Hersteller: Euro-Pro
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Dateiname: K4245W_REV_1204A.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Neveruse plastic, cardboard, paper or anything similar in the oven. Note: Always pre- heat the toaster oven at 450° F for 15 minutes before starting to cook. All roasting times are based on meats at refrigerator temperature. Frozen meats may take considerably longer. Therefore, use of a meat thermometer is highly recommended. BroilingOperation• Set temperature control to 450° . • Turn function control to Broil. • Preheat the oven for 15 minutes. • Place the Broiler Rack on the Broiler Pan. • Place the food on the Broiler Rack. • Place the oven rack on the highest position possible depending on the thickness of the cut of meat that you wish to broil. • Food should be placed as close as possible to the Top Heating Element without touching it. • Set temperature control to the appropriate temperature. • Brush food with sauces or oil, as desired. • Turn time control to the "Stay On" position.. • It is advisable to leave the door slightly ajar. • Turn food over midway through the prescribed cooking time. • When broiling is complete, turn the time control to "OFF".Broiling GuideMEATOVENTEMPRIB STEAK400T- BONE STEAK400HAMBURGER400PORK CHOPS400LAMB CHOPS400CHICKEN LEGS400FISH FILETS350SALMON STEAKS35020-25 min. 20-25 min. COOKINGTIME20-25 min. 20-25 min. 15-20 min. 30-35 min. 20-25 min. 20-25 min. Cooking results may vary, adjust these times to your individual requirements. Also, check often during broiling to avoid overcooking. For best results, it is recommended that you pre-heat the toaster oven for 15 minutes on 450° F. Using Your Convection /Toaster Oven with RotisseriePlease familiarize yourself with the following oven functions and accessories prior to first use: • Temperature Control- Choose the desired temperature from Keep Warm to 450°F for baking or rotisserie. • Function Control- This oven is equipped with five positions for a variety of cooking needs: Keep Warm - To keep cooked food warm. Broil - For broiling fish, steak, poultry, pork chops, etc. Rotisserie - Can cook up to a 6- lb. roast or 3.5- lb chickenToast - Bread, muffins, frozen waffles, etc. Bake - Cakes, pies, cookies, poultry, beef, pork, etc. • Time Control- When you turn the control to the left, ( counter- clockwise) , the oven will stay "ON" until it is manually shut "OFF". To activate the timersegment of the control, turn to the right ( clockwise) to toast or use as a timer. This function also has a bell that rings ( you will hear a "ding") at the end of the programmed time. • Convection Fan- The convection fan can be used on all the functions. To start the convection fan, press the convection on/off button to the “ On” position. • Power " On" Light- Is illuminated whenever the oven is turned on. • Oven Rack- For toasting, baking and general cooking for casserole dishes and standard pans. • Drip Pan/Crumb Tray- To use with rotisserie or toast function• Broiler Pan & Broiler Rack- For use in broiling and roasting meat, poultry, fish and various other foods. The broiler rack allows the fat drippings to drip into the drip pan and away from the food. This will help prevent spattering that could result in smoke and flare ups. • Tray/Rack Handle- Allows you to pick up the bake rack, drip pan and broiler rack when they are hot. • Rotisserie Spit- Roasts a variety of meats and poultry that are very tenderand juicy inside, and browned to perfection outside. • Rotisserie Handle- Used for removing the rotisserie spit from the oven afteryour roast is done. 4Convection CookingRotisserie Cooking5We recommend that you do not cook a roast or chicken larger than3.5 lbs. on the rotisserie skewer. Chicken should be bound in string to prevent the chicken legs or wings from unraveling during roasting and so that rotisserie assembly will rotate smoothly. For best results we recommend that you preheat the oven for 15 minutes on 450°. Note: Always pre- heat the toaster oven at 450° F for 15 minutes before starting to cook. All roasting times are based on meats at refrigerator temperature. Frozen meats may take considerably longer. Therefore, use of a meat thermometer is highly recommended. Operation • Set temperature control to 450°F. • Turn function control to rotisserie. Insert pointed end of rotisserie skewer through rotisserie spit making sure the points of the rotisserie skewer face in the same direction as pointed end of rotisserie spit. Slide rotisserie skewertowards square end of the rotisserie spit and secure with thumbscrew. (Fig. 1) • Secure the food to be cooked on the rotisserie spit by inserting the rotisserie skewer on to the food. • Place the second rotisserie skewer into the other end of the roast or poultryand secure rotisserie skewer with thumbscrew. • Check that the food is centered and secured to the rotisserie spit. Fig. 1Rotisserie SpitRotisserie SkewerThumbscrewPointed EndSquare End• Insert the pointed end of the rotisserie spit into the drive socket located on the right hand side of the oven wall. Make sure the square end of the rotisse...