Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Normally, any problems concerning the product will be handled byyour dealer's' servicedpeartment. If you have a warranty problem that hasnot been handled to your satisfaction, we suggest you take the following action: Discuss your problem with a member of dealership management. Often complaints can be quickly resolved at that level. If the problem has already been reviewed with the ServiceManager, contact the owner of the dealership or the General Manager. If your problem still has not been resolved to your satisfaction, contact the . . Customer Relations Department of American Honda Motor Co., Inc.: AMERI%A2II EOlDDA MOTOR CO. llC. PYlwgR EQUEUEAP DIVISION 4475 m' PA.RKMAp G%EEN DUL;UTB, GEORGIA 30136 CUS!,#MER SERVICE DEP-NT (404) 497-6400 We will need the following information in order to assistyou: -Your name, address, and telephone number -Product model and serial number -Date of purchase -Dealer name and address -Nature of the problem After reviewing all the facts involved. you will be advised of what action can be taken. Please bear in mind that your problem will likely be resolved at the dealership, using the dealer's facilities. equipment, and personnel, so it is veryimportant that your initial contact be with the dealer. Your purchase of a Honda product is greatly appreciated by both your dealer and American Honda Motor Company. We want to assist you in every way possible to assure your complete satisfaction with your purchase. ASSEMBLY 1. Securethe landside to the frog with two . %If x 1" plow bolts and square nuts; finger tighten. Next, mount the brace between the moldboard and the landside with %It x 1 If plow bolts and square nuts. Tighten all bolts securely. 2. Assemble the standard to the landside assembly after inserting the land adjusting bolt (94" x 2%" hex) through the tab on the standard and into the square nut. Then install the carriage bolt and square nut at the top hole, and the 'Aff x 2" plow bolt and square nut (not shown) at the remaining hole in the landside, frog, and standard. Tighten the bolts securely. 3.Position the beam assembly over the standard and secure with two 1/13'' x 2*h" hex bolts, lock washers, and hex nuts; tighten securely. 4. Install the beam assembly on the mast using two U-bolts (saddledfrom the front), 9@,lr lock washers, and hex nuts. NOTE: If the tractor rear wheels are set in narrow tread position, position the beam asshown. If wheels are set wide. locate the beam asoutlined. (SeeWidth ofCutin 'OPERATIONsection.) 5. Install the spacer betweenthe mast arms at the bottom hole. Secure with a %If x 21/13"hex bolt, lock washer. and hex hut. 6. Install the link pins and secure them with %If hexjam nuts, lock washers. and hex nuts. NOTE:Use holes X-X for tractors with 8.00 x 15" or larger tires: use holes 2-2 with 8.00 x 12" tires. BEAM ASSEMBLY BOLTS. LOCK WASHERS, NUTS CARRIAGE BOLT, LAND ADJUSTING BOLT, Ye" X 2%" BEAM ASSEMBLV Beam position /I with rear wheels set for narrow tread; approx. 21 between tires. \ Beam position with rear wheels set for wide tread; tread; approx. 30" between tires. HOLIE T Use with 8.00 x 12"tires SPACERS SPACERSSPACERS NUTS NUTSNUTS 7.Insert the standard into the hub on the .fork and secure it with the pin. Leave an equal amount of the pin extending on each side of the hub. 8. Assemble the coulter blade hub to the blade using three carriage bolts, flat washers, hex lock nuts. -STANDARD -STANDARD -STANDARD 9. Assemble the fork and coulter with the axle, aligning the squares. Install two flat washers. and securewith the cotter pin. Bend the legs of the pin over the axle. 10. Mount the coulter/fork assemblyon the left side of the plow beam using the clamp and U-bolt. Insert two spacersbetween the beam arms, then secure the U-bolt with 94" hex nuts: tighten the nuts securely. After assembly, refer to PLOW ADJUSTMENTS to set the coulter. COULTE~ BLADE WASHER HEX BOLT h 1 WASHERS 11. Install the hub on the gauge wheel usingthree !%// x 3/4't carriage bolts, plainwashers, and hex lock nuts. 12. Install the flat washer on the hex bolt, insert the bolt through the hub. then add a second flat washer and the hexjam nut. Secure with the lock washer and hex nut on the inside of the bracket asshown. 13.Mount the gauge wheel assemblyon the plow beam standard using the short U-bolt and securewith 94" lock washers and hex nuts. Preparing Plow for Use After assembly, clean the moldboard with a rag soaked in turpentine, kerosene or naphtha so that dirt will be less likely to stick to the protective coating. The coating can be removed with an old brick or a pumice stone, but this usually isn't necessaq unless the soil is too wet or stice. b- Work in a well-ventilated area and handle cleaning materials with care. Wipe up any spilled liquid immediately and make sure the area is dry before starting the tractor. BRACKET LOCK WASHERS, If //I PRE-OPERA’MONADJusTlyIENTs 1. Installthe plow on the tractor: Securethe link pins to the lower links with spring pi...
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