Anleitung LG, modell GB109
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ш^дйвдш^к«# Ü! > йлй SIM Ш*Й*®*18ШШадИ№, 8ft, »ЯйЛШШШ »/КпИЮ«« t SIM -^ЖТЛЖжайЖй*^ > *¥WÆ#USIMo >шжж^вдшi ##, йшшмйрш« Mofe ®*SSfiW^o sœ m Tfft^M 12 ЙЛЙЙ SIM ^ 13 ^й№жм Kl &t^Æt дтешзда -fStë&fi-W» л«шжя4й ±ЙЯ#±Ш^Й Siöffio E : £*/ff£g Й®ЖЙ,^^®Е --fflteKS aafê TйШЖЩ4¥ЛSS#±й#ШвSÍMШc SM ID И ¿¡3 ж Ífíl s ЖКЕ®^ мшйэмшййд; EixS^ffê H^o fêStÂ&o ®^lT-ÄÄ*fiÄo йит-ш^л,!^ НИя^Фй "ftl^' ж#- №ЖШФй №ЖШФй 'ИЖШФЙ "»t" ж#- Жй ж^- я*к ж#- 'ИЖШФЙ "ЧЛ" ж#- ®^ws#Befc В 1. fes e [й$] a, ta^o 2. ÿnim tfes e [й$] a, жащ^л!^ ШШ 1. »ЛИй^Щ, feffiK^o 2. s s [£й] atT^o 3. жй^зд, s e [й$] as^iïo ÎiP^ÈiS 1. аш^#, ¥ЛШ4Ш±№Ш, s s [£S]atiKawi№ïo 2. 1й$жй, its e йш ao a* > Жйй№, ¥ЛШ*ШШ^ 1. -fes И a^SMStiïm^o "+' 2. »ЛЯШ^Щ, KS^WStiï^ffiio 3. s s [£Ш atT^^o 1£№Ш *a¥ЛëÄ-жя^Äйffiffl»iгx¥Лййlo шйштж^п ^ж^Ф, ^жа^я^^т ®^ж^я^ж^АШё§*яшг Üft№xMo шашшедш, KatM^ffl-wi^o ша ш±лйш^кай ж^ЙШ^ tlÄo ШЛ£* ши^м, ts # ao T9 ÍM ftШSА№Wfttí#яs-^iaйлSÄл^йo afi±й®tsaйÈï^t ^#o ft^^i^^^isa^rt^^ftäfi-ftg, $шгш«йт 8*№*й ^МШШЙ ABC iMl^o tBfS-№M»Jtti*o ABC ÍM адмФ, »л^ад, stÆ*№iiwa-&. и*. жа S ^®^#o i23 Щ^(Й^Ш^) wft^&í-^iaйлSÄлйío 14£*»лкаФш&й 123 tM, s # atas^i23 tío fttíAíts s a^^síto FM fttrn (4*^№ ftSf^ftffii^o) 1. sшшйï^aw«aйæ#йttлt£«sïftШo 2. ж^лш^я t^^as (®s) 3. t^^asiaa < [æ®] *»ñwt®®*^o > шш: ^Wí№t#ffia»m iss^wss^o > g^fiffi: Ш«ЕёЙ" ïMiffiffi?" , а$ж "«Sfttâ?" iiâet, ш®# "¡i", шш®#й«^ > «Ш1Ш: t^WffJI£«^№t«:go > аай^шм: «^жайм^^ш^ ай®# [æ® - жажш лм ^^жа^л^^т а* > ш fm: & FM 1%тлй^$тшк, ^rnmíTttMMíiíúmiimoBft, rnrnrn тш»й®шт, ît^wMo -^¥ЛЖ?Ш, ййtffi, tâ««ê^, ^йй¥Л1йжймгй^ 1. ЙШ^МТЙЖШ 2. -Ж^*йййдя®^ ®o 3. ёй LMT [ж^ - «Ж - «$«Ж1 > æ# "£Ш£¥Л' > æ# "Ш^^яй^щ" > »лшАшей!®®, > »л "ше®дй^щ" > æ# "isstés" > æ# "ff", s "«г" > »ЛШАШей!®йгв,ёй LMT at > £Шй¥Ш1®ДШ SIM +, *««1®Й№ЕЙЙо > ЙйЙ«»ЛЁ®Й^^ЙЙ, М±ШШШ^Й (WÄ^S:+9i<¥rn^S>) > “оооо”0 ®^WSIIii##Fo 1. s*aa < [ж^], ^Êtffl±/T#ffiaæ# [«ж - iís+ml 2. æ# [жя -txft], №æ##m^o 3. s*aa < [«г], ^шг^й#^ ш > й*йяйй^яйй1й, *®#"«1й"«^ш^йй@ ao йашчйашйч«*шшйч^ш/^шшй t^wæ^tss^a. #^s nfo#fM. tâës. iâti. sa f. sat*. astt* s ffл/^лtж fê^wi&saf, ttio [ж^ - «Ж - tStí- Жй - tAft] i^-тз 1. ÈffiS 1.1 Si 1.2 «SA 1.3 ttät^ 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Stt 2. IhÄ 2.1 tftâ 2.2 ШМ 2.3 ?ЙЙ 2.4 2.5 EÄ1M 2.6 2.7 /№ГШ 2.8 ШШ 2.9 ЙЖ 3. Яйй^ 3.1 №^Ж® 3.2 *ft#t 3.3 tt 3.4 Eft#t 3.5 ЖЙШВД 4. 