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Anleitung Sony, modell KV-32FX66K

Hersteller: Sony
Dateigröße: 9.35 mb


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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

426/2000 Sb., kterym se stanovi technicke pozadavky na radiova a na telekomunikacni koncova zarizeni. Dovozce: Sony Czech s.r.o. Vinohradska 174, 130 00 Praha 3 ICO 49685864 timto prohlasuje, ze vyrobek: druh zarizeni: barevny televizni prijimac s vyhledavaci funkci typove oznaceni: KV-32FX66K s dalkovym ovladacem RM-937 vyrobni cislo: (vyplni prodejce) specifikace: TV prijimac a dalkovy ovladac obsahujici RF vysilaci modul vyrobce: Sony Manufacturing Co., Pencoed , Velka Britanie - nebo alternativne Sony Espana, Barcelona Plant, Barcelona, Spanelsko pasmo preladitelnosti: neni stanoveno vf vykon trida 8, nizsi nez 10 mW ERP pasmo pracovnich kmitoctu: 433,050 – 434,790 MHz, jmenovite 434,049 MHz kanalova roztec: neni stanovena druh modulace: nosna bez modulace ucel pouziti: bezne pouziti v domacnosti ci beznem kancelarskem prostredi splnuje pozadavky Generalni licence Ceskeho telekomunikacniho uradu c. GL – 30/R/2000, dale splnuje pozadavky techto norem a predpisu, prislusnych pro dany druh zarizeni: radiove parametry: CSN EN 301489-1, CSN EN 301489-3, CSN EN 300220-3 EMC: CSN EN 55013+A12+A14, CSN EN 55020+A12+A13+A14, CSN EN 61000-3-2, CSN EN 61000-3-3 elektricka bezpecnost: CSN EN 60065 a ze je bezpecny za podminek pouziti uvedenych v tomto Prohlaseni a v Navodu k obsluze k tomuto vyrobku. Shoda byla posouzena v souladu s § 3, bod 1, pism. b), priloha 3, Narizeni vlady c. 426/2000 Sb., kterym se stanovi technicke pozadavky na radiova a na telekomunikacni koncova zarizeni. Prohlaseni o shode je vydavano na zaklade techto podkladu: Zkusebni protokol c. 20020946 vydany akreditovanou laboratori Sony Intl., PCE, Stuttgart, Nemecko. CB test certificate a report BEAB Ref:CTV 4722 vydany BEAB Guilford, Velka Britanie. EMC test report ID No.020401 vydany Sony Corporation, EMC Lab, Pencoed, Velka Britanie. Toto prohlaseni je vydano na vyhradni odpovednost dovozce. V Praze dne 14.5.2002 ing.Vladimir Dolezal v.r. reditel pro servis a techniku Introduction Thank you for choosing this Sony FD Trinitron Colour Television. Before operating the TV, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference. • Symbols used in the manual: • Important information • the sequence of the instructions. •1,2... Sequence of instructions. • Informs you of the result of instructions. OK Shaded buttons on the remote control show you the buttons you have to press to follow • Information on a feature. Table of Contents Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 3 Safety Information ................................................................................................................................... 4 Overview Overview of Remote Control Buttons .................................................................................................. 5 Overview of TV Buttons ........................................................................................................................ 6 Installation Inserting Batteries into the Remote Control ........................................................................................ 6 Connecting the Aerial and VCR ........................................................................................................... 6 First Time Operation Switching On the TV and Automatically Tuning .............................................................................. 7 Menu system Introducing and Using the Menu System .......................................................................................... 10 Menu Guide: Picture Adjustment ........................................................................................................................... 10 Sound Adjustment............................................................................................................................. 11 Sleep Timer ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Auto Format ....................................................................................................................................... 12 AV3 Output ........................................................................................................................................ 13 PIP Input ............................................................................................................................................. 13 PIP Position ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Language ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Auto Tuning ...........................................................................................................................


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