with the SAN
going basis.
Switch 2/32 only.
• Secure the rack to ensure stability in case of unexpected movement.
14 #8-32 x 5/16-inch Phillips
panhead SEMS screws for use
with the 4/8, 4/16, 4/32,
Installing the SAN Switch Rack Mount Kit
4/64 SAN and 4/32B SAN
Switches, and the 2/16, 2/
in an HP custom rack
8V, 2/16V, MP Router, 400
MP Router, 8/8, 8/24, 8/40,
8/80, and FCoE Converged
Use the SAN Switch Rack Mount Kit to install your HP device in the
Network Switch
following HP custom racks:
• HP System/e Rack
All devices require 10
• HP 10000 Series Rack
screws except for the
For optimal cable management, HP recommends that you install the SAN
4/32B SAN Switch, MP
Switch Rack Mount Kit to allow the nonport side of the device to slide
Router, Encryption SAN
out of the cool-air side of the rack. In this installation, the port side of
Switch, 1606 Extension
the device is set back from the edge of the rack, allowing a more gradual
SAN Switch, and FCoE
bend in the fiber optic cables.
Converged Network
Switch, which require
only 6 screws.
The SAN Switch Rack Mount Kit installation requires one
Ten #10-32 x 1/2-inch Phillips
panhead screws with captive
star lock washers
The following items are required to install the device in a rack:
Eight #10 alignment washers
• Power cables
Page 2
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