Anleitung Zephyr, modell ZEPHYR CBE-1000
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
WARNING TOREDUCETHERISKOFFIRE,ELECTRICSHOCK,ORINJURYTOPERSONS, OBSERVETHEFOLLOWING: a. Use this unit only in the manner intended by the manufacturer, If you have questions, contact the manufacturer. b. Before servicing or cleaning unit, switch power off at service panel and lock the service disconnecting means to prevent power from being switched on accidentally. When the service disconnecting means cannot be locked, securely fasten a prominentwarning device, such as tag, to the service panel. CAUTION For General VentilatingUse Only. Do not Use to Exhaust Hazardous or Explosive Materials and Vapors. WARNING TO REDUCE THE RISK OFARANGE TOP GREASE FIRE: a. Neverleavesurface unitsunattendedathighsettings.Boiloverscause smokingandgreasyspilloversthatmayignite.Heatoilsslowlyonlow or mediumsettings. b.AlwaysturnhoodONwhencookingathighheatorwhencookingflambeingfood(i.e.Crepes Suzette,Cherries Jubilee,Peppercorn Beef Flambe) c. Clean ventilatingfans frequently. Grease should not be allowed to accumulate on fan or filter. d. Use properpan size. Always use cookware appropriatefor the size of the surface element. WARNING TOREDUCETHERISKOFINJURYTOPERSONSINTHEEVENTOFARANGETOPGREASEFIRE,OBSERVE THEFOLLOWING: a. SMOTHER FLAMES withaclose-fittinglid,cookiesheet,ormetaltray,thenturnofftheburner.BECAREFULTOPREVENTBURNS. Iftheflamesdonotgooutimmediately,EVACUATE ANDCALLTHEFIREDEPARTMENT. b. NEVER PICK UP A FLAMING PAN -Youmaybeburned. c. DO NOT USE WATER, includingwet dishcloths or towels -a violentsteam explosionwillresult. d. Use an extinguisherONLY if: 1. You know you have a class AB C extinguisher, and you already know how to operate it. 2. The fire is small and contained in the area where it started. 3. The fire departmentis being called. 4. You can fight the fire with your back to an exit. 5. Based on“KitchenFire SafetyTips”publishedbyNFPA. WARNING TOREDUCETHERISKOFFIRE,ELECTRICSHOCK ORINJURYTOPERSONS,OBSERVETHEFOLLOWING: a. InstallationWorkandElectricalWiringMustbeDonebyQualifiedPerson(s) InAccordancewithallApplicableCodes andStandards, IncludingFire-Rated Construction. b.Sufficientairisneededforpropercombustionandexhaustingofgases throughtheflue(chimney)offuelburningequipmenttopreventback drafting.Followtheheatingequipmentmanufacturer’sguidelineandsafetystandardssuchas thosepublishedbytheNationalFire Protection Association (NFPA), and the American Society for Heating, Refrigeration, and Air ConditioningEngineers (ASHRAE) and the local code authorities. c. Whencuttingordrillingintowallorceiling,donotdamageelectricalwiringandotherhiddenutilities. d. Ducted fans must always vent to the outdoors. WARNING TO REDUCE THE RISKOFFIRE, USE ONLYMETALDUCTWORK. CAUTION To reduce risk of fire and to properlyexhaust air, be sure to duct air outside -Do not vent exhaust air into spaces withinwalls or ceilings or into attics, crawl spaces or garages. CBE-1000 external blower is to be used only with compatible Zephyr hoods. Please refer to hood manual for external blower compatibility. 1 NOTE: The following instructions explain the mounting procedures for the CBE-1000 external blower. Please refer to your hood manual for instructions on preparing the hood for use with external blower. Fig-5 24" 30" 8" 4" 3" 10 1/4" 55/8" 2" 1 5/8" 23/4" 7 1/8" 7 1/2" 8" Fig-1 TYPICAL INSTALLATION ROOF MOUNT OUTSIDE WALL MOUN T 10" Elbow 10" Duct 10" E lbow Roof Hood Hood Outside Wall Installation - External Blower Specifications Recommended for use only over conventional domestic gas and electric ranges. 2 Installation - External Blower 1. Remove and discard shipping brackets and wood support (attached to sides of motor and inlet collar). Fig. -7 BEFORE INSTALLING , check to see if blower wheel turns freely and does not rub on motor brackets. Check damper door to be sure it moves freely and spring returns door to closed position. 2. Provide 14” x 18” hole through the roof or wall as shown in Fig. -2. For reference, location of 10” duct connection and wiring connection is shown. 3. Install blower on roof or wall, with discharge Fig-2 (screened end) pointing down, according to standard roofing procedures. NOTE: Front discharge edge should be on top of shingles and rear and side edges under shingles. Unit must be sealed between roof or wall and under side of flange with roofing mastic to prevent leaks. For installation on a flat roof, or roofs with pitch 14" 18" 4 1/2" 7 3/4" 10 1/2" 1 1/2" Top View of less than 1 1/2’ in 12”, install blower on curb Down Slope as shown in Fig. -3. Position curb on sloping roof of with 2” dimension facing down slope. Position curb Roof or Wall on flat roofs so that disc harge points away from prevailing wind. Remove Remove Fig-7RemoveRemove Fig-3 24" 30" 6"2" 1 1/2" 3 4. Connect the blower to exhaust system with a 10” diameter metal duct only. Use 10” adjustable elbow to adjust to roof angle. IMPORTANT: You must run 10” round duct work from the external blower to the ceiling. Before the duct work passe...