Hersteller: ProSpot Fitness
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Dateiname: P-100-Owners_manual.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
PeriodicMaintenance Product.....................8 ofyourPROSPOTttnessrM WarrantyInformation. .........9 Partslist.... ............10 lnstructionsfor Assembly of the PROSPOTy'tnessrM P-100 P-100.The PROSPOTlrzessrM has a footprintof approximately 7' long. Locate yourPROSPOTltrressrM Before assembly, choose a safe locationfor yourPROSPOffttuessrM P-100 6'x6'. The barbell is approximately P-100away from any source of water. Do not allow any liquidlo be nearthe machineor spilled on any electricalpart. Do not insert any object into the electrical box. Approximateassemblytimeis 1/2 hours. A flat area of 8' x 8' will be requiredto assemble P-100. andproperlyuse the PROSPOTIT/gssIM You will need the following tools and a helper to complete the assembly: . 5 mm Allen Wrench r 14 mm Box End Wrench o 17 mm Box End Wrench . 19 mm Box End Wrench Floor Padding, such as cardboard, to avoid scratching yourfloor during assembly. A goodpairof scissors will be helpful jnseparatingthepartsfrom one anotherwhile removing them from the cartons. HAND TIGHTEN all bolts. DONOT fully tighten bolts until instructed to doso. Before assembly, separate and identify the rightsided partsfromthe left-sided parts.Thesepartsareeasily distinguishedby the manner in which thepre-drilledholes align with corresponding parts,or are identifiedby "L"&"R"stickers. The PROSPOTlrressrM P-100 uses several different lengths of bolts. Be careful to use the correct length of bolt called for at each step of assembly. Refer to the sizing charts provided. . WARNfNG: Never performany maintenance on the PROSPOTfitnessrM P100 while the Power Supply is pluggedinto the wall !!! STEP # 1: MAIN FRAME ASSEMBLY 1. Placethe two BaseRails(1 & 2) oppositeeach other in the center of the assembly area as shown in the lllustration.PlacetheLower Cross Brace (3)between the two Base Rails (1& 2) so that the side pre-drilled holesofthe Base Rails ('1,2) align with the end holes of the Lower CrossBrace(3). 2. Carefullythread the Base Rail Wire Harness (8)through the corresponding bigendholesof the LowerCross Brace(3)thenpullthe Wire Harness (8)out of the back big holes of the Lower Cross Brace (3). 3. Attach the two Base Rails (1& 2) to the Lower Cross Brace (3)usingtwo Cross Brace Backing Plates(13), four bolts (28),eight washers (18)and four nuts (20)as shown. HAND TIGHTEN the bolts at this time. Attach the Right UprightGuidepostAssembly(7, 10, 53) and the two Upright Support Plates (6)to the Right Base Rail (1) using four bolts (28),eightwashers(18)andfournuts(20)as shown. HAND TIGHTEN the bolts at this time. (Note:The long end of the Upright Support Plate (6)should pointto the rear of the machineas shown in the illustration). 5. Attach the Left Upright Guidepost Assembly (9, 12, 53) and the two Upright SupportPlates(6)to the Left BaseRail(2) usingfourbolts(28),eightwashers(18)and four nuts (20)as shown. HAND TIGHTEN the bolts at this time. (Note:The long end of the Upright Support Plate (6)should pointto the rear of the machine as shown in the illustrationl. I o_ Plug together both of the Base Rail Wire Harness (8)to lowerends of the SpiralSignal Cables (46)located justundertheperforatedSlider Shields on back of the Screen Panels(53). 7. Attach the two Rear Support Rails(4)to the Lower Cross Brace (3)and the Cross Brace Backing Plates (13) using four bolts (28),eight washers (18)and four nuts (20)as shown. HAND TIGHTENthe bolts at this time. Attach the two Big Pulleys (27)to the two Upper Linking Plates (17)usingtwo bolts (19),fourwashers(23) and two nuts(26)as shown. HAND TIGHTEN the bolts at this time. 9. Lift the Upper Linking Plates Assembly (17& 271 andplaceit on top of the Left Upright Guidepost Assembly (9, 12, 53), and attach the two Upper Linking Plates (17)to the Left Upright Guide Post (12)usingtwo bolts (22),four washers (18)and two nuts(20)as shown. HAND TIGHTENthe bolts at this time. '10. Carefullyflex the Left Weight Bar Cables (24)onto the pulleys(27)so that the cables insert into the grooves of each corresponding pulleysand allowing theLeft Weight Bar Knuckle (44)to hang free. Be sure that the cables are straight and uncrossed and cables and pulleysmove smoothly. 1 1. Align the holes on top of the Rear Support Rail (4)with the corresponding holes on the two Upper Linking Plates('17)and attach the Rear Support Rail(4)to the Linking Plates (17)using two bolts(22),fourwashers (18)and two nuts (20)as shown. HAND TIGHTEN the bolts at this time. - P-'l00. 12.Repeat the steps 8 1 1 on the rightside of the PROSPOTT/rressrM 13.Attach the Upper Cross Brace(11)tothe four Upper linking Plates (17)using four bolts (22),eight washers (18)and four nuts (20)as shown. HAND TIGHTEN the bolts at thistime. 14.Tighten all bolts and nuts used for assembly in previoussteps. STEP#2: SENSOR WEIGHTBAR INSTALLATION 1. Standing in front of the PROSPOTlaessrM P-100. Insert one end and then the other end of the Sensor Weight Bar (25)into the Knuckles (42& 44). Slidethe knuckles onto the B...