Anleitung Zusammenfassung
To allow us to serve you better, please take a few moments to complete and return your warranty registration. YOU MAY ALSO REGISTER ONLINE AT If you have questions or need additional information, contact your local dealer or call Precor Commercial Products Customer Support at 888-665-4404. Thank You and Welcome to Precor atedporPrecor Incor ue NEenv20031 142nd A x 7202PO Bo 98072-4002AW, villeoodinW ECPLA AMPST HERE Fold along dotted line and tape closed before mailing. COMM. Which best describes this purchase (check all that apply): . First Precor product . Replaces a Precor product of the same type . Replaces same type of product – different brand . Enhancement to equipment already owned How did you FIRST become aware of this product (choose only one): . Authorized Precor dealer . Precor sales representative . Trade show/conference . Internet . News report or product review . Club/fitness magazine advertisement . Trade/consumer magazine article . Other ________________________________________________________ What factors MOST influenced your decision to purchase this product (choose up to three): . Precor reputation . Prior product experience . Design/appearance . Value for the price . Special product features . Warranty . Service . Rebate or sale price TELL US ABOUT YOUR NEW PRECOR PRODUCTS Please indicate the type and number of products purchased: . #: ______ Elliptical Fitness CrossTrainer (EFX®) . #: ______ Treadmill . #:______ Stair Climber . #: ______ Cycle . #:______ Strength Station . #: ______ StretchTrainerTM Date of Purchase: . Mr. . Mrs. . Ms. Name of Facility Please detach Contact Person — First Name City State Zip Code How many members do you have? . Less than 100 . 100 – 500 . 500 – 1000 . 1000 – 2000 . 2001 + What percentage of floor space do you allocate for cardio equipment? . 0% to 20% . 20% to 40% . 40% to 60% . 60% to 80% . 80% to 100% What type of equipment makes up your cardio offering (check all that apply)? . Treadmills . Ellipticals . Cycles . Stair Climbers . Rowing Machines . Other _____________ What other brands of cardio equipment do you currently offer (check all that apply): . Life Fitness . True . Cybex . StarTrac . Other ______________________________ What other Precor equipment do you currently offer (check all that apply): . EFX . Cycle . StretchTrainerTM . Treadmill . Stair Climber . Strength Machine . Other ______________________________ Month Day Year Your Business Email Address Area Code Facility Telephone Number Purchased from (Dealer name): Product Serial Number(s): Facility Address Apt./Suite The serial number is located on the shipping box and on the product. TELL US ABOUT YOUR FACILITY Last Name TELL US ABOUT YOUR PURCHASE Add additional sheets of paper or register online at P/N 45622-101 Effective 30 June 2002 C 9 xx i Com P O M 4 8 41 5-101 , e n W a rr anty # 3 628 7 - 111 , e n Registr a tio n C a rd # 45 62 2-101 , e n 01 Marc h 2 005 Pre c or , C, Cro s sRamp, E F X, M, Move B e yond, an d Smar tRate are re giste r e d tr ade m a r ks of Pre c or I nco rpo r a t ed. Crosstr a iner , Qu ic kSt a rt, a n d Stretc hT r a in er ar e tr ade m ar ks of Pre c or I n c o rpor a ted . Copyright 200 5 Precor Incor p or ated. Specifi c ations subject to c h ange w i thout notice. www . p r e cor . co m NO TI C E : Precor is widely recogniz ed for its i n nova tive, aw a r d winning designs of exer cise equipm en t. Pr ec o r agg r es siv e l y seeks U. S. a n d foreign patent s f o r both the mec h ani c al co nstructi on and the visual a s pects of its pr oduct desi gn. Any par t y c o nte m pl atin g th e u s e o f Pr ec o r ’s p r o d uc t de sign s is h e re by f o r e w a rn ed th at P r e c o r c o nsi d er s the unauthor ized appr opria t ion of its propr i et ary ri ghts t o be a ver y seri ous ma tter . Precor w i l vigorously pur s ue al l unauthor ized appr opria t ion of its propr i et ary ri ghts . Prec or In co rpor a t e d 20 031 1 42n d A v e N E P. O . B o x 7 2 0 2 W oodinvi lle, W A U S A 9 8 0 7 2 - 4 0 02 C952 i/C95 4 i/C95 6 i/C9 6 6 i Commercial T r eadmills Pr o d u c t S p e c i f ica t io ns P r od uct F e at ure s C 9 5 2 i / C 954 i C 956 i C 966 i L e n g th 8 6 i n (2 18 c m ) 8 6 in (2 18 c m ) 8 6 in (21 8 cm ) Wi dth 3 7 in ( 93 c m ) with ha ndr a ils 37 i n ( 9 3 c m ) with ha ndr a ils 3 7 i n (9 3 cm ) with ha ndr a ils 3 4 in (8 6 cm ) w i th o u t ha nd r a i l s Height 55 in (14 0 cm) 5 5 in (14 0 cm) 5 9 in (15 0 cm) W e ight 3 6 5 lb (16 6 kg) 3 65 lb (16 6 kg) 3 75 lb (1 7 0 kg) Shippi ng weight 4 6 0 lb (2 0 9 kg ) 4 6 0 lb (2 0 9 kg) 4 7 0 lb ( 213 kg) Running surface 6 0 i n x 2 0 in (15 3 cm x 51 c m ) 6 0 in x 20 in ( 153 cm x 5 1 cm ) 6 0 in x 20 i n ( 153 c m x 5 1 cm ) Motor 3 .0 h p co n t in uo us d u ty 3. 2 hp con t in uou s duty 4. 0 hp con t in uou s duty P o we r 120 /2 4 0 V A C 50 / 6 0 H z 1 20/ 24 0 V A C 50 / 6 0 H z 1 20/ 24 0 V A C 50 / 6 0 H z Spe e d 0....
Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:Kraftstationen - C952i (4.61 mb)