Anleitung Precor, modell Cycle 842i
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
O ther sections in this manual pr ovide more details of safety features. Be sure to read these sections and observe al safety notices. B efore begi nning any fitness progra m , make sure al users see a physician for a complete physical examination. Il est conseile de subir un examen medical complet avant d’entreprendre tout programme d’e x ercise. Si vous avez des etourdisse ments ou des faible ses, aretez les exercices immediate m ent. DANGE R Before clea ning it , always unplug the equipment from its power source to reduce the risk of electric shock. Before cleaning self-powered equipment, disconecthe optional power ada p ter. WARNING To reduce t h e risk of bu rns, fire, electric shopcrek,c oaur tinojnusry, take the folowing : D o not alow children or people unfamiliar wit h its operation on or near the equipment. Do no t leave children unsupervised around the equipment. N ever leave the equipment una ttend ed when it is plugged in. Unplug the equipment f r om the power source when it is not in use, before cleaning it, and befo re providing a u thorized service. Note: The optional power adapter i s considered an electrical power sour ce for self-powered equipment. K ep al electrical components aw ay from liqui ds to preve nt shock. A ssemble a n d operate the equipment on a solid, level surface. Locate the equipment a few fet fr om wals or furniture. M aintain the equipment in good working condition. Refer to Maintenanc e . I f you plan t o move t he equipm ent, obtain help and use proper lifting techniques. For more information, refer to Moving t h e Equipment . U se the equipment onl y for its in tended purpose as described in thisr emcaonmumale. nDdoe dn obty u tshe amcacneusfaocrtyu aretra,chments as such atachments may cause injuries. N ever oper ate th e equipment if it is damage d, not w o rking properly, when it has ben drope d, or has been immersed in water. Return the equipment to a s e rvice center for exami nation and repair. K ep the power cord or optiona l power adapter and plug away from heated surfaces. D o not oper a te the equipment where aerosol (spray) products are being used or wher e ox ygen is being administered. D o not use outdoors. D o not a ttempt to servi ce th e equi pment yourself except to folow the maintenance instruct ions found in this manual. N ever drop or insert obj ects into any opening. Keep hands away from moving parts. D o not set anything on the sta t ionary handrails or handlebars, display con s ole, or covers. Pl ace liquids, magazines, and boks in the appropriate receptacles. Safety Code The club owner or manager has t he option to ena ble the safety code. The code involves entering f o ur number keys in sequence. If the corect keys are not presed w i thin two mi nutes, further user access is denied. For more information, refer to Treadmil Safety Features and Club Fea t ures . Safety Approval When identified with the ETLc logo, the equipment has ben tesCteAdN a/nCdS cAo-nEf-o3r3m5s- 1to/3 th-0e4 r,e EqNui r6e0m3e3n5ts- of 1: 2002 Safety of H o usehold and Similar Electrical Apliances. This equipment is a Cl ass S/B or C certified machine acording to applicable EN95 7 standards. Educating Users Take time to educate users on the safety instructions found in both the User’s Reference Manual and Product Owner’s Manual . Explain to your club or fac ility patrons that they should: H old onto a stationary handrail or handlebar while stepping on to the equipment or when geting comf ortably s eated on the cycle. F ace the di splay at al times. H old on to a statio nary handrail or handlebar with one ha nd whenever r e aching with the othe r hand to touch the display keys. O n treadmils: stradle the runing belt and atach the safety clip to clothing at waist leve l before touching the display. Important: For safety, make sure us ers step onto the running belt while it is moving at or below 1 mile per hour (1 kilometer per hour). HaDzaisrpdosuasl Materials and Proper The self-powered equi pment has an internal batery which contains materials that are consi d ered ha zardous to the environment. Proper disposal of the batery is required by federalaw. If you plan t o dispose of your e q uipment, c o nta c t Precor Commercial Products Customer ort for information regarding batery removal. Refer to Obtaining Service . Product Recycling and Disposal This equipment must be recycl e d or discarde d accordin g to aplicable local and national regulations. Product labels, in acordance with European D irective 2002/96/EC concerni ng waste el ect rical and electronic equipment (WEEE), de termine the framework fo r the return and recycling of used equipment as a p plicable thro ughouthe European Union. The WE label indicates thathe prod uct is not to be thrown away, but rath er reclaimed u pon e nd of life per this Directive. In acordance with the European WEEE Dire ctive, electri cal and electronic equipment (E) is to be colected separately and to be reused, recycled, orecovered at en...