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HP StorageWorks
About this document
Control er blower replacement
This document describes the procedure for replacing the control er
Warranty information
If the product in which this part is being replaced is stil under
HP warranty, then the replacement part(s) referred to in these
Replacement Instructions is provided under the terms and conditions
of the Hewlett-Packard Company Limited Warranty for that
product. A copy of this Limited Warranty may be viewed at:
ht p://h18006.www1.hp.com/products/storageworks/warranty.html
If this is a trade sale part (product out of warranty), then the replacement
part(s) referred to in these Replacement Instructions is provided under
HP's express limited warranty statement, which may be viewed at:
ht p://customerops.corp.hp.com/1sw/pdm_om/warranty_support/
These instructions apply to EVA 4x00/6x00/8x00
The replacement part takes on either the Limited Warranty Period of the
products. The part may also be used in other HP
part being replaced or a ninety-day period that begins upon installation
products. See the documentation for your specific
of the replacement part, whichever is greater.
product for detailed replacement instructions.
The only warranty for this replacement product is as noted above.
Nothing in these replacement instructions should be construed as
constituting an additional warranty. The information provided in these
replacement instructions is provided "AS IS" and HP is not liable for
technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Before you begin
Observe the following precautions when replacing a blower:
• Removing a blower significantly changes the air flow within the
enclosure. Both blowers must be installed for the enclosure to cool
properly. If a blowers fails, leave it in the enclosure until a new
© Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
blower is available to instal .
Fourth edition June 2007
• Parts can be damaged by electrostatic discharge. Use proper
anti-static protection.
The information in this document is subject to change without
• Have a copy of the product user guide available for reference. You
can download a copy of the user guide from the product support
Printed in the Puerto Rico
page on the HP website.
Verifying component failure
Before replacing a blower, use the following methods to verify the
component failure:
If HP Command View EVA does not present a status consistent with
the blower status indicators, or if either HP Command View EVA or
your system monitoring tool indicates multiple hardware failures,
contact HP support for assistance (ht p://www.hp.com/support).
• Analyze any failure messages received.
• Check the controller blower status using HP Command View EVA:
1. In the Navigation pane, select Storage system > Hardware >
Rack > Control er enclosure > Control er.
2. In the Content pane, select the Enclosure tab. The status is
displayed in the Cooling System field. The status should be
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