1Й 4.1 »Ä 4.2 FM ttЛ 4.3 i+Ш 4.4 4.5 4.6 ffiWlBl 5. ®1 5.1 f*Sí 5.2 BffiSWH 5.3 ® = 5.4 ЩЩ 5.5 ЩЩ 5.6 i^aft^ 5.7 ^$fôM 5.8 €ttí 5.9 B^æ# 5.0 fttSrfiM 5.* р№Ш 6. Bl* (SIM ^ш#)** 6.1 6.2 вей 6.3 ** ^S№#ëftÂ2Sft т sim ^щ#, ж^ 6 BPÄ"SIM ^щ#и, " вей"мйтж^ 4 -Ц" ЙTЖc feffi-S ж^ 1 gt ®^W4tffi;^Si«SAo at »л®й*йй«йш-^^в, ^iwäftSio дакжл ®длж^, t^W^EKSASaft 2~9 ФЙ^Ш, *tЙiИЙc йш*я й^w«slм^rt#Фй№tкsлtffls¥Лrt#o *^w«ï Лrt#Фй№tKsлtfflsslм^rt#o Й^WltSIM^rt#t¥Лrt#Фй№tKSЛc й^W^•slм^й¥Лйrt#^^o ЙЙ > $éftЙ^E^Ж#ëÄЙЙЖ#^ЩЯЙc > *m-m й^wß##**i£йslм^^Щo > ^^: tfflftæ®, t^w^Sfe^iBft«, ^л^щ^^й^ ^o is! m 2 1 i&j sms (% mum frlsB SSfrifrfiJ&o mfifl JttlP№iMmt,o mm Bg#fi /hErsMsa /j\Krisimit,iit^aaHi§ii(i*iitJMi]GSMfflp^ if—®?K$ififiJ&0 ®°TWili#fD^§iI!!x'liJ&sSlfrJIt Sffit^o umi^mmmimimcu) ot mmmmu ®2qrii*swi®# №WiiiS iSiifiBil'alM^ MFirW^JSo 7^ii5|t4, ltt®;5!itiiF®ii:#Sio20ii7fcS^;i,o iliSfftWis] m 4 am +s -s xN -Ho itWf! if B №§+#3 №+№£ffl»*g№o mmzsftfrftmmmo I'h] - t! ft S lir 0i I'i] o i^fflfti£l4o ^¿t s 1=1 itm \m, M£№im H*¥m#Mj±jBiig§ > J^IB iMftii^fnft^WWlimi fiSqrt6i£j$J&l£o *, »ijt)^>i;^'j*>iii№ a queii > SW^tbi^D№^+i№ft1tllo §mm Min, ^iisMrftn^+o □ m mnmi, iigiwj№«ft¥fMm > flt"li!,fflo 3IJSE mmttmm ism± JLm #¥fM£JLm®M^aft$^±l№o iD^K?S°rtb#&St,jB Pto Installing the SIM Card and Charging the Battery Installing the SIM Card When you subscribe to a cellular network, you are provided with a plug-in SIM card loaded with your subscription details, such as your PIN, any optional services available and many others. Important! > The plug-in SIM card and its contacts can be easily damaged by scratches or bending, so be careful when handling, inserting or removing the card. Keep all SIM cards out of the reach of small children. > USIM is not supported in this phone. > If the battery is removed for about 1 minute, the clock returns to its default setting. You will then need to reset the time. Illustrations El Open battery cover B Insert your SIM Q Close battery cover Q Charge your battery Fully charge the battery before using it for the first time. Phone Components Earpiece You can dial a phone number and answer Incoming calls. Alphanumeric keys These keys are used to dial a number In standby mode and to enter numbers or characters In edit mode. Soft keys Each of these keys performs the functions Indicated by the text on the display Immediately above them ¿3 : End /Power key Allows you to power the phone on or off, end calls, or return to Standby Mode. U : Navigation key Use for quick access t...