Anleitung LG, modell GM730
Hersteller: LG Dateigröße: 1.67 mb Dateiname:

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
/Ш' S ® LG frlfl 03 ! 24 PM jijtm.Ww) V 3 " ■ и 67B НА- М Ш^й** • 5ЙЮП1. • 1»ШШ " ЯШЙЙв mmtmùmir » II 1 ltd ® Widget Ш^ЙЙЙ widget-SffiH^ дал®«йш*-**вй #Ш^Ж№^ШЯЙ widget- SÆj Ш#Й" 2. «ЛГДЯ IDj'r^Ç,f ЙГЦЙ« «j'^aæa 3. i9ГêJИä «Я" --1 ft LGEmail Ж Microsoft Exchange 1. LGEmail- 2. KS Exchange ЯШШ'ШЖЛ ID-*«Ä«Sttt±K Ш^«Я" 3. KÆff Exchange «Si*'BP*attH^»Ä®» GM730-(* »S - Я^Н^«»«) 4. .®шш»Ш'Ш*жеа№*жтФв9Гй№^инФ ж^вв- 1. rn GM730 айне®" 2. Windows Mobile Device Center ActiveSync )ШШ" (* Windows Mobile Device Center>^f$ GM730 ActiveSync fM^") 3. Outlook Й GM730 ^H#" 1 mw lulu Q i. жшша №S«i»ftA- 2. ffiffir#aws A#ae»- iöli l. ЙЙГИЙ]Й№*, Äj" *SSSrHfèj*№*-M KKT*»»tt:as > в Л > ЙШЙ Ü, ш м в X 9 » ,L i. • fe ь в S. fm 2. ййи^и^ие^ жтФйшде^" ЯШ ШШЙЙ LG ШЯёЙШЙ-Й®Й¥«®ШЖМ#Ж- 1. 3. мде^'ШЖ шшзд#мш±' ш’вншйяш ЕНЖЩ#Ж®Ш" ®Ш" 2. 4. ШЙГИ±_ г * / № !йетж^’ sp#^m Ж«Ш = кт u ms rR*j mm • ШЯШШ" S№ - sitstt u fiffi ffii - ,1ЙТ?!И(Ф-Я)8Я : Ж-»ЯЙ»-«®Й»-МШ sís«B ítw r«e«ít;j жвя Я- }8ЙТЯ)(Ф-Я)8Я : да-«г»т-ж-а®-л«' «ИЛШ-В^'Ш^ШЯИ- «Ä«Ä LG GM730 #LQ Life's Good @LG Life's Good LG GM730 JOY. NOW IN A SMARTPHONE. 5 5MP Ш (ф « .и* « ^ Windows Mobile ао шт\ ‘жш ms) “¥*@ a@fl» . *•&!№ :ШШ • тt :шхш¥ • Ий® шш •шш-s • •^#S3E • иж?? №1У ЙШ 1Щ#§Ш SSWaffi ^ 08ШЭ иЫЩ& Э1 5 \ Ш „ j ^ГЧ, '1ПП w s œ* g# ' нЬ ï? j¿ SŒ#3 s «^¡I g®s jfr Ä £ « LO l£ ЙЧ s-w иш ®fp -ff \s Ш ■Pd даз S ® 4K 4 . - S tb # g1 sa Ш Ж Й s * «г ж о 4K át #; J ^ S ft ® nfij if to fl ® шшшшъшътя тш. ающ ® Фс.ЖА ш ЯйЫНЗДИ Я S W ЕЯ Ж тп к S^iBSWSA. У. S'Я Й.Й#. |№| ® ttïstt §§ ж^шгяшш. »ваш рт^йвшйп Sí й# я ш в. т“^в”штш • тш I "ив Яж ■л Я ?6 № il '$ Ч В № 'iÿ Ш Ф Wnl ' 0 ,ш ä а - в (Ч 4« * и " Я* а * Ш F $i ■ $5 iïïS aí? ¡S ai - # е» ^ « да л * з 3 Í7# з « а Ь£ 85 • 3! ' >1« ff % ' «ti* Ш Sr &KttÄÄ®Sfci№ft 1.ft“ge® Я”аЖ^±а »“tí*#® ■ ”,,£,M“S «Я”,мв а#—фжя. 2.Й“ДЯ ID”,“® Й”»“ЙЙ ^Й”Ф^Л й“Лй”, з.а#“ё”«е ®*,Йёвр® тежя. ^ LGEmail ^ Microsoft Exchange Server H# 1.A“^d”^^^“®^”MT LGEmail. 2.SS Exchange Server ЙИ^.Мё^Л ID.®BW®#g№ лййшмвйжя. 3.ЭЙШ®В Exchange Server W,*#*égS^®№ GM730 H#. 4.й,м*#*аа+,жёй*Фя*Фа#“4®н#”йн# №Wtí№#. ДЙ ActiveSync -^ФЙЙ Outlook 1.# GM730 аШ'Шв. 2.Windows Mobile ActiveSync ®Пс (* Windows Mobile Щ GM730 ЕЙИЙ^ДЛПШЙЙ^ ActiveSync ё^а) 3.й#“^ЙР#^#”Жв,М.Й^.Й±Й Outlook Ё^^&Й GM730 КЖЛо «# = Г * «Я “Ш” ® в т JL „L J*. • « к zu ss ~ !Ч Ü П 1.,Ш“ЯЙ”ЖФ *gft 2.Ж«И«ЙРИ8^ я*^а# “8^”. я*±й®де^, * йитш»й*вйай“л Й”*ФИ*:Й* > ^Л > ЖФ $деде «мввшд®де^. №*#^*^йм lg шде^ш. ЯЙИТ^Й^—ЙН“#^#”: г ■ * п fe'i^i И iffТ Æ±*± - Жй ЖН “.W * Жй*±вй 1 «gasta *■• шмют±. ажтаиФШ. a# "*(í#" . 1.йа**и*^м^в*я йй®,мёж»^йй, S»S—^eff,« ss*rn#*®n. 2.а#“йи”^“*я”. *а#*®п .а#“«»” Г 5МР Щfi «s ЙШ “ШШ” ШШ f*] ж&&ша^. «s m D íiff "«■" æ*. »чижав«**. ê«**- ййй. жй В íiffíást**aai®. ÍS#0TSJ®¿-: *Й.Й*«Й.4**К*«Й «Й. *ft«Ä ЖН fi ÍTff**« Й#ЙТЙ1Я^-: Ш8.ЙЖ.ВЖ.Жё^ёЙ. tt««Ä LG GM730 @LG Life's Good LG GM730 Quick Manual JOY. NOW IN A SMARTPHONE. J' Contents Overview 5-Way Home Screen Settings E-mail Applications Multitasking 5MP Camera С3. Windows Mobile LG Smartphone GM730 Overview Illumination sensor Proximity sensor Earpiece Inner camera End key • Rejects a call. • Press once to return to the home screen. Joystick Call key Dials a phone number and answers incoming calls. Charger, Data cable (USB cable), Reset Power /Lock key • Long press (3sec) forPower ON / OFF. • Short press to Lock the touch screen. Camera key - • Go to camera preview directly by long pressing the camera key when on homescreen. - Volume keys • When Home Screens are on: volume of key tone. • During a call: volume of the earpiece. • When playing a track: controls track volume. *The screen images may be different depending on cell phone providers. * For safety guideline and SAR information, please refer to the user guide which is pre-installed in CD. 5-Way Home Screen LG's S-class UI makes using WM Smartphone easy with its 5-Way Home Screen for quick access to menu options, calls, and more. Just swipe your finger over the display to switch Home Screens. if sti* O -* ® 0 ® LG today 03I 24 pm junij.ww) V 3 " ■ u r 14 Displays missed calls, unread messages, emails and upcoming appointments. Just tap to open the associated program. II 1 ltd Hacha:! ta... I . Í ’ '1- •* o M ijnda Blact 7HT-1 Ш K ® Multimedia Displays a wheel of your favorite pictures and movies on the right side and music on the left to easily scroll through and select. ® Contact Shows your favorites contacts in a scroll through or list view for easy selection. Displays your favorite icons. Press and hold an icon to edit or add new favorites. •m. Sitti gs * / One Cl ck for set gs Using the Easy Settings tab on the Today Home Screen, you can personalize each setting. Stay connected with Wireless manager. Set the Wi-Fi, Blu...