Anleitung Delta, modell TE-4000
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
This allocation will give you 20 clerks and 100 tables Enter 07 then enter 20 Enter 11 then enter 200 Enter 15 then enter 100 Enter 35 then enter 800 Enter 49 then enter 800 Enter 60 then enter 1500 Enter 93 then enter 7 This completes the simple set up of check tracking files The next pages will explain the memory allocation in detail Memory allocation File definition codes Enter the file code 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 before the file number The new files in the memory allocation File 019 Time and Attendance / File 061 Employee File File 027 Dallas Key ID File 035 Printer Buffer for Remote/Shared Printer File 069 LCD Colour Control File Memory Allocation sheets System files Check files Clerk files Scanning files Program / Buffer files CCHHAAPPTTEERR 55 FFRREEEE FFUUNNCCTTIIOONN KKEEYYSS QUICK SET UP 4 The following instructions will allow you to program the function keys needed to use check tracking, clerk interrupt and shared printing. New Old Check key Enter 93 then press the key position New Balance Key Enter 06 then press the key position Covers Key Enter 43 then press the key position Table Number key Enter 58 then press the key position Table Transfer Enter 14 then press the key position Add Check Enter 94 then press the key position Separate check Enter 95 then press the key position The next few pages will explain the function keys in detail Assigning Function Keys Keyboard Worksheet New Function Key CLOCK IN/OUT which is used for the time and attendance function Function keys for Pubs and Restaurants Add Check (94) This function allows two open checks to be added together Arrangement key (44) This function allows you to program sequences of buttons and function for example you can program a cash key to have a preset price for automatic change calculation Clerk Number key (72) This function allows you to sign clerks on and off the cash register You can use one key or multiple keys Clerk transfer Key (13) This Function allows you to transfer a balance from one clerk to another Operation of clerk transfer Sign on clerk Enter Clerk number you want to transfer from and hit the clerk transfer key Enter the clerk number you want to transfer to and hit the operator number key Press the clerk transfer key Customer number key (43) This function allows you to enter the number of covers seating on a table Ketten Bon (113) This function allows you to produce individual stubs for each customer It is used mostly in entrance machines To use this function the PLU’s must be set to go to an order printer New Balance (06) This function is used to temporally finalise or hold a transaction New / Old Check (93) This function is used to open Checks / Tables #/NS (041) Used to open the drawer and for cash declaration operation Operator Number Key (078) This key is used when transferring a check from one clerk to another Receipt (038) This function allows you to produce post and guest receipts Price shift (070) This function allows you to have a second price for PLU’s . This is usually used for half pints and doubles Separate Check (095) This function is used to split a bill in to the number of people sitting at a table or the amount of people paying for the meal. Each Item of the bill can be separated into another temporary check/table for payment Table Number Key (58) This function is a table reference number It can be possible in some applications that you are check/bill number 100 but setting at table number 1 Table transfer (014) This function allows you to transfer from one table to another. If you program the status bit (1000000) to the function key it will allow you to add to a check that is already open. This function can also be used to transfer sub-total balances for simple hotel specifications Text Recall (010) This function allows you to register pre-determined text Tray Total (074) This function allows you to get a sub-total of each tray in a canteen application Notes If you want to use clerk interrupt please make sure you have a NB key on the keyboard. If you want to use a Slip printer please make sure you have a Slip print key on the keyboard. CCHHAAPPTTEERR 66 SSEETTTTIINNGG UUPP TTHHEE IINN--LLIINNEE NNEETTWWOORRKK QUICK SET UP GUIDE 5 This set up is designed for four terminals Make sure all terminals have the correct Terminal ID’s after initialisation Master terminal 0191 1100 1200 1200 1200 Send In-Line connection table to all terminals Command code = 091 Your network is now configured to allow shared check tracking Setting up the In-Line network in detail To set up the in-line network you must install the I/O PB-17 boards into each terminal. There are 2 types of In-line network selectable via a selector switch, which can be found on the underside of the cash register Selector switch position 1 = Casio In-Line (ARCNET) Selector switch position 2 = Cat-5A Cable Initialise the first terminal and the machine number will be MC#01connect the Casio or Cat-5 cable to the white Casio connector or the OUT port of Cat-5 boar...