Hersteller: ViewSonic
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
11 VOLUME +/Changes the volume. 12 CH +/Changes the TV channels 13 Start Open the W ndows Med a Center 14 MUTE D sables the sound dur ng playback. 15 Recorded TV Opens the recorded TV w ndow 16 Guide Opens the Telev s on Program Gu de. 17 Live TV D splays the full-screen v ew of l ve TV. 18 DVD Opens the DVD player 19 Numeric button Enter text and numbers nto a W ndows Med a Center search or text box. 20 Enter Confirm the selected action. 21 CLEAR Deletes the last entered select on. ViewSonic VOT550 ODD Operating Loading a Battery 1. Remove the back cover of the remote control and nsert two AA batter es n the remote control. 2. Make sure the batter es are nserted n the correct d rect on w th the + and – symbols on the batter es match ng the ones on the remote control. Using the remote control Po nt the remote control at the remote control sensor at the front of the PC, and press a button. Press ng the Power button turns the PC on or puts t n Standby (sleep) mode. ViewSonic VOT550 ODD Operating Media Center Entertainment To use the remote control w th your computer, push the green button to start W ndows Med a Center. What does the remote control do? • Telev s on • Watch DVDS • Record TV • Record a TV ser es • Play record TV • Watch TV n other places • Watch, pause, rew nd TV • Burn TV to a CD or DVD • Transfer to your portable player • Schedule a Record ng Remotely Med a Center Enterta nment support funt on as below: • Music Enjoy your mus c, L sten to rad o. • Video Watch your home mov es • Online Spotlight Exclus ve onl ne content • Pictures V ew your photos Download p ctures from your d g tal camera. • Other Programs Use other programs w th your MCE ViewSonic VOT550 Chapter 4 System Recovery Your PC M n bundle system recovery d sc enables users to restore the system to ts default sett ngs. Th s funct on s useful n the event of a system fa lure or f you forget the system passwords. Th s chapter covers the follow ng top cs: • When to use the System Recovery D sc • Runn ng System Recovery Manager ViewSonic VOT550 System Recovery When to use the System Recovery Disc You need to run system recovery: • In the event of a system or hardware fa lure. • You need to restore the system back to ts default factory sett ngs • You forgot the system password. System recovery w ll format the hard d sk and restore the system to ts default sett ngs. Note:All files and other data on drive C: will be deleted. Running System Recovery Manager Your PC m n uses Acron s Recovery Manager for system recovery funct ons. Insert the System Recovery d sc nto slot- n ODD to run System Recovery Manager. Follow the step as below: 1. Turn on the PC m n . The system w ll boot up and the vendor logo w ll appear. 2. When the screen d splays shows “Start ng Acron s Loader ...”, press the F11 button on the keyboard. ViewSonic VOT550 System Recovery 3. Now you w ll see a w ndow as p cture, cho ce Restore button to cont nue. 4. System will ask you to confirmation, restoring your computer to the original state will remove all files that were created on your computer. Do you want to proceed with restor ng? Press “Yes” button to cont nue. 5. Wa t ng for the nstall progress, the system w ll restore operat on completed successfully. Start us ng your PC m n . Note: If W ndows operat ng system starts up before you press F11 and you st ll w sh to run System Recovery. Restart the PC m n then follow the same procedures above. ViewSonic VOT550 Chapter 5 Setting the BIOS BIOS Setup Ut l ty s a program for conf gur ng the BIOS (Bas c Input/Output System) sett ngs of the computer. BIOS s a layer of software called f rmware that translates nstruct ons from other layers of software nto nstruct ons so that the computer hardware dev ces can understand them. The BIOS sett ngs are needed by your computer to dent fy the types of nstalled dev ces and establ sh spec al features. Th s chapter tells you how to use the BIOS Setup Ut l ty. ViewSonic VOT550 Setting BIOS Setting the BIOS Not long after act vat ng the power, you w ll see the follow ng screen. Please press “Delete” button to get nto BIOS screen. If you would l ke to see the POST screen, you may just press “Tab” button. ViewSonic VOT550 Setting BIOS After press ng “Delete” button, you w ll see the follow ng BIOS setup menu: How to Use Phoenix-Award BIOS Setup Program Generally, you can use arrow keys to h ghl ght the opt ons that you want to choose, press