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heruntergeladen wurde: 4   Dateigröße: 80 kb   Hersteller: Audio-Technica  
Kategorie: Fernseher

CAUTION! The circuits and wiring inside the antennas are adjusted for optimum performance. Do not attempt to alter circuitry or wiring to affect output. To do so will void the warranty and may cause improper operation or system degradation. Introduction Audio-Technica ATW-A62P and ATW-A72P powered dipole antennas provide effective and reliable signal pickup for UHF wireless systems. Supplied in pairs, these antennas are intended to improve performance of diversity wireless receiving systems with

heruntergeladen wurde: 1   Dateigröße: 80 kb   Hersteller: Audio-Technica  
Kategorie: Fernseher

Note: If the cable jacket’s outer diameter is less than 7/32" (0.21", 5.3 mm), wrap the jacket with electrical tape to build up its diameter before folding back the braid over the jacket (C2). Trim the shield wires to 9/16" (15 mm). RG8:When using RG8-type cable, more jacket material needs to be removed and partially replaced with shrink tubing. When installing the tubing, heat the tubing and cable only enough to shrink the tubing. Allow the cable to cool fully before manipulating it further. Th
