Anleitung Zusammenfassung
^jl_*JI 1^1* tl o^l—LI ^3 (j| L^j (y)l - bUr ^ I Ajr" ^uVI byM! 4.^l_lJI IwlLlAfVI ! (%1 - ■ ^ 1 a 1* J V jl^J-l J-oj i ¡JJ»li- eLj^S"jLj JLj^I) ^^Jl .. L» II ^7II i t > • '-I * * ’ . C-JjljUJJ li» VU3bJTjJ*V Country of origin: Spain LjL^u] j CuiJho (JjL-VI ^U-l (.Ujl V ^8 L-iJ^t ^^^1 j*j ^^^1 t^x£ ^-‘-*^1 (jotLI ij ^LJl—zJI ^jl-i^i! ':l^ i • ■ j> j ipII (3111 ** '_j*j Jj^l ^ aII ■ T * * 0 f J I.iI ^l..s^ _ ^ 507 ^: iJl ■ * — , «all iJ Year of manufacture: To determine the year of manufacture, refer to the 3-digit production code located at the lower side part of the handle. The first digit of the production code refers to the last digit of the year of manufacture. The next two digits refer to the calendar week in the year of the manufacture. Example: "507" - The product was manufactured In week 07 of 2005. 24 j[^\ dJLiJ j à,à (3 0^ (Ji (4) oLuaII (3 (5)Jaá^l • (3) sIjLaII t Aji^e CjJ^Iaji-l t(1) ÓjÁ\ c-JU : aJLJI (3 Lí^^* ôI S'*'?“ ■ MPZ 6 rr* -VI .(a)¿J>! uJISj »VI i—SjJaJI ¿ JajU 4^uw3j C>J^^ -MPZ 8/9 uJU ¿ j¿>-I (2) oJIl A.bj \(a)¿!>l ст.a » j ^jl <^LJl L-jjLex- oLj^-Lj j f _L¿j C 4jl^ê ^ ¿Ij JJLc .¿¡jÀI l-JIS ^X- .^JUI cl/VL Ï4ÎUJI i-J ¿-cX Ja^áJ _^*/a « 11 ¿ ^>^11 a51j¿JI jJjJjo сЛ1 frLcj ljLI lW^- í udll frLcj ¿ja ^ lili jvü-jVI cjjJaJI ¡3 j3 LaJJu . j^\ aSI^úJI tw-J ¿j ÔJ& íeJJI e\x*j ¿y> ^-*11 ú£^ ‘-ЗДаЛ . Jsl éS\¿A cJ
Entsafter - MPZ 6 (2.57 mb)
Entsafter - MPZ 9 (2.57 mb)