Anleitung Huffy, modell 1700 MXP
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Serious injury could occur if teeth/face come in contact with backboard, rim or net. • During play, do not wear jewelry (rings, watches, necklaces, etc.). Objects may entangle in net. • Check system before each use for loose hardware, excessive wear and signs corrosion and repair before use. • Never play on damaged equipment. • See instruction manual for proper installation and maintenance. Read and understand warnings listed below before using this product. Failure to follow these warnings may result in serious injury and/or property damage. ID#: 579800 05/05 In the U.S.: 1-888-713-5488 In the U.S.: 1-800-558-5234 In Canada: 1-800-284-8339 In the U.S.: 1-800-334-9111 In the U.S.: 1-800-558-5234 In Canada: 1-800-284-8339 9 NOTE: Peel protectivefilm from surface of acrylicbackboard prior to use. 17 07/04 ID# M7900541 ID# M7900541 07/04 18 Item Qty. Part No. Description 1 2 266102 Lock Nut, Nylon Insert 2 6 206151 Washer 1/4 ID 1 O.D. 3 6 202871 Screw, Hex, 1/4 x 3/4 Slotted 4 1 205225 Board Pad, Right (44-50” Board”) 204318 Board Pad, Right (42” Board”) 5 1 206292 Board Pad, Middle - 46” Board 205241 Board Pad, Middle - 48” Board 205566 Board Pad, Middle - 50” Board Item Qty. Part No. Description 6 1 205226 Board Pad, Left (44-50” Board”) 204319 Board Pad, Left (42” Board”) 7 4 205233 Washer, #10 Flat 8 2 205232 Screw, Hex, 10-24 x 7/8 Long PARTS LIST - See Hardware Identifier BOARD PAD #3 (6) #2 (6) #1 (2) #7 (4) #8 (2) HARDWARE IDENTIFIER 19 07/04 ID# M7900541 4 5 6 NOTE: 206292 (#5) Use center board pad # 206292 (5) if you have a 46 - 50” backboard. 205241 (#5) Use center board pad # 205241 (5) if you have a 46 - 50” backboard. 205566 (#5) Use center board pad # 205566 (5) if you have a 46 - 50” backboard. Assemble board pad sections (4, 5, and 6) together with hardware (1, 7, and 8) as shown in Figure A and tighten completely. 1. IMPORTANT! DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN! 1 7 7 8 7 8 1 7 4 5 6 FIG. B 6 4 8 7 1 7 Part # 205241, # 206292 or #205566 (5) is not used on 44” acrylic backboards as shown in Figure B. NOTE: FIG. A ID# M7900541 07/04 20 Loosely install hardware (2, 3) into holes as shown in Figure C. Attach board pads (4, 5, and 6) with hardware and tighten completely. 4 5 6 2 3 2 3 FIG. C ABB. C 2. The center board pad is not required if you have a 44” backboard. Only the left and right board pads will be used. See figure D. NOTE: 4 6 2 3 FIG. D Combinaison panneau et cerceau Manuel d'utilisation FRANCAIS Service clientele o N53 W24700 South Corporate Circle o Sussex, WI 53089 o E.-U. DEUTSCH Korbwand-Korbrand-Kombination Gebrauchsanleitung ESPANOL Kundendienstzentrale • N53 W24700 South Corporate Circle • Sussex, WI 53089 • U.S.A. Combinacion de respaldo y borde Manual del propietario Centro de Servicio al Cliente o N53 W24700 South Corporate Circle o Sussex, WI 53089 o EE.UU. Assemblage exclusivement reserve a un adulte. Inscrivez ici le numero de modele qui apparait sur la boite: Ce manuel, accompagne du justificatif d'achat, devra etre conserve pour reference ulterieure, dans la mesure ou il contient des informations importantes sur votre modele. Die Modellnummer vom Verpackungskarton hierZusammenbau nur durch Erwachsene ALLE Verpackungsmaterialien sofort wegwerfen. eintragen: Diese Anleitung sollte zusammen mit dem Kaufbeleg griffbereit aufbewahrt werden, da sie Escriba aqui el numero de wichtige Informationen uber Ihr Modell enthalt. modelo que se encuentra en la caja: Il montaggio va eseguito da persone adulte. Il presente manuale, accompagnato dallo scontrino, deve essere conservato e tenuto a portata di mano come documento di facile consultazione, in quanto contiene informazioni importanti su questo modello. OUTILS ET MATERIEL REQUIS: AVERTISSEMENT ! WARNUNG! BENOTIGTE WERKZEUGE UND MATERIALIEN: .ADVERTENCIA! HERRAMIENTAS Y MATERIALES REQUERIDOS: LISEZ LE MODE D'EMPLOI AVANT D'UTILISER CE SYSTEME. • Deux (2) adultes capables • Zwei (2) zur Ausfuhrung dieser Arbeit fahige Erwachsene • Dos (2) adultos capaces • Deux Cles • Zwei Schraubenschlussel • Dos Llaves SOUS PEINE D'ENCOURIR DES BLESSURES OU DES DEGATS MATERIELS. DAS BENUTZERHANDBUCH VOR GEBRAUCH DIESES PRODUKTS SORGFALTIG DURCHLESEN. • Echelle de 2,4 m • Stufenstehleiter, 2,4 m hoch • Escalera de mano de (2.4 m) 8 pies 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" ET/OU, UND/ODER, Y/O EIN MISSACHTEN DIESER BETRIEBSANLEITUNG KANN VERLETZUNGEN ODER SACHSCHADEN ZUR FOLGE HABEN. LEA Y ENTIENDA EL MANUAL DEL OPERADOR ANTES DE USAR ESTA UNIDAD. • Ruban a mesurer • • Cinta de medir 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" SI NO SE SIGUEN LAS INSTRUCCIONES DE OPERACION SE PODRIA OCASIONAR UNA LESION O DANOS A LA PROPIEDAD. Numero sans frais du service clientele (Etats-Unis) : 1-800-558-5234 ; Canada : 1-800-284-8339 ; Europe : 00 800 555 85234 (Suede : 009 555 85234), Pour l'Australie : 1-800-333 061 - Site Internet : Gebuhrenfreie Kundendienstnummer fur Anrufer in den USA: 1-800-558-5234 Fur Anrufer in Kanada: 1-800-284-8339 Fur Anrufer in Europa: 00 800 555 85234 (Sc...