Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Performance of any obligation under INs warranty may be obtained by returning the warranted prod uct, freight prepaid, to: Shinn Fu Company of America, Inc. 10939 North Pomona Avenue Kansas City, Missouri 64153 Except where such limitalioim and exclusions are specifically prohibited by applicable iBw, (1) THE CONSUMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE THE CREDIT, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS AS DESCRIBED ABOVE, and (2) EVERYOUNG FtTNESS-SHINN FU COMPANY OF AMERICA, INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGE OR LOSS WHATSOEVER, and SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU, SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCI DENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. SPECIAL NOTE: F3 ERROR CODE The "F3" error code may display on the computer console after r__ly#jtj_e__,._&.oj_[n_ot!g__M#e.. __0±.tEqJ[[L__, To preve.t damage due to overhealing, the iitt system is equipped with a lhermat prolectfon device. Upon activation ot the thermal proteclion device, the treadmill wilt stop normal operation end the computer console will disptay the "F3" error code. To resume normal operation: 1. Turn oil the master power switch and unplug the treadmill from the electrical cutter. 2. Allow the treadmit} to ('eel for a period of GO minutes (mmimumI. 3, Rasel the Error Code dispIayad (F3) by following the procedure as outlined on page 12 of the Owner's Manual (Resetting Error Codes). Calibrate the lift system as outlined on page 12_ of the Owners Manual (Calibrating % Inclirle). 88800F Product Specifications LEIIG rl-t: FOLDING 22.#'t57 cm Ui_JFOI_DfNG 5&3"/I ,llJ cm WIDTH: 30.7"178cm !4EfGHT: FOLDtI,IG ._8.3'<*_ (GRADE) _;r.} ELECTRONIC DISPLAY: 1 -8 x 8 L.ED. Matrix I -4 numeral LED. 3-3 numeral LED. t -2 mmlerat L.C.D. MOTOR: ! Jt.tP (Coniimious Duty) 2+SHP (Treadmill Duty) DRIVE BELT: Poly-Vee dlrncI drive belt STRUCTURAL FRAME. Welded steel, F_wder coated finmh MAXIIvIUM USER WE1GHT: 25ollm-ll t3kg SHIPPING DIMENSIOi',IS: 59" x 30.i{t" x 15" 150 x '78.2 x 38cm SHIPPING WEIGHT: 15&71bm/72ktl IV!/ttl%l l l;:Itl/4i'_t,,C Troubleshooting with error codes The 88800F electronics continuously runs a self check. If it finds an irregularity, the electronic con soie will display an error code, and stop normal operation. _..__R_RCOnE _.RRIPT!O N F! SPEED SENSOR ERROR F2 SPEED ERROR F3 ELEVATION SYSTEM ERROR For "FI" or "F2" error code _ Foiiow ihe Cali bratin0 speed then the Resetting error codes pro cedures below to reset the treadmill for normal operation. For "F3" error code; Follow the Calibrating % in cline then the Resetting error codes procedures below to reset the treadmill for normal operation, Calibrating Speedand %Incline : NOTE: tf you need a_istatice,:ptease contact your nearest authorized serv/.e center before attempting the following procedures. (pleas{i note model number and .set_al #). -: Faiflxre to do so may void your warranty, .... Calibrating Speed .. 1. Press and hal.__dtile "ONIOFF" butlon to tfghf up o!l the segments of LEDs. 2. Press.and hold the set Program butlanB, Cleaning Before proceeding ensure that the treadmill power is off and that it is unplugged from the elec- Iflcaloutlet. ,_-T...
Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:Kraftstationen - EverYoung 88800F (232.4 kb)