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heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 320 kb   Hersteller: Jasco  
Kategorie: Sat-TV-Receiver

The technology used by OPTIMA was first developed for use in military airborne radar warning receivers, but has been adapted through the development ol proprietary Frequency independent Coupling™4 (FIC)'“ Circuitry to work In television applications. One of the key characteristics ol Frequency Independent Coupling and the OPTIMA Antenna is thal the requirement for adjustment of the antenna as you change channels is greatly reduced. You will notice this In your day to day use of the antenna, whe

heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 41 kb   Hersteller: Jasco  
Kategorie: Sat-TV-Receiver

Make sure the antenna is connected to the connector on the rear of your TV as shown above. 2. Set your television to the lowest channel number available in your area, which is usually the most difficult station to receive. 3. Fully extend the rabbit ears, and place them as horizontal as space permits. You may find that you do not need to extend the rabbit earsall the way for good performance. 4. Adjust the rabbit ears, and rotate the entire antenna until you find the position that gives you the

heruntergeladen wurde: 1   Dateigröße: 320 kb   Hersteller: Jasco  
Kategorie: Sat-TV-Receiver

You may find that you do not need to extend the rabbit eats all the way for good performance, 5. Adjust the rabbit ears, and rotate the entire antenna until you lind the position that gives you the best picture. For best performance, you may need to make sure that no part ol the antanna is touching any wall or metal object. 6. No adjustments are required for the amplifier, it Is pre-iuned to work at tne optimum level of performance at any station. 7. The amplifier is always on when the AC ada
