Anleitung Lincoln Electric, modell 404D-22
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
It’s also one of the most quiet, with a smooth running 4-cylinder Perkins® diesel engine. Use this multi-process welder for arc gouging with up to 5/16" carbons, stick welding with up to 1/4" electrodes and CV wire welding with up to 3/32" wire. You’ll value the superior arc performance delivered by Lincoln Chopper Technology®. You'll also appreciate VRD™ (Voltage Reduction Device™), which reduces OCV (open circuit voltage) in the CC-Stick weld mode for added safety. Input This model efficiency generates 19,000 watts (peak) of 3-phase or 12,000 watts of 1-phase AC generator power for your lights, grinders and power tools. And, it's housed in a rugged, low maintenance stainless steel enclosure and loaded with many innovative service features. That all totals up to an excellent value! Processes Stick, TIG, MIG, Flux-Cored, Gouging Advantage Lincoln • Compact Case • Arc Gouging -One of the most compact 400 amp machines available. Suitable -Arc gouging with up to 5/16" carbons. for many pickup and service trucks. • Reliable Engine • Stainless Steel Enclosure -4 cylinder 1800 RPM Perkins® diesel engine runs smooth and -Standard stainless steel roof, side panels and engine-access door quiet. Standard engine gauges allow you to monitor performance deliver added protection and durability. at a glance. • Multi-Process Welding, Simple to Operate • Low Noise -Select one of four Process Modes, including CC-Stick (up to -99.1 dBA Lwa sound power (74.8 dB at 23 ft./7 m) is one of the 1/4"), Downhill Pipe (for stick), Touch-Start® DC TIG or CV-Wire quietest 400 amp engine-driven welders available. (up to 3/32"(1)), and then dial in the desired output. • Innovative Service Access • VRD™ Voltage Reduction Device™ -Lockable, removable sliding engine access door provides ample -Reduced OCV in the CC-Stick weld mode for added safety. space for engine and oil filter work without requiring a large -First engine-driven welder in North America having this standard clearance space on your truck. feature. -Battery drawer on front of machine and top-mounted radiator cover provide convenient access to these systems. • Plenty of AC Generator Power -Patented tilt down control panel for easy servicing of internal -19 kW peak (17 kW continuous) 3-Phase 240V AC generator components. power. Will power industrial equipment such as a plasma cutter, -Patented radiator cap cover is latched for easy access and is lockable. pump or inverter welder. -12 kW peak (11 kW continuous) 1-phase AC generator power for common construction tools. (1) 3/32" E70T-6 up to 260 IPM, 27V. PublicationE6.21010/05TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSRatedOutputCurrent/Voltage/DutyCycle400A/36V/100% 450A/32V/100% OutputRange30-500ADC40-300APipe20-250ADCTIG14-36VCV3-PhaseACPower: 19kWPeak17kWContinuous1-PhaseACPower: 12kWPeak11kWContinuousEngineModelPerkins®404D-22DieselEPATier4iNo.ofCyl. 4HP&Speed(rpm) 32.7@1800DimensionsHxWxDInches(mm) 35.9x25.3x60.0(913x642x1524) NetWeightlbs(kg) 1230(559) ProductNameVantage®400 Web Update 4/08 ACLOSERLOOKACLOSERLOOK PERFORMANCE Arc Performance • 400 amps @100% duty cycle with output range up to 500 amps using Chopper Technology®. All ratings are at temperatures of 104°F/40°C. Patentedandaward-winningLincolnChopperTechnology®deliverssuperiorDCarcweldingperformanceforgeneralpurposestick,DownhillPipe,DCTIG,MIG,cored-wireandarcgouging. BenefitsofChopperTechnology®include: -Easyarcstarting-Smootharcaction-Lowspatterlevels-Excellentbeadappearance Traditionalweldcontrolismorevariablearoundthedesiredoutput. ChopperTechnology® deliversextremelyfastresponseforsmootheroutputcontrol. WHATISCHOPPERTECHNOLOGY®? •ArcGougingwithuptoa5/16"carbon. •VRD™(VoltageReductionDevice™)reducedOCV(opencircuitvoltage)inCC-stickweldingmodeforaddedsafety. TheVRD™(VoltageReductionDevice™)providesadditionalsafetyintheCC-Stickweldmode,especiallywhenworkinginanenvironmentwithahigherriskofelectricalshocksuchaswetareasandhot,humidsweatyconditions.TheVRD™reducestheOCV(opencircuitvoltage)attheweldingoutputterminalswhilenotweldingtolessthan32voltsDC. TheVRD™isactivatedbyflippingatoggleswitchinsidethemachinetothe“ON”position.Indicatorlightsmonitorthevoltage:greenforlessthan32voltswhilenotwelding,andeitherred(greaterthan32volts)orgreenwhilewelding,dependingontheactualvoltageofthearc. OtherweldmodeswhenVRD™ison: DownhillPipe–Thereisnooutput. CV-Wire–OCVisnotreduced. TouchStartTIG®–Nodifferenceinoperation.TIGisnormallyalowvoltage(lessthan32volts)operation. WHATISVRD™? VRD™portionofnameplatewithgreenlighton. • CC-Stick mode is optimized for general purpose stick using E7018 low hydrogen electrode. • Built-in “hot” start for easier starts and restrikes minimizing the electrode “sticking” to the work. • Downhill pipe mode with active arc force control -enhanced downhill pipe welding mode. Excellent for cellulosic electrodes. Fast travel speeds, especially on fill passes. Arc control adjust- ment for a soft, buttery arc or a more forceful digging arc. • Standard Touch...