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If a fixed image is displayed on the screen for a long time, that fixed image may become imprinted on the screen and remain visible. There might be uncomfortable in full mode. Then change into other mode. You can adjust the enlarge proportion using D DD / // E EE button. This function works in the following signal. OK INPUT MODE TVTV DVD RATIO EXIT VOL PR SLEEP LIST Q.VIEW I/II MENU VCR POWER * FAV TEXTSIMPLINK INPUT MUTE 1 Press the R RRA AAT TTI IIO OO button repeatedly to select the desired picture format. You can also adjust A AAs ssp ppe eec cct tt R RRa aat tti iio oo in the Picture menu. PICTURE CONTROL • O OOr rri iig ggi iin nna aal ll • S SSp ppe eec cct tta aac ccl lle ee When your TV receives the wide screen signal, it will be When your TV receives the wide screen signal, when automatically changed to the picture format to be sent. selected it will adjust the picture horizontally, in non-lin ear proportion, to fill the entire screen. Spectacle DE Original Full DE 4:3 • F FFu uul lll ll When your TV receives the wide screen signal, when selected it will adjust the picture horizontally or vertically, in a linear proportion, to fill the entire screen fully. • 4 44: ::3 33 Following selection will lead you to view a picture with an original 4:3 aspect ratio, with gray bars appearing at both the left and right sides. • 1 116 66: ::9 99 Following selection will lead you to adjust the picture horizontally, in a linear proportion, to fill the entire screen (useful for viewing 4:3 formatted DVDs). 16:9 • 1 114 44: ::9 99 You can enjoy the picture format of 14:9 or general TV programme through the 14:9 mode. The screen 14:9 is viewed just like that the screen 4:3 is magnified to the left / right. • Z ZZo ooo oom mm1 11 Following selection will lead you to view the picture without any alternation, while filling the entire screen. However, the top and bottom portions of the picture will be cropped. Zooml DE • Z ZZo ooo oom mm2 22 Choose Zoom2 when you want the picture to be altered, both horizontally extended and vertically cropped. The picture taking a halfway trade off between alteration and screen coverage. PICTURE CONTROL 14:9 DE Zoom2 DE ! NOTE G GG You can only select 4 44: ::3 33, 1 116 66: ::9 99 (Wide) in Component, RGB, HDMI mode only. PICTURE CONTROL PRESET PICTURE SETTINGS Picture Mode-Preset D DD y yy n nn a aa m mm i ii c cc Select this option to display with a sharp image. S SS t tt a aa n nn d dd a aa r rr d dd The most general and natural screen display status. M MM i ii l ll d dd Select this option to display with a mild image. U UU s ss e ee r rr 1 11 / // 2 22 Select this option to use the user-defined setting. OK EXIT VOL PR LIST Q.VIEWMENU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * FAV MUTE PICTURE CONTROL Picture Picture Mode Colour Temperature XD Advanced Aspect Ratio Picture Reset Screen XD Demo DE F G OK MENU 1 Press the M MME EEN NNU UU button and then D DD / // E EE button to select the Picture menu. 2 Press the G GG button and then D DD / // E EE button to select Picture Mode. 1 3 Press the G GG button and then D DD / // E EE button to select Dynamic, Standard, Mild, User1 or User2. Picture Dynamic Standard Mild User1 User2 Colour Temperature XD Advanced Aspect Ratio Picture Reset Screen XD Demo Picture Mode G DE F G OK MENU 32 4 Press the E EEX XXI IIT TT button to return to normal TV viewing. • Picture Mode adjusts the TV for the best picture appearance. Select the preset value in the P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee menu based on the programme category. • Dynamic, Standard and Mild are programmed for optimum picture reproduction at the factory and can’t be changed. Auto Colour Tone Control(Warm/Medium/Cool) To initialize values (reset to default settings), select the Cool option. Choose one of three automatic colour adjustments. Set to warm to enhance hotter colours such as red, or set to cool to see less intense colours with more blue. It’s available to use this function in “U UUs sse eer rr1 11/ //2 22” of Picture mode only. OK EXIT VOL PR LIST Q.VIEWMENU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * FAV MUTE 1 Press the M MME EEN NNU UU button and then D DD / // E EE button to select the Picture menu. Picture Picture Mode Colour Temperature XD Advanced Aspect Ratio Picture Reset Screen XD Demo DE F G OK MENU PICTURE CONTROL 2 Press the G GG button and then D DD / // E EE button to select Colour Temperature. 3 Press the G GG button and then D DD / // E EE button to select either Cool, Medium, Warm or User. 1 Picture Cool Medium Warm User Picture Mode XD Advanced Aspect Ratio Picture Reset Screen XD Demo Colour Temperature G DE F G OK MENU 4 Press the E EEX XXI IIT TT button to return to normal TV viewing. 32 User 1 Contrast 100 G Brightness 50 Colour 50 Sharpness 50 Tint 0 Contrast 85 F E DE F G OK MENU PICTURE CONTROL MANUAL PICTURE ADJUSTMENT Picture Mode-User Option C CC o oo n nn t tt r rr a aa s ss t tt Adjusts the difference between the light and dark levels in the picture. B BB r rr i ii g gg h hh t tt